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Hello and general question.

Post by tmm1944 »

Hello friends,

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to recently discover this board. I've been checking it out for a few days and am amazed at the dedication, passion of the participants and level of information available. I really want to get an Indy jacket but am a bit overwhelmed by the choices available. Right now I'm leaning towards some of the US Wings offerings but had some general questions that I'm hoping make sense and can be answered.
Right now the only 'high end' leather coat I own is a Wested "Tomorrow Never Dies' James Bond style coat. Absolutely beautiful but the sleeves have never quite fit the way I like. There are no pleats in the back and, for example, when I reach for the steering wheel the sleeves go halfway up my forearm. I'm hoping to avoid this in the Indy jackets and was wondering if anyone can address this with the jackets from US Wings. I hope this makes sense and I look forward to hearing from this great group of fans.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Texan Scott »

The cinematic perfect storm...'nothing else has come close'.

The Legend jacket, import or US made is a great option for a slim fit Indy jacket in antique cow. The import is only $195 to COW members and a bargain, quite possibly the best bargain in the forum at the moment. Sleeves are a comfortable length, if not longer than your typical jacket. The sleeves onthisLarge-Reg. measure 25 1/2". Take the leap of faith, it's worth it. ;)
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Arca Perdida »

Is it true that the US-made Legend sleeves are slightly more fitted than the imported ones? I seem to remember reading that somewhere. I think it was on one of Weston's posts.
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Hello and general question.

Post by djd »

Outside of US Wings there are also some great options around. A lot depends on your budget (doesn't it always?).

I don't own one but the Tony Nowak jackets are superb but are priced accordingly ($1000 or so depending on the hide)

Both magnoli and Todds Costumes make great custom jackets for around the $500-600 Mark. Wested come in a bit cheaper with their customs.

G&B make a superbly put together jacket although it's a bit dressy looking for my taste - I think they're round the $500 mark too?

Wested off the rack and Todds off the racks are at the cheapest end. Both are great looking jackets for the money. In fact, I'd say Todds is one of the most SA Raiders patterns and also the cheapest. To me, wested make a great LC jacket but a less convincing Raiders.

Never been more good options for a Indy fan :)
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Michaelson »

....and to add to the above, examples of ALL these come in and out of the classifed section all the time, so you can pick up a great bargain if you keep your eyes open.

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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Holt »

djd wrote: To me, wested make a great LC jacket but a less convincing Raiders.

well, IMO the raiders jacket I have I find look closer then anything else on the market even sometimes the nowak and that is copied from a screen used one...

but as we all know, wested is a hit and miss. mine was a hit and a solid one to..

this one

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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

To focus on the original leaning toward US Wings, you are not likely to have the same issues with any of their jackets that you are having with the Wested TND. Even their most fitted jackets seems to fit comfortably, move well, and have proven very practical.

Any particular offerings that you would like to know about, tmm1944? Somebody here might have the exact jacket you are thinking of getting.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by tmm1944 »

Thanks very much for the reply.

Right now I'm kind of leaning towards the "Antique Cowhide Indy-style Hero Jacket".

I like the pre-distressed look and the fact that it's described as a having a "Full Cut" is making it more attractive. I can't stand feeling like I can't move my arms in a jacket. Especially when I never know when I may have to throw someone the idol so they can throw me the whip! ;)

I'm 6 feet tall, weigh 235-240 and generally take a 2XL in most brands of jacket that I purchase.

I kind of like the "Collectors Edition Signature Series™ Indy-style Vintage Adventurer Jacket". I can take or leave the snaps on the wind flap but my hesitation with this particular style is that the fit described as 'Normal'. I'm concerned it may be feel too restrictive as compared to the Hero jacket.

Any feedback on either of those models would be great.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Hollowpond »

I loved my Antique COW, but the sleeves did ride up pretty bad, and that's why I got rid of it. If you do go that route, I would check on long sizes if that is an issue with you. Otherwise check out the legend pattern from Wings, the sleeve length and fully functional action pleat are perfect for no sleeve ride!

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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Texan Scott »

I think you are right with your assessment. The Hero jacket is most like a LC jacket, fuller cut, wider yoke, etc. The Legend is most like a Raiders jacket, slimmer fit.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Holt »

Tex is right.

even though the Hero jacket is suppose to be some sort of early raiders pattern it looks way more LC then anything else. not only the fuller cut/wide yoke but the other smaller details like the non extending collarstand, snaps, pluss the short straps and brass Drings.... and of course the lack of hem stitch.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Dr. Evil »

My only advice is buy the best right from the start, because if you're like me or any of the other obsessive people here, you'll find yourself nit-picking your purchase in front of the mirror within the first month of owning it and then you'll be wishing you had just gone ahead and bought that one that was just twice as expensive.

I own a legend cowhide import from US Wings. It's nice, but I'm starting to not like that bagginess on the sides of the front panel. So, I'm sort of wishing I would have just stuck with the Legend US Made Striated Lamb. You see what I mean?

I think the obsession over this jacket comes with being a true fan of Indiana Jones. Other people just look at and say, "It's just a jacket." But if you're into the mystique of the Indy character, the jacket somehow brings back all those things that kept taking you back to the theater those 5 or 6 times. Pretty soon, you're looking for that ultimate jacket that seems to capture that magic the most.

Go with the best, whatever that is, but drop some cash on it now, because three or four of the same jackets hanging up in the closet starts to get redundant. The Wested off the racks that are now only UK made wouldn't be bad and neither would the US Wings Import Legends. If you have a gut, perhaps a Last Crusade style jacket with the snaps on the storm flap would be better because keeping that bottom snapped limits the side-angle maternity effect that happens when the storm flap pops out when you've got the jacket zipped up. I'm just saying this because I have a pretty big gut now and those Indy jackets are starting to look a little foolish. I need to run from some rolling boulders or practice my long jumps or something.

Good Luck!
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

tmm1944 wrote:Thanks very much for the reply.

Right now I'm kind of leaning towards the "Antique Cowhide Indy-style Hero Jacket".

I like the pre-distressed look and the fact that it's described as a having a "Full Cut" is making it more attractive. I can't stand feeling like I can't move my arms in a jacket. Especially when I never know when I may have to throw someone the idol so they can throw me the whip! ;)

I'm 6 feet tall, weigh 235-240 and generally take a 2XL in most brands of jacket that I purchase.

I kind of like the "Collectors Edition Signature Series™ Indy-style Vintage Adventurer Jacket". I can take or leave the snaps on the wind flap but my hesitation with this particular style is that the fit described as 'Normal'. I'm concerned it may be feel too restrictive as compared to the Hero jacket.

Any feedback on either of those models would be great.
I happen to own both of those. In terms of cut, the listings are not accurate. The Collectors Edition is roomier than the Antique Hero in 2XL (my size). However, neither is restrictive. I'm a rather portly guy, and I hate being restricted by clothing. I really like the fit of the Antique Hero, though it took a few days to break in.

Other differences; the Collectors Edition is much thicker, heavier, warmer, and stiffer. Also, it is a very light color. And Hollowpond is right about the sleeves. They ride up a bit too much while driving (maybe the only US Wings jacket that does). The Antique Hero is much darker and has the virtue of being more versatile in terms of wearing weather (I wore it from upstate NY to Southern CA and back in November without complaint). It's a great LC style that combines the toughness of cowhide with the lighter feel of goatskin or lamb. Personally, I think it may be their best Indy offering.

For reference, here are a few "real world" pics.

The Collectors Edition

The Antique Hero

Antique Hero "in action"

Special note - don't go by the sleeve lengths in these photos. I have short arms, so they were altered by a tailor.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by moab »

Go with the G&B lamb. One of our own designed it from an original pattern. I own one. Long live _.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

_ wrote:This from one of the best Toht impersonators I've seen. That was a terrific outfit, my friend. :TOH:
Herzlichen dank, mein herr. :TOH:
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by tmm1944 »

OK, you guys were supposed to be making my choice easier!

Seriously, the information that has been provided is greatly appreciated and invaluable. I am also considering the imported "Legend". I like the looks and it seems that the sleeves have the articulation I'm looking for. This is really important to me. I mean the appearance is, of course, a key element but if is doesn't fit properly I won't wear it. And I have no intention of spending that kind of money for it to hang up in the closet! This is precisely what happened with my Wested TND jacket. Absolutely beautiful coat, flawless work but the sleeves are too restrictive. I'm also trying to remain cognizant of the fact that the design of these jackets is not going to give me the sleeve articulation of, say, an A-2 type jacket. I have an A-2 knockoff from Wilson's Leather that I bought back in the 80s and still fits perfectly and oddly enough it's an XL.

The Gibson and Barnes is a beautiful jacket, just not sure I can justfy 500$ right now (or ever!).

Thanks again for all the input, this is an amazing group of people and fellow fans. :TOH:
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Dr. Evil »

The import Legend has plenty of sleeve room and fits me looser in the arms than my Westeds. I also have an A2 from US Authentic MFG Co and it is no where near as ample in the arms as my Legend Import. The back-panel of my cowhide Legend Import is very stretchy and the action pleats are pretty good at giving you extra leeway. The arm holes are quite large and the upper arms are, too. You can't beat the price. I've read some good thinks about the import striated lamb, too, so, perhaps keep that in mind. The medium seems to be about a size 40, but is roomy in the chest and shoulders. The sleeves are about 25 inches, if memory serves me correctly and so far, the creasing of the sleeves has not caused them to shorten. I've worn mine quite a bit, too. The cowhide really doesn't achieve much of an accordion effect in the sleeves, so I wouldn't think it would be necessary to go long on them, thinking they might shorten. The cowhide may get a nice patina on it over the years.
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Hello and general question.

Post by djd »

The import SL disappeared without a trace. With the exception of sarge's prototype none were ever seen. It's no longer on the Wings site either.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by gladd96 »

tmm1944 wrote:OK, you guys were supposed to be making my choice easier!

Seriously, the information that has been provided is greatly appreciated and invaluable. I am also considering the imported "Legend". I like the looks and it seems that the sleeves have the articulation I'm looking for. This is really important to me. I mean the appearance is, of course, a key element but if is doesn't fit properly I won't wear it. And I have no intention of spending that kind of money for it to hang up in the closet! This is precisely what happened with my Wested TND jacket. Absolutely beautiful coat, flawless work but the sleeves are too restrictive. I'm also trying to remain cognizant of the fact that the design of these jackets is not going to give me the sleeve articulation of, say, an A-2 type jacket. I have an A-2 knockoff from Wilson's Leather that I bought back in the 80s and still fits perfectly and oddly enough it's an XL.

The Gibson and Barnes is a beautiful jacket, just not sure I can justfy 500$ right now (or ever!).

Thanks again for all the input, this is an amazing group of people and fellow fans. :TOH:

I'd say given your size US Wings would be a good place to start. Their return policy allows you the ability to experiment with different sizes and styles... I believe as long as you don't remove the tags you're only on the hook for the return shipping. I'd suggest giving them a call and let them know what your looking for. Wested does make some nice jackets but the shipping and communication can be difficult.

If you like the well worn in look the antique naked cowhide is very nice. If you don't want a constrictive fit go with the hero and not the legend though if you really prefer the look of the legend you may be OK sizing up. The Legends are fairly new so I'm not sure if anyone here will know the specs on the XXL and I don't believe the longs have made it in stock yet.

Good luck.
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Re: Hello and general question.

Post by Solo4114 »

While it's out of your price range, for what it's worth, I've had difficulty getting a hold of Riley at Tony Nowak's jackets via email. Haven't tried calling, though. My concerns are currently more about durability combined with overall accuracy and getting something custom-tailored, so I'm likely headed towards the G&B Exposition in Goatskin, unless I hear that a Riley jacket will hold up as well. I'm also not going for 100% screen accuracy a la Harrison Ford's measurements/pattern. I'd rather the jacket overall have the same rough pattern, but be cut to fit me well than try to force myself into a jacket pattern made for Ford. (Hope that makes sense...)

I have a Wested Raiders in lambskin from 2001 or so, and while I like it, it hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped. I dealt with Wested over the phone, though, and at the time I found them to be perfectly pleasant and helpful. I gather email's a bit dodgier with them. For the price, though, they may be a good choice.
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