(This was posted over on the Indylounge as well, so apologies for those of you whom saw it there too..)

Well, yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving my Adventurebilt from Steve Delk.. It actually arrived two days back, but I had missed the first delivery due to my Graduation party (And arriving home rather drunk.. Long story..)

Anyway, I wanted to share the experience with you all (Not for the first time for many I'm sure, but still...), so, here are the photos!

Just out of the box:

A close up of the inside:

Close up on the leather band:

Interesting to see actually, I'd assumed that the Akubra colouring was spot on, but it seems a touch darker than the "true" Indy colour... Compared to Steve's work it's almost black.. Very interesting to see.. :

And last, me wearing it! (Apologies to young children and women who may find the image disturbing..):

Steve, if you see this thread, I said it before and I'll say it again, you are a gentleman and an artisan, and your work is stunning.. Thank you very, very much.

Regards to all!