Here is my Expedition in Lambskin. ... 094726.jpg
I bought over 8 years ago. It was the Nowak of the time..very expensive but most accurate and copied from a film jacket. It was run over by a forlklift, been hiking, camping, used as a pillow, left in a car as an emergency jacket, been in snow, rain, heat, under cars,trucks, horses, motorcycle crash, children play with, wife plays with it, pets played with it, just all around really been used. The only distressing that shows from all this is scraping around the arms and front of jacket around the pockets (from years of lifting stuff).
This jacket was actually my Go-To jacket for many years but even so, I just always felt like sit on my body like a bell shape. My shadow just never looked like Indy`s jacket shadow. Yet now that I have been taking all these pics, I see that it really shows up well on film. That is really wierd to me as when I wear it, it just doesn`t feel like it looks right.
It does naturally ride back on the shoulders, is VERY light, lining is in great condition, no construction flaws original or my-made. I love the Vent/Strap configuration on this jacket and found no match until I bought one of Todd`s standard. The seams don`t line up and there is an itty bitty I lose a Man Card for using the term "itty bitty"?
If this pic shows up, I will post more and/or a link to my photobucket always-opinions, complaints, observations and all around pic-it-aparter comments are always welcome.