we know the jacket is 'authentic' brown and we only see one or two scenes where you can see the jacket clearly in its original color. and in some scenes it looks almost black. but lately I have started to see the color that I think is most seen actually. Greyish. and I so dig the look and color.
I mean, when Indy just whiped himself over the gap.
Just when he comes out from the WOS.
With Marion behind the barrels.
German mechanic fight,
when he climbs up on the plane to resque marion.
on the grill.
truck drag.
behind the wheel of the truck.
and more....
this color is what I'm talking about. westeds current ''washed'' goat is almost identical to this color. alittle bit of distressing and you have the ''Marion'' jacket. hmm? maby I will swap my LC order to another raiders in the greyish washed goat?

what do you think? what is your favorite color?