I researched, debated, cursed and smiled as I decided to order my 1st Wested's...

After a "year" I finally have my new Jacket!

(Well sorta.. it was ordered at the enc of Nov/03

It finally arrived yesterday much to my delight.. I ripped open the package much as a kid @ xmas time would

After a loooooooooooooooooooong day and into today I now finally have time to bask in the glow of a brand new authentic goatskin

My fiancee took one look at it on me and said "####... excellent fitting! You can tell it's tailored for your size.. amazing since the taylor is on the other side of the planet!"

Now I look over it and there is no doubt it was $ well spent to replace my "Dead Cow".

Perfect fit .. only things missing were snaps on the storm flap and a name tag. The name tag machine I've heard is dead.. and that can be lived without. The snaps though I wonter how hard it would be to add in w/o having to ship it back?
Regardless it's an amazing product at less than half the cost of many others.. and NOTHING local would even come close to it imho. A happy coincidence as well.. new leather gloves I recieved as an xmas gift are an almost perfect color match to it once I treated them w/Picards

Anyhow to anyone debating about getting a Wested I say this.... GET IT! Don't debate.. only decide on leather type/style/options and order it..

I'll snap some pics very soon to post if anyone would like em.. and perhaps some pix of my "Dead Cow" for the curious.
#### I'm even wearing the new goat while typing this indoors