Show us your Expeditions! / Any Distressed Expeditions?

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Show us your Expeditions! / Any Distressed Expeditions?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

EDIT: This thread combines two smaller threads on distressed Expeditions and a general thread for G&B owners. So, show us your Expeditions--whether lamb, goat, buffalo, deer, or some other hide; whether naturally distressed, artificially distressed, new, or nearly new (like mine). Show us your Expos!

I've searched the board and found a handful discussions of distressed goatskin Gibson & Barnes Expeditions, but I haven't seen any discussions of distressing of Expeditions in lamb.

Do any of you Expedition lamb owners have photos of natural distressing of your jackets--perhaps some of you who've had the jackets for a few years? Likewise, have any of you tried artificially distressing an Expedition in lamb? Remember:

BTW: photos of (natural or artificial) distressed Expeditions in goat are welcome, too. ;-)
UPDATE: photos of any distressed Expeditions are welcome here, including buffalo, deer, and any other custom hides.

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
Last edited by Dr. Nebraska S. on Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Weston »

I'd love to see some responses to this one Nebraska. We don't see too many G&B's for some reason, at least not that I have noticed. Yours looks great by the way!

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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

I know John (G-mann) has one in his collection. from my memory its real messed up. love it.

I dont have any pictures.

anybody have them?

Maby John himself could post them?
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Gorak »

I have a lambskin that is over 8 years old. Wore it to work everyday, slept in it, used it for any Indy opportunity I could. Lots of distressing on the practical areas (arms, pockets) but the inside is still new looking! Still holding together perfectly well. I love the feel of it but the collar just doesn`t look right and I started wearing my Todd`s only as it looked more accurate from the collar. I have been having a horrible time putting pics on the site as I am not computer savy and I do not understand the exact precedure for photobucket...where all my pics are. I will be out of town this weekend, but Monday..I will make it Top Priority!
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Texan Scott »

I hear what you are saying, Gorak, but it also depends on the scene. Take a look at the photo below. This seems to differ from the Hawaii jacket, the one used in the opening sequence, the wrinkly collar. The Hawaii jacket appears to have a wider collar, but it could also be an illusion, since it is for the most part, laying flat..? As some have already pointed out, they could be and possibly are two different jackets.

mod edit.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Texan Scott »

My G&B lamb is just now starting to distress around the top of the storm flap, so it needs to be lived in more, I suppose.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Weston wrote:I'd love to see some responses to this one Nebraska. We don't see too many G&B's for some reason, at least not that I have noticed. Yours looks great by the way!

Thanks, Weston. :TOH: I've enjoyed seeing those great looking leathers on your Wings jackets, and it's part of why I got interested in seeing more about the leathers of the Expedition.
Gorak wrote:I have a lambskin that is over 8 years old. Wore it to work everyday, slept in it, used it for any Indy opportunity I could. Lots of distressing on the practical areas (arms, pockets) but the inside is still new looking! Still holding together perfectly well. I love the feel of it but the collar just doesn`t look right and I started wearing my Todd`s only as it looked more accurate from the collar. I have been having a horrible time putting pics on the site as I am not computer savy and I do not understand the exact precedure for photobucket...where all my pics are. I will be out of town this weekend, but Monday..I will make it Top Priority!
Gorak: I've very interested in seeing some photos of your well lived-in Expedition. I look forward to Monday! :)
Texan Scott wrote:My G&B lamb is just now starting to distress around the top of the storm flap, so it needs to be lived in more, I suppose.
I'm not sure that I've seen photos of your G&B lamb, TS. Would you like to share some pics of it? I briefly tried one on about a year ago when I visited G&B, and have been interested in seeing more of them. Maybe we should also start an Expedition owner's thread, like the Nowaks, Wings, and Todd's have? :-k

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

G&B chrome tanned hides are not the best for distressing. The process that they use for dying their leather is really thorough. I've seen some good looking artificially aged ones for sure. But you have to use elbow grease. That's probably why some people shy away from them. They don't look the part new and it takes work to make them look worn. Most people want a distressed jacket right out of the box. They're great if you want your jacket to keep it's cleaner appearance. Of course they do wrinkle up and break in. That's not an issue.

But there is no better constructed Indy jacket out there and the pattern is really good. I have an oil tanned buffalo G&B that is starting to wear nicely.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

Gorak wrote:I have a lambskin that is over 8 years old. Wore it to work everyday, slept in it, used it for any Indy opportunity I could. Lots of distressing on the practical areas (arms, pockets) but the inside is still new looking! Still holding together perfectly well. I love the feel of it but the collar just doesn`t look right and I started wearing my Todd`s only as it looked more accurate from the collar. I have been having a horrible time putting pics on the site as I am not computer savy and I do not understand the exact precedure for photobucket...where all my pics are. I will be out of town this weekend, but Monday..I will make it Top Priority!

A jacket's collar really needs to be trained. You need to work it in your hands when the jacket is new to retain the curves that you want it to have. I have to do this with all leather jackets, whether it's an Indy jacket or an A-2.
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G&B Jacket Owners: Show us your Expeditions!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

As Indy fans, we've really had more choices for Indy jackets over the past couple of years than ever before. Each jacket has its strengths, and I'm a huge fan of diversity of choices. One of the types of threads I've really enjoyed looking through in the jacket section are the collections of jackets: the "Nowak Jacket Owners Thread", the recent "Show us your U.S. Wings ________ Jacket" threads, the "Todd's Jacket Owner's Thread", and all the Wested and Magnoli threads out there. So let's add a thread for Gibson & Barnes Expedition owners to show our jackets in one place, too!

I've had my Gibson & Barnes Expedition in goat for almost a year now, and I enjoy it more and more each day

David Marshall and the whole G&B staff were great, and I had never seen such quality in jackets before! It turns out that a month later when I placed the order, I got the very jacket I had tried on in (and outside of) their showroom:

I do regularly wear the jacket and hat together, but often with non-Indy outfits--often a necktie when I dress up a little more, or more casually with blue jeans. It's also a great jacket to wear without my hat for a date night, or with my U.S. Wings WWII aviator sunglasses and some jeans--almost that "pilot look" if you will:

This jacket been through way more adventures than I had ever thought I'd have this year, and it's offered great protection, looks, and comfort through it all.


So Gibson & Barnes Expedition owners: show us your jackets! Let's see those durable dark goatskins, and those buttery rare lambskins! :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
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Re: G&B Jacket Owners: Show us your Expeditions!

Post by Texan Scott »

Hey, hey HEY! Like Tundy said, Post 'em UP!!! :tup: :ducttape:

...get 'em up here on these boards! ;)
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Re: G&B Jacket Owners: Show us your Expeditions!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Texan Scott wrote:Hey, hey HEY! Like Tundy said, Post 'em UP!!! :tup: :ducttape:

...get 'em up here on these boards! ;)

Hey, Texan--don't you have a G&B Lamb that we haven't seen on here yet? ;)


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Re: G&B Jacket Owners: Show us your Expeditions!

Post by Texan Scott »

That's in the works! ;)
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Re: G&B Jacket Owners: Show us your Expeditions!

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Texan Scott wrote:That's in the works! ;)
:tup: :H: :TOH:
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Rundquist wrote:G&B chrome tanned hides are not the best for distressing. The process that they use for dying their leather is really thorough. I've seen some good looking artificially aged ones for sure. But you have to use elbow grease. That's probably why some people shy away from them. They don't look the part new and it takes work to make them look worn. Most people want a distressed jacket right out of the box. They're great if you want your jacket to keep it's cleaner appearance. Of course they do wrinkle up and break in. That's not an issue.

But there is no better constructed Indy jacket out there and the pattern is really good. I have an oil tanned buffalo G&B that is starting to wear nicely.
Yeah, I personally haven't been interested in trying to artificially age my jacket, but I'm really curious to see what might be in store years down the road for wearing the heck out of it. I got mine in goatskin so it could take whatever I threw at it and still hold up for my kids or even grandkids to have it. But I'm also interested to see what kinds of nice worn-in characteristics it'll acquire over time. Gorak has me very interested to see what his lambskin looks like after 8 years of wearing it. And Rundquist, I'd certainly be interested in seeing some pics of how your buffalo G&B is wearing in.

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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Luke, my Wested is a goatskin that I had made in 2004. Apart from the wrinkling and some darkened seam areas on the cuffs and collars (dirt and natural oils) the jacket does not look like it's seen half the adventures it's been through. Don't be surprised if ten years from now you're asking the same question about your G&B. ;)
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by CM »

I know this is kind off topic but my Wested goat has faded and worn in pretty well without me even wearing it much. It's a very different goat to the G&B goat. The brown is a lighter colour and the leather lends itself easily to distressing. Not that I have done this. It's the thick Wested goat of around 2003.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

I left my 9 year old G&B goatskin Expedition with Tennessee Smith yesterday to photograph for me and post either here or in Nebraska's 'Expedition owners' thread so you can see how one of these jackets can be aged, and DO age over a decade of wear.

It was originally MK's, and dates to around 2001 or earlier. As I recall, it was one of the very first production Expedtions that came off the line.

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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

oh! very much looking forward seeing it Mark!
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Yeah, I spent a good while yesterday going over it with a fine tooth comb. She's a beauty. I'll hopefully get those pics posted tonight. :TOH: Thanks for sharing M!!!
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Michaelson wrote:I left my 9 year old G&B goatskin Expedition with Tennessee Smith yesterday to photograph for me and post either here or in Nebraska's 'Expedition owners' thread so you can see how one of these jackets can be aged, and DO age over a decade of wear.

It was originally MK's, and dates to around 2001 or earlier. As I recall, it was one of the very first production Expedtions that came off the line.

Regards! Michaelson
Tennessee Smith wrote:Yeah, I spent a good while yesterday going over it with a fine tooth comb. She's a beauty. I'll hopefully get those pics posted tonight. :TOH: Thanks for sharing M!!!
Gentlemen, I look forward to seeing those photos--and I bet I'm not the only one! I'm looking forward "seeing into the future" for my own Expedition a decade from now. ;) I'd recommend in the 'Expedition owners' thread, because I imagine that thread will be easier to find over time.

:TOH: Best Wishes,
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

Bear in mind, this is the jacket that MK told us he took to friends he had in Hollywood when he got it and asked them to show him how to properly distress his jacket as done for films. The actual technique I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to at the time, as I have no real interest in the black arts myself. ;)

He had photos of his jacket in a before/after page display that he had up for years, but has long since taken down, and the jacket has since been allowed to continue to age naturally from regular use.

Since getting it, I sent it back to G&B and had the zipper replaced and a snap installed at the bottom of the storm flap. Otherwise the jacket has been untouched, and only worn.

That's why I said the photos would work either here, OR the 'owners' thread.

So your call, gentlemen.

The job done must have been quite convincing, as last fall I was in an antique store wearing this jacket, and got stopped by a fellow who told me he collected vintage leather jackets, and mine was the best 60 year old leather jacket he'd seen in many years. He congratulated me in recognizing fine vintage leather and not being afraid to wear it on a daily basis. He said they were made to wear, and wear often.

I didn't have the heart to tell him it was only 10 years old, and just let him ramble on about the finer points of my old goatskin military jacket. :lol:

I appreciate TS taking the time and effort to finally get photos shot of the jacket for me.

Regards !Michaelson
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

Late COW member Baphy Jun did this jacket. It’s a G&B goatskin Expo (though it is a prototype – you can see differences in the pattern).

I got rid of it because it was a size too big, but he did a masterful job on it. G&B dark brown goatskin is better for artificial distressing than their seal brown, I would say.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Guys, I know a lot of you would like to see the pics of Michaelson's jacket. I will hopefully get them up tomorrow. I want to take the pics in direct sunlight to get all the nuances of the black arts performed on it. I just have not had time the past few evenings, tomorrow will be a different story... hopefully :roll: :lol:
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

very nice!
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by CM »

Nice Rundquist - I always thought those pockets looked like LC pockets.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Rundquist wrote:...G&B dark brown goatskin is better for artificial distressing than their seal brown, I would say.

Thanks for including these photos in here, Rundquist! Do you know if the "dark brown" listed as the only current option on G&B's website is the same goatskin as the one you mention here? If so, I'm guessing that's the hide that I've got on my goatskin Expedition.

Part of what interests me in seeing your photos and those of Michaelson's jacket is that while these have artificial distressing and I have no plans to artificially distress my jacket, it at least gives me some idea of what some of the coloration on my jacket might be like after years of natural wear. It's not exactly the same thing, but if the hides are similar, then wear and tear might look somewhat similar.

As for seeing wear and tear on lambskin Expeditions (whether natural or artificial), I've just been curious how these look over time. I know a lot of people choose the G&B goatskin over the lambskin for durability (myself included), but the lamb Expedition looked great to me, too. I've always wondered how they've held up over time, so I'm looking forward to seeing some photos of Gorak's jacket.

No worries, Tennessee--it gives us something to look forward to, too. ;)

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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Bemo »

Very Nice! Is that the current standard collar on Expeditions?
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

That's why I wrote in my post above:
That's why I said the photos would work either here, OR the 'owners' thread. though this jacket will show you one that's at least 10 years old, it's not all natural distressing, so it was a tough call as where those photos should be posted. ;)

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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Bemo wrote:Very Nice! Is that the current standard collar on Expeditions?
Others can correct me if I'm wrong, but as I'm looking at the collar on the Expedition I'm wearing (which is a standard that I bought less than a year ago) and the one in these photos, the shape looks the same to me.
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Re: Any Distressed Lamb Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Michaelson wrote:That's why I wrote in my post above:
That's why I said the photos would work either here, OR the 'owners' thread. though this jacket will show you one that's at least 10 years old, it's not all natural distressing, so it was a tough call as where those photos should be posted. ;)

Regards! Michaelson
:M: I've got a solution: post in both! :D Otherwise, I'd say it's six to one and half a dozen to the other. ;)
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

...or as my old co-worker Bill used to say, "6 of one, 4 of the other!" \:D/

Old Bill never COULD get those old saying right! :roll:

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Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by djd »

Love the colour of that jacket!
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

I would say that the collar is current and unchanged. Though this is their dark brown goatskin, the same as it ever was, I can't really tell you if you'll get the same hide. I mean, it's the same color, but who knows what's underneath the top layer if you bought one today. Maybe you could ask for a sample and do experiments. This jacket was washed a few times as well. It was a helluva jacket. Somebody here owns this I think by way of Dr. J.

Baphy also did Dr. J's seal brown expo, and the dark brown one above came out a lot better as far as the highlights are concerned.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Gorak »

Here is my Expedition in Lambskin. ... 094726.jpg
I bought over 8 years ago. It was the Nowak of the time..very expensive but most accurate and copied from a film jacket. It was run over by a forlklift, been hiking, camping, used as a pillow, left in a car as an emergency jacket, been in snow, rain, heat, under cars,trucks, horses, motorcycle crash, children play with, wife plays with it, pets played with it, just all around really been used. The only distressing that shows from all this is scraping around the arms and front of jacket around the pockets (from years of lifting stuff).
This jacket was actually my Go-To jacket for many years but even so, I just always felt like sit on my body like a bell shape. My shadow just never looked like Indy`s jacket shadow. Yet now that I have been taking all these pics, I see that it really shows up well on film. That is really wierd to me as when I wear it, it just doesn`t feel like it looks right.
It does naturally ride back on the shoulders, is VERY light, lining is in great condition, no construction flaws original or my-made. I love the Vent/Strap configuration on this jacket and found no match until I bought one of Todd`s standard. The seams don`t line up and there is an itty bitty I lose a Man Card for using the term "itty bitty"?
If this pic shows up, I will post more and/or a link to my photobucket always-opinions, complaints, observations and all around pic-it-aparter comments are always welcome. :TOH:
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

that IS the coolest Expo I have ever seen in my life. never sell it.

Thanks for sharing.

wow! that is one cool jacket.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

Again, the G&B has always been a really good pattern and (if I were to judge), the best made Indy jacket out there. But you have to wear the h#ll out of them. Most guys don't want to put in the effort. But it's the real deal, always has been.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

COW member "Gorak"
Thank you for sharing pictures of your 8 year old "Expedition" jacket. Much appreciated. :TOH:

All I have to say is... :shock: That is one great looking jacket. :tup: Can't believe that it is lambskin. And after 8 years of "use and abuse" and it looks incredible.

May have to "pull the trigger" on one since Gibson and Barnes has my size in stock and ready to ship. #-o
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

That is an amazing jacket you've got there, Gorak! :clap: After your description of all that jacket has been through, and seeing how well the jacket has held up in those photos, I had to do a double-take to confirm it was lamb and not goat. :o The color is darker than I saw in the Gibson & Barnes showroom last year for the lambskins--yours looks to be the same shade as my goatskin. It looks great! Thank you for sharing it here!

Just think: if that's how well a lambskin has held up through severe abuse over the past 8 years, my goatskin may last 'til I have grandchildren to wear it! :D

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte

EDIT: Indy Gear Club Obi Wan member "ProfessorHenryWJonesJr": It appears we were posting similar thoughts at similar times. ;)
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by that_dog »

The G&B goat is near indestructible -- almost too much so for my taste. I owned one for a few years and it didn't look much different when I sold it from when I first bought it.

Were I to be dragged behind a truck while wearing an Indy jacket, the G&B goat is what I'd want, no question.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

How does the Lambskin feel? does it feel good and sturdy?

I have read that they are like ''fashion'' lamb. I think they say it on their site too? not sure.

Adam? you know?

may have to pull the trigger on one of these babies. lamb probably would be my choice if its a good sturdy lamb.

Post if you got them guys. goat or lamb. wanna see more Expo's :D
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Rundquist »

It is a very clean, smooth lamb. I've had a couple of them over the years. Again, many Indy fans want texture built in. The jacket will eventually gain texture, and wrinkles, and so on. But it's near perfect at the beginning. I always thought of the jacket as a "dress" Indy jacket when I had them (G&B lamb). I actually tried to keep them nice and new. They would require daily and yearly wear to naturally distress like all G&B products. It's just the way that they make their stuff. If you have multiple jackets, it's a difficult thing to do. They're designed to be your second skin I think, both with construction and their leather tanning and dye methods.

ps- I'd still have them except that I lost a few pounds at one point and replaced them with mostly goatskin expos.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Texan Scott »

...drug by a truck! :tup: :-s

Holt, my opinion of it is that is not a "fashion" jacket. When I think of fashion jackets, I think of the smooth shiny lamb jackets that we see in department stores. This is not the case with the G&B Exp. lamb. Yes, it is lamb, but for lamb, it is durable, maybe decause of the type of coating they use on the leather. The skin has texture and is pebbley for lamb. Once I applied picard to it, the leather became like butter.

Remember how Todd's Std. was assumed? Costume, flimsy, etc.? Yet, as you well know, it can take the abuse. Add to it a higher grade skin, military tough stitiching, and think of G&B as Todd's Std. 'big brother'. This G&B that I have weighs 3.25 pounds, and it is substantial for the type of skin, considering it is a 44.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

thanks guys! :tup:

Scott, How long are the arms on the 44. thats my size. could you please measure from the armseam and down for me?
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

and cant wait to see Marks jacket :D
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

I'm not Scott, but my 44T sleeves are 25 inches. ;)

Regards !Michaelson
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Texan Scott »

NO! :P

It's 24.5, as I had requested. ;)
Last edited by Texan Scott on Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Michaelson »

My 'MK 'classic' that TS is taking photos of is a 42R. As I recall, it has 24 inch sleeves.

True....I also stayed at a Holiday Inn Express too! [-( :[

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Re: Any Distressed (Lamb) Expeditions out there?

Post by Holt »

I need 25.5'' at least. maby 26''

I have always wanted a Expo, any chance for having them make one with 25.5'' sleeves? is that a possibility?
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