I can't tell you how thrilled I am to recently discover this board. I've been checking it out for a few days and am amazed at the dedication, passion of the participants and level of information available. I really want to get an Indy jacket but am a bit overwhelmed by the choices available. Right now I'm leaning towards some of the US Wings offerings but had some general questions that I'm hoping make sense and can be answered.
Right now the only 'high end' leather coat I own is a Wested "Tomorrow Never Dies' James Bond style coat. Absolutely beautiful but the sleeves have never quite fit the way I like. There are no pleats in the back and, for example, when I reach for the steering wheel the sleeves go halfway up my forearm. I'm hoping to avoid this in the Indy jackets and was wondering if anyone can address this with the jackets from US Wings. I hope this makes sense and I look forward to hearing from this great group of fans.
You've brought me back to that summer night a long time ago when I sat in the theater, awestruck, watching "Raiders" for the first time! I saw it about 5 or 6 times that summer and it got better every time! Thank you!!