This started out as a 5 1/2 open crown, 1 5/8 ribbon and generic Raider creases. Now, I know we have other hatters here who have really gone after the Raiders blockshape, whereas, I stopped the quest, when I found a blockshape that was close, but also had "lines" that I personally found very pleasing to the eye, although not perhaps film accurate. I am not a purist anymore with the Raiders fedora, as we have others who are, and who fill that niche very well. I guess having my own film hat, the CS fedora, had something to do with this. I know I can make the CS replicas film accurate with no worry!

I will own one of these fedoras one day, if I ever can in good conscience take the time to make myself one. And I will be in great company too, with Marc, and Michaelson being owners of the same hat, (hope I did not leave anyone out although I think I did) that shares this same blockshape, but various ribbon colors.
By the way, this is the same felt bodies that Nathaniel used to create the Digging for the Truth hat of Josh Bernstein. Although Nathaniel probably used a western body, whereas I used the dress. Fedora