So, does anyone have any tips, recommendations, or suggestions? I have a regular tailor, so I can go to him for sizing (and actually, I need to stop by and talk to him about other stuff). That, at least, will not be a problem.
They don't seem to have a "Raiders vs. TOD vs. LC vs. KotCS" set of options and such, so I'm curious as to what they tend to do with their jacket specs, or if I should make special requests?
I figure I'll probably go with square side "rings", and I hear they do solid stitching on the straps. I'm not particularly concerned with brass vs. nickel as far as the zipper goes (I never noticed any differences in the zippers while watching the films). Aside from dunno. Maybe under-arm gussets so the jacket still hangs properly when I move my arms. I don't plan on asking for any pre-distressing (I plan to own this jacket a LONG time and beat the tar out of it myself).
Any other things I should keep in mind? Any special considerations with G&B? I know they're supposed to run a little big with the standard sizes, but I figure by giving them custom measurements, it ought to fit me just fine. Any special discounts for letting them know the fine folks at Indygear/COW sent me their way?