Hi Weston,Weston wrote:Hey Nebraska!
Did you add those snaps to the jacket, or do they offer it that way? I have no experience with G&B, but have always admired the jacket. What we need to see is a picture of you wearing it in the field, covered in desert dust! Thanks for the pic.
The snaps do not come with the G&B jacket--I added them later. Here's the link to the thread about when I decided to get snaps added: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46921&hilit=Goat
Although I brought it along for this past summer's excavation at Tel Akko, we were on the coast and it was just too hot and humid for it. At the Ramat Rachel excavation, some mornings it was cool enough for a jacket, but I didn't have it yet. But I'll keep looking for the opportunity--thanks!

Nebraska Schulte