Those of you who are HARDCORE Natural Distressing Advocates might want to look away for this one.

Now, don't get me wrong... I'm ALSO not into taking a scrub-brush to a perfectly good jacket... I really AM in favor of just letting wear'n'tear be a natural part of your life - and experiences - with a jacket.
But this happened because of that GREAT HAT.

Simply put, my wife was taking a number of shots of me wearing my New Penman Distressed Rabbit (complete with a little bit of strategically placed Fuller's Earth on it) and once I'd finished getting a few "Streets of Cairo"-lookin' UNtucked shirt-type pictures taken, I couldn't help but wonder

(As I applied it, I kept telling myself - and my wife - "Don't worry... it'll just wipe right off!" )
I'm not sure what kinda' look I thought I'd get, whether it's closer to "Raven Bar" or more along the lines of "Just Escaped from the Well of The Souls and about 2 Minutes Before the Showdown at The Flying Wing"-type look...
I'll let you decide...did I put on TOO much? Does it look okay - at least for the purpose of looking SA?
I will admit, though... I was kinda thrilled to see my good 'ol reliable jacket take on such a different look (and I've also gotta say, I'm just thrilled with the way the arms of my Wested are continuing to get those great folds in 'em! The Fuller's seemed to accentuate that even MORE).

Please let me know what you think.
(Bracing for cries of "Traitor!" from the Natural Distressing Camp...)
Go ahead, Michealson... I know you'll enjoy tellin' me off... It's good Therapy!
