jlhampton wrote:yeah, you won't be disappointed with todd's shirt. i have one from the original run which can appear to be a tad on the yellow side, but it only seems that way when next to other shirts. it doesn't look so bad when it's out in natural sunlight. i still am going to get a new todd's relatively soon, along with a jacket, too, i think.
as you can see in the pics the fabric is right on and it's very comfortable, too. well worth it.
Well I think that settles it for me, I'm going to go ahead a get one of Todd's tomorrow. I just kept hearing how yellow-ish Todd's shirt was, so I was a little concerned. But looking at Michael's photo, then having Todd respond to me I feel a lot more comfortable now. I do appreciate all your input that you've shared so far!
Tundrarider wrote:DeLoreanDMC81 wrote:Hi James, Wow, it's been a long time since I saw such a dark Indy shirt. You might ask the owner if he has done anything to change the colors of either shirt.
As for the Middle Todd's shirt in the pic, I bought it just before CS came out in theaters. The color has
always been a darker khaki color, which I like. I haven't done anything to the color of this shirt. However, I have worn it A LOT a sweated in it and seldom washed it, so it may have darkened from wear.

But, it's really a moot point, as the newer Todd's shirts are much lighter as seen in the newer shirt on the right. That shirt has almost a "creamy" color, which I also have not altered.
My apologies to Todd, as I never meant for this to be a comparision thread between WPG and Todd's, as I mentioned above in my original post. I simply took the pic of the WPG with my only other Indy shirts just to illustrate the color of the WPG, not the other way around.
And to James and jlhampton, this is nothing against what you guys are trying to figure out here; I totally understand your concern about the shirt colors. Wouldn't it be great to be able to go to an Indiana Jones Shop where all the vendors products are displayed and you compare colors, styles and sizes and can try everything on?

Actually, though that would be very cool, I am not diminishing what we have here with this community and all of the great vendors on-line. It's just challenging in choosing colors due to differences in lighting, cameras, computer monitors, etc.
Best to you with your search!

Hey Michael, I know that you never meant for this to be a big comparison thread, I blame myself for making it seem that way. Since you had that picture posted on here I figured I'd do some research on why that shirt in the middle was so much darker than the other two. Plus I didn't want to buy Todd's and be completely disappointed in it for being the wrong color.
You're absolutely right though, I really wish there was a store or a way to compare the vendor products so they can be right in front of you. Cause like you said, things can change because of the lighting, computer monitors, etc...
I do appreciate your help as well on this whole shirt thing! I guess the only thing to do right now is, buy one of Todd's first and save up and buy a WPG shirt next. lol