I've been an Indy fan since I was just a seven year old kid watching Raiders of the Lost Ark three times a day for three weeks straight (and easily over 200 times since!). And I've been trying to get myself into that hat virtually my whole life since.
A couple of years ago, when KOTCS finally arrived, I thought I had it: "Look, everybody! This is a REAL Indy hat! A Herbert Johnson POET!"
"Gee, it looks really tall on you," all my friends said.
"Yeah, well . . ." I backpedaled, "It IS a tall hat, you just aren't as familiar with these films the way I am!"
I thought I was pretty satisfied, but I knew something was missing, yet I didn't know what. It took me quite a while to realize that a particular hat may be the "real deal", but if it isn't designed specifically for you, it's going to fall short. Slowly, I started to admit that my hat was far from screen accurate, let alone even a good looking hat (for me or anyone else). And what's more, I started to realize that I didn't even really know much about the hat.
First of all, I didn't have a turn in that thing. Heck, I didn't even know what the turn was!
Soon, I found John Penman on Facebook. (Ah, Facebook . . . ) I saw a hat on his page and asked him if it was an AB of his. Little did I know that he had made this particular hat himself, and Lo and Behold! he was a professional hat maker!
We got to talking, I ordered a Raiders Seaplane Gray and an LC hat, and I soon realized that this was the man for the job. His hats are so beautiful and so well made, and he is so great to talk to, I knew if anyone could meet all my demands, he could do it.
I sold the HJ. A few other hats from some other custom hatters came my way, and while they ALL did a marvelous job of getting me a LOT closer, John Penman is the man whose Raiders of the Lost Ark hat finally brought me to the end of a very long journey!
THIS is the hat that I've been dreaming of since I was a seven year old boy with the chicken pox, and this is the hat that I am going to wear as a man as I enter into marriage and perhaps one day raise a family. This the hat that I will take hiking and camping. This the hat that will be atop my head when I wear my Indy outfit. This is the hat I'm gonna wear, drop, sleep in, trip over, then get re-blocked so I can do it all over again. This is the hat I will take with me across the country and abroad. When I get to Machu Picchu, Petra and the Pyramids, I'll be wearing my Penman.
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you my hat . . .
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 0645_n.jpg
My Penman Hat Co. Raiders Hero Hat made from pure Beaver Fur Felt.
Crown Height: 5 and 3/8"; Dimensionally Cut Brim: 2 and 7/8"x 2 and 5/8" Head size 21 and 7/8"
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 0229_n.jpg
http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs640.snc ... 0499_n.jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 3469_n.jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 1064_n.jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 4296_n.jpg
Everything about this hat is exactly what I wanted: Crown Height and shape: PERFECT. Brim styling and dimensions: PERFECT. Pounce work and color: EXQUISITE! Fit: PERFECT!
Pricing: A+
Craftsmanship: A+
Customer Service and Satisfaction: A+
As far as I am concered, John Penman is not only a terrific friend and an extremely honest and hard working gentleman, but one of a very small group of artisans who have perfected this art of hat making. And in my personal book, he's number one!
Thank you, John. You did it.
Sincerely, your most loyal and satisfied customer,
Daren Henry Wilkerson
PS Don't lose my measurements, John! This is just the first of many hats from my "Penman Hat Subscription."
Anyone else want to sign up?
PPS More and better photos to come, I promise.
John wanted me to say this, "Though this is a custom hat, EVERYONE who orders a Penman receives the same high quality and attention to detail. No 'exta' effort went in to this. If you order a Penman, expect the same high quality."
Regardless, thank you, John, for making me feel that I'm special. I think all of your customers would agree that you've made them feel special too. And may you continue to do so for many, many years to come!

Hooray for the hat-maker!