PBB is finally off my back because of someone who cares!!!

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PBB is finally off my back because of someone who cares!!!

Post by FLATHEAD »

Hi all:

I just wanted to let everyone know that PBB Global is finally off my back
because of someone here who said they would help out another fan.

I am refering to our very own Shalimar, and the very generous offer he made
a few weeks back, when I posted again that PBB was still trying to get
money from me, even though I had already paid all the duties that were
due on my Wested.

Just to refresh everyone. I had recieved my Wested Raiders jacket back
in May, 2003. I had to send it back because of some defects in the snaps.

I received a replacement from Peter a few weeks later, but I had to send
that one back too, because of the "ride-up" in the front.

I finally got a perfect Wested Authentic lambskin in July, and I could not
be happier with it!! I added the extra inch and a half to the front, and it
fits beautifully!

Now my PBB story. I got the first PBB bill for the first jacket, and I paid
it, even though I sent the first jacket back. I figured that I was getting
a replacement, and it was only fair.

Then, I got another seperate bill for the replacement jacket! I
gave PBB a phone call, and they agreed that they made a mistake, and
I should not have been charged again for the same purchase, because
the jacket was a replacement of the first one. So, I thought all was well.

Anyway, good old PBB sends me a third bill! I called again, and
explained again that it was the same purchase, and that I only have one
jacket. And that I had to return the second one for a replacement, just
like the first time. And they had understood that they made a mistake
the first time, and they corrected it. And this time was just like before.

Well this time, they would not admit they made another mistake, and
they kept sending me this third bill over and over and over again.

They even sent me threatening letters that they would ruin my credit
if I did not pay.

Then they sent my case to their legal department, and then these legal
people sent me threatening letters of legal action if I did not pay!

I sent each and every one of these people all the proof that I paid for all
the duties on my one and only jacket purchase. I included all the receipts
from Peter that showed the two replacements were both an exchange, no
charge to me. I sent them all the return shipping labels that showed I
was sending the jackets back for exchanges, and there was no additional
customs duties on them if they were exchanged for free. I even included
with my letters to these people the actual customs requirements for
items imported into the United States, that showed any items being
replaced for free get no new customs charges.

But, each time I sent the PBB people these letters, they just sent this
case to a different person, and I got more threatening letters.

After I posted what happened to me, Shalimar stepped in, and made an
offer to anyone, especially me, Flathead, to get in touch with PBB for us,
because he lives nearby, and he would call them and try to straighten this
out because he said he deals with import/export transactions all the time.

So, I figured I would take him up on his offer, because I had no one
else to turn to. I tried what Michaelson had suggested, and wrote to the
Postal Inspector, but they said it was a Customs item, and they could not
help me.

Anyway, I sent Shalimar all the papers I had about this whole thing, and
he said he would call them like he offered, and see what he could do.

And guess what? After only a few days of dealing with PBB, Shalimar
got them to finally see that they made another mistake, and they told
him that they are going to remove this from my account finally!!! :D
I could not be happier!! :D :D He knew what to say to them when I didn't.
He knew exactly what it would take to make them see they were wrong.
And he showed them that they were harrassing me, and they finally saw
the light! I could never do that in all the months of dealing with them myself.

It just goes to show you that there are still people in this world that are
willing to help others, even though they may be thousands of miles away,
and have nowhere to turn.

I wanted to let everyone know that these forums work for more than
just finding out what jacket or hat is good, or what color or type of leather
to get! They work because there are people out there like Shalimar that
really do care about others. And I could not be happier for Shalimar
being there for me, and COW for giving me the chance to deal with great individuals
like Shalimar, and the rest of you who offered your advice to my situation.

Again, a HUGE thanks to Shalimar for helping a guy he didn't even know
get out of a very bad situation that he couldn't get out of himself!!

You guys are THE BEST!!

A huge thankyou!!

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Post by WhipDude »

wow, he didnt even expect a single bit of money. how nice was that. These people here are nice, and keep this place cleaned up. That story very much reminded me of another Indy fan that helped me out on something.
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Post by Shalimar »

FH> As I said before it's no biggie.. Just my using my "bring an A**hole" to good use for a change :wink:

You just have to know what to say to make em listen closely

WD: Money? Well ####.. guess I screwed myself again eh? :lol:

Seriously though.. $ isn't everything in life. Twasn't nuthin! :oops:
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Post by auntsugar »

Great story. i remember this thread before, and wondered how it was going to end. Nice to know you got some good help in the matter.
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Post by Mike »

Kudos to you Shalimar! This is indeed a very noble thing you've done.

I've been contemplating contacting Peter about a change I'd like to make to my Wested, but have been hesitant to do so for fear of reprecussions of sending it back. This gives me a bit of hope that hassles can be rectified, so I may give it a try.

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Post by Shalimar »

Hey Mike... for you and anyone else that has to go through this,, mark the package as "WARRANTY Return"

I'm also going to chat wPeter & Gerry about such since marking it as serviceed under warranty will help eliminate the stupidity @ PBB
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Post by Mike »

Thanks for the tip!

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Post by Cassidy »

Good on ya, but you may want to consider getting a credit report, just to make sure that they haven't filed a complaint and screwed with your credit.

I say this because my wife and I recently got our reports and were shocked to see that both of our old jobs, banks, and ANCIENT, long ago paid off and cancelled credit cards were still shown.

You know, it's places like this that spend so much time harassing decent, law abiding people, and never look within to fix their own faults that get me going. So I was late with a payment. Does that warrant 10 phone calls a week? Don't think so.

PBB is just another faceless, faultless corporation. Taxes were paid on my behalf...BAH! I never asked them to, which, I wouldn't be surprised had hidden handling fees and administration charges.

I REALLY need to win the lottery so I can buy the wife and I an island where I can rule and be King of the monkeys, sipping Pina Coladas all day and never have to hear from companies like PBB again. BAH!

Oh yeah, check your credit in case, Cassidy out.
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Post by Shalimar »

You're quite welcome Mike :)

And funny Cassidy.. I already told FH to do exactly that in a few weeks to be sure they didn't screw up the fix as well. From what I know of US laws you can now get your credit report FREE. (Not always the same case in other countries however). Now since I'm not american there are limits on what I can/cannot do.. so if anyone in here knows more details on doing such for their fellows from the US I'm sure FH and others would appreciate it.
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Post by FLATHEAD »

Yep, Shalimar did tell me to get the credit report! You guys really
think alike!! :shock:

I will do it like he said in a few weeks.

Whats funny to me is this. PBB has spent more time writing
letters, mailing them out, and doing all their harrassing, and
this has to cost them WAY more than the $21.18 that they
were trying to extort from me.

And, to top it off, everytime they sent me a new bill, they had
stapled to it, the invoice from Peter, clearly showing on
it, that the jacket was an exchange/no charge to customer
writen in big letters right in the center of the invoice!!

They can't even read or understand their own business practices.

At least they made me laugh through some of this.

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

How does one go about getting a free credit report?
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Post by Farnham54 »

ITG, I see www.freecreditreport.com advertised all the time on TV, though I've never used them the might be worth a look.


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Post by Cassidy »

I don't think anything in life is ever "free," but I know that Equifax can give you access to your credit report online for 30 days at a cost of $15, which is what my wife and I did.

This is in Canada, mind you, I'm not sure if Equifax is an international company, but it's worth a look.

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Post by Shalimar »

Cassidy... equifax is still trying to charge here in Canada but they cannot charge for such in the US anymore (fairly recent change) and the legality of charging someone for their own personal information here is in court as well.

So for the time being it seem we Canucks are SOL :x
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