Now, I took some liberties with this hat, by pulling the sweatband up into the hat, hard, to get a relaxed brim break, although the pics don't have the right angle to really show what I did. And the bright sunlight in these 102 temps we have today, washed out the color pretty well. I wanted this hat to be Indyish, but not a copy of any Indy hat specifically. Just the atmosphere was what I was after. Since the brim is 2 5/8 on the sides, I wanted the brim to eventually develop a droop, which will make the sides appear more proprotioned to the hat, after some good wear. The way I installed the sweat will assure it does morph into a drooped brim.

Croft, your hat is in the bath leeching out that shellac, so it is the next reblock/clean job on my schedule. Figured you might ask!!!!