I've been around the COW for quite some time, however this is my first post and real interest into getting a fedora! So first I'd like to say hello to all the other mad hatters here

There's just so many choices...and for somebody who's never really worn one before...how does one decide which style to get?
My biggest concern is that since I'm of very small build, 5'9, 130 lbs, I'm afraid I'll look like a lamp shade walking down the street!
I've very new to this forum, so I just starting reading up on the different styles....what I'm looking for is one that doesn't have a very tall crown...I guess a smaller hat would be the best description...
And I know I'm going to hear a lot about this, but I can't honestly tell the difference between the fedora's that were worn on screen or even the ones available to buy!

Money isn't too much of a concern, however I'm not looking to wait like 5-6 months....and I plan on getting it good and worn pretty heavy....
I know AdventureBuilt is spoken of pretty highly here....and I like the color and overall shape of Magnoli's fedoras...
Anyone have any other suggestions? I know there's a ton of info on here..I've slowly been going thru it, it just seems a little overwhelming at first!
Thanks guys!