John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

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John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Well, I just wrote a long review and somehow deleted it, so here I am writing it again, and it's late, so I'll skip a bit to the goods parts:

I've been an Indy fan since I was just a seven year old kid watching Raiders of the Lost Ark three times a day for three weeks straight (and easily over 200 times since!). And I've been trying to get myself into that hat virtually my whole life since.

A couple of years ago, when KOTCS finally arrived, I thought I had it: "Look, everybody! This is a REAL Indy hat! A Herbert Johnson POET!"

"Gee, it looks really tall on you," all my friends said.

"Yeah, well . . ." I backpedaled, "It IS a tall hat, you just aren't as familiar with these films the way I am!"

I thought I was pretty satisfied, but I knew something was missing, yet I didn't know what. It took me quite a while to realize that a particular hat may be the "real deal", but if it isn't designed specifically for you, it's going to fall short. Slowly, I started to admit that my hat was far from screen accurate, let alone even a good looking hat (for me or anyone else). And what's more, I started to realize that I didn't even really know much about the hat.
First of all, I didn't have a turn in that thing. Heck, I didn't even know what the turn was!

Soon, I found John Penman on Facebook. (Ah, Facebook . . . ) I saw a hat on his page and asked him if it was an AB of his. Little did I know that he had made this particular hat himself, and Lo and Behold! he was a professional hat maker!

We got to talking, I ordered a Raiders Seaplane Gray and an LC hat, and I soon realized that this was the man for the job. His hats are so beautiful and so well made, and he is so great to talk to, I knew if anyone could meet all my demands, he could do it.

I sold the HJ. A few other hats from some other custom hatters came my way, and while they ALL did a marvelous job of getting me a LOT closer, John Penman is the man whose Raiders of the Lost Ark hat finally brought me to the end of a very long journey!

THIS is the hat that I've been dreaming of since I was a seven year old boy with the chicken pox, and this is the hat that I am going to wear as a man as I enter into marriage and perhaps one day raise a family. This the hat that I will take hiking and camping. This the hat that will be atop my head when I wear my Indy outfit. This is the hat I'm gonna wear, drop, sleep in, trip over, then get re-blocked so I can do it all over again. This is the hat I will take with me across the country and abroad. When I get to Machu Picchu, Petra and the Pyramids, I'll be wearing my Penman.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you my hat . . . ... 0645_n.jpg

My Penman Hat Co. Raiders Hero Hat made from pure Beaver Fur Felt.

Crown Height: 5 and 3/8"; Dimensionally Cut Brim: 2 and 7/8"x 2 and 5/8" Head size 21 and 7/8" ... 0229_n.jpg ... 0499_n.jpg ... 3469_n.jpg ... 1064_n.jpg ... 4296_n.jpg

Everything about this hat is exactly what I wanted: Crown Height and shape: PERFECT. Brim styling and dimensions: PERFECT. Pounce work and color: EXQUISITE! Fit: PERFECT!

Pricing: A+
Craftsmanship: A+
Customer Service and Satisfaction: A+

As far as I am concered, John Penman is not only a terrific friend and an extremely honest and hard working gentleman, but one of a very small group of artisans who have perfected this art of hat making. And in my personal book, he's number one!

Thank you, John. You did it.

Sincerely, your most loyal and satisfied customer,
Daren Henry Wilkerson

PS Don't lose my measurements, John! This is just the first of many hats from my "Penman Hat Subscription."

Anyone else want to sign up?


PPS More and better photos to come, I promise.



John wanted me to say this, "Though this is a custom hat, EVERYONE who orders a Penman receives the same high quality and attention to detail. No 'exta' effort went in to this. If you order a Penman, expect the same high quality."

Regardless, thank you, John, for making me feel that I'm special. I think all of your customers would agree that you've made them feel special too. And may you continue to do so for many, many years to come! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Hooray for the hat-maker! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Last edited by DarenHenryW on Fri May 28, 2010 2:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Great words and wonderful photos, my friend... all very deserved for John's hard work.
:D :tup:

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by moses »

Very nice - although personally I think your fedorraiders hat looks more like the hero hat.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Buchanan Bob »

Your hat is fantastic. I've been seeing John's work for a few years now, and he is an artist. I ordered an AB a few years ago that I hope to get pretty soon, and your hat is what I hope mine will look like. I ordered a ROTLA without the turn. After seeing John Penman's hats, I think I'll order one of his when I can. Really beatiful hat and it looks great on you. :TOH: You wear it well.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Ian »

That looks fantastic!!! Just love everything about it. Really pleased for you Daren... :D

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Michaelson »

Thing is, as good as these hats look new, just wait until they get some time and milage or them...THAT'S when they REALLY 'shine' and you realize just how good these hats are made!

It's the test of time that proves quality, and I'll say that after this amount of time has passed, all of John's fedoras that have been shown here after use have just looked better and better.

Just wait. The best is yet to come, but you're sure starting at a high point as it is!


HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I'll agree with that sentiment, Michaelson. My new "binkmeister" Penman looks great now, but out of the box it feels like it's already broken in to a degree. This leads me to believe it will become absolutely as buttery soft as my original AB has over the years, but in half the time!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by crismans »

Beautiful hat (as always from Penman) and, as been said, will only improve the more you wear it. I'm glad that your hat quest is over (at least for now :lol: )!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Flash Gordon »

DarenHenry W said: "Ladies and Gentleman, I give you my hat . . ."

I'll take it!

PM to follow with my address.

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

:tup: :TOH:
Great fedora, Daren.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Tibor »

"Anyone else want to sign up? "

I believe I will - or more accurately, I have. Can't wait. Great hat DHW!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

THAT's how a Raiders hat should look! :clap:
The jacket is looking good, too.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Daren, that hat does look fantastic! Congratulations on finally finding the Raiders hat you've been searching for for so long. I found that in my Penman as well. John does not dissapoint.

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Adventure Dog »

Oh WOW. That's a beautiful hat my friend. You wear it VERY well. That is as close to perfection as I have seen on a man's head. I know when the time comes I too will buy a Penman, and your review just makes me even more anxious.

The great thing about Indy Gear is whenever you get something new, or find "the" piece of gear, it doesn't mean the adventure is over, in fact, it means the adventure is now truly beginning.

Now, go, and live in the hat.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

moses wrote:Very nice - although personally I think your fedorraiders hat looks more like the hero hat.

That's as may be, and I do agree that Fedoraiders has done an AMAZING job with his HJ's, and I'm very fond of that hat. But no other Indy hat I own surpasses this Penman in regards to nailing down each of the elements that I have specifically asked for.

And as the to the screen accuracy of the "Cairo Hat", I may have John build me one of those too in the future (to these same exacting standards), and then I will have a Cairo hat worthy of serious abuse, and it will be a perfect fit!

That's no jab at Jason, other than to say that Jason takes his measurements in cm, and I am in between sizes, so my Fedoraiders fits a little loose. And it's a Rabbit hat, and not beaver, and I have become enamoured of the finer felt. :)

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by whipcracker »

i think it would look better if .... it was on my head! :BD:

Seriously, way nice hat! Wear it in good health and under trucks. Congrats!!!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by steerpike »

To John and Daren: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

And, yes, I already signed up the "Penman Hat Subscription."

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Satipo »

VERY nice hat! :clap: Personally, I'd lower the front part of the crown just a tad to balance better with the length of your face. But I have to agree it is a very nice Raiders hat. Well done! :clap:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Ohio Jones »

Very nice hat!! :tup: :tup: :tup:

Thing is when you order a hat from don't just get an incredible get a great friend with it to. He is a top notch guy and hat maker. The attention to detail is fantastic and he looks to be spot on with his block.

Kudos to you on the new hat...and great job John!!!! :clap: :clap:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Satipo wrote:VERY nice hat! :clap: Personally, I'd lower the front part of the crown just a tad to balance better with the length of your face. But I have to agree it is a very nice Raiders hat. Well done! :clap:
Sure, I see where you're coming from. And the first Penman John made for me has a slightly lower crown. He and I both agree that a lower crown looks a little better for me in general, but as this is an Indy hat, and a Raiders hat specifically, I really wanted it to have the taller crown.

Regardless, it's substantially shorter than my old Herbert Johnson, so it's an improvement either way. But the bottom line is that I got what I wanted, and John also went with his instincts, knowing my shape of face, and made the hat the he knew would best please me. And he DID!

Personally, for a Raiders hat, I think its absolutely PERFECT. These are my measurements from now on, and I don't plan on changing a thing for a long time!

My next Penman is going to be another seaplane hat with the darker felt (charcoal, I think?) with these exact measurements. Even the turn, (even though I know it isn't really SA).


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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I think the front height works fine for you on this one. Like you say, it's a Raiders hat, and this achieves the right look on you.

As for the gray, I can tell you that John's charcoal is a beautiful color. It might be my favorite gray felt color to date... and I own quite a few gray hats. :lol: Personally, I would love to see a charcoal Indy hat! Or a dark moss. I've seen nearly every other major color, from one vendor or another.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Noah »

Congratulations Daren! Your Raiders hat looks beautiful and it fits you really well. Have fun wearing it! Great job as always John :D :clap:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by afterthedog »

Aww man! I'm really enjoying my AB, but I may just have to invoke the wrath of my wife :CR: and start thinking Penman Raiders! That hat looks amazing. =P~ How long could she stay mad at me really?
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by RCSignals »

Beautiful Hat. Great work John Penman!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

afterthedog wrote:How long could she stay mad at me really?
Keep thinkin' like that, dog!
I've always heard that most women NEVER make a point of holding a grudge!

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Took my hat camping this weekend.

I feel like I've rediscovered an old friend in this hat, even though we had never actually met before. It feels so right at home on my head.

This is the most beautiful, most comfortable, and most amazing hat I've ever owned.

My search for the Best Raiders Hat Ever is not only over, but I've also found my favorite hat of all time!

(That doesn't mean that I don't have plans for a BUNCH more Penmans. Basically, I'm definitely going to renew my subscription to Penman Hats.)

Get your Penman Hat Subscription Today!

Jack Henry


Now, there's only one thing more gorgeous than my hat in these next two photos!

She's quite the hat stand, ain't she?






Thank you again, John!

Can't wait for my next hat!

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by BendingOak »

She is a very pretty young women. I love those shots Daren. Can I use them on my facebook and main site?
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Just gorgeous, DHW (JH)!

A perfect match for you that seems to suit you perfectly and really compliments you in every way...

(I know everyone can see where I'm going with this, but I'm still gonna say it anyway...)

...and the HAT is pretty dang great, too!

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

OF COURSE! I'd be flattered!

I'll email you some high resolution versions!

You da man!

Oh yeah, and on our trip, we stopped at BEVMO! along the way and I picked up some Old Rasputin in your honor! I felt it went with my hat's maiden voyage! Good stuff!

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Hollowpond »

A Penman, a pretty lady, and a Old Rasputin?!?!? Now thats what I call a hat trick! ;)

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by JC1972 »

Great hat! :tup: And nice pics of you wearing it with the missus. Nice to see fedoras out in the wild and not just cooped up inside. And I like the Cubs hat you got there, even though I'm a Mets fan. :TOH:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Baldwyn »

Man o man, it's perfect! It looks even better adventuring!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by tgalahad »

Congratulations on finding the hat of your dreams.
and hears :H: to many more.
Great photographs as well :tup:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Noah »

Great hat there Daren! Looks really good outside on an adventure. Those are really nice pictures :TOH:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Ian »

Great shots Daren!! You have become one with the hat. Can't wait for mine... :D

Old Rasputin? Brewed in the British tradition; Not available in the UK. :(

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by BendingOak »

I love these shots. Why you might ask. There are so many reasons but the one thing that stands out to me is the ribbon. In these photos taken out doors the ribbon looks black. The ribbon of course is not, it's that very dark brown. If you don't get "the right ribbon" it just not the same. It's not just the color that has this effect. It's tgevpattern on the ribbon and the material it's made of. It reflects light differently. Just something I have been noticing when looking at the collection of customers photos.

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Digger4Glory »

Wow, these are really great shots Daren!
Can't wait to get my first Penman!!!!
Thanks for sharing!! :TOH:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Erri »

Ever thought of a Snake Plissken costume? :TOH:
Kurt Russel look-alike if I ever saw one :tup:
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by kiltie »

BendingOak wrote: If you don't get "the right ribbon" it just not the same. It's not just the color that has this effect. It's tgevpattern on the ribbon and the material it's made of. It reflects light differently.

...and the first thing I noticed on both Penman and AB hats. So much so that lifting them out of the box for the first time, the ribbons momentarily distracted me from the felt finish and general sturdy feel of the hats from both makers. It's still the first thing I point out when showing off one of these hats.

DHW: Your hat looks REALLY good. It's a nice feeling to have something like these hats where it's a personal investment by both the maker and the owner. It's hard to impart that feeling to those who haven't had the experience.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Tibor »

I agree... The ribbon is critical. One thing I always saw in Raiders was the ribbon and jacket looked almost black on screen, but I think critical to the look is they are a very similar dark shade - darker than the hat. Great look!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by jnicktem »

Daren- sorry for the late response to this FANTASTIC review of an even MORE fantastic hat!!! I have to say that I share a very similiar feeling in regards to the Raiders hat as you do. The Raiders hat is what brought me to COW. In all reality, the first custom hat I ordered two years ago was an AB Deluxe that was going to be a Raiders hat (I have since switched that to something a little different). But the Raiders hat was always going to be that one hat that would stand out from the rest for me. I was actually nervous about ordering one cause I wasn't sure if it would turn out the way I always hoped it would!

So anyways, I just got a call from John Penman saying he has started my Raiders Beaver! (BEAVER JOHN!!! NOT RABBIT! [-o< ) We of course had to discuss Darens fantastic hat and I was pleased to hear that my hat should look just like it! This is the hat I have been waiting for over 2 years for... and I feel very confident that John will meet and exceed my expectations of the Raiders hat I have been impatiently waiting for for so long!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by nicktheguy »

Gotta say I am soooooo tempted to order a Penman now......must not open wallet.....must stay focused.....strange power from hat....must resist urge to call John.....must not order....must stay strong.....

John, what's the best way to contact you? :notworthy:

so much for staying strong. yup - one of those is now on my official wish list....
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by BendingOak »

nicktheguy wrote:Gotta say I am soooooo tempted to order a Penman now......must not open wallet.....must stay focused.....strange power from hat....must resist urge to call John.....must not order....must stay strong.....

John, what's the best way to contact you? :notworthy:

so much for staying strong. yup - one of those is now on my official wish list.... or 971-246-1832
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by nicktheguy »

John I will contact you very soon about the hat. I think you're the man who can make THE hat for me after seeing these pics.
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by DarenHenryW »

nicktheguy wrote:John I will contact you very soon about the hat. I think you're the man who can make THE hat for me after seeing these pics.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. John's hats exceed hope and expectation!

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Ian »

Just go for it...You know you want one now, you're just fighting a loosing battle with your wallet...You have 5 to 6 months to repent after ordering anyhoo. ;)

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Ian »

...Mine should be due soon....Woohoo!!! :D

(Ulterior motive for posting this- 200th post :D )

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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by prairiejones »

Awesome work!
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Ian wrote:...Mine should be due soon....Woohoo!!! :D
(Ulterior motive for posting this- 200th post :D )
Since I keep coming back to this page to sneak another peek at this beautiful hat, I felt I should just say once again, what an amazing job John has done with this lid!
(Ulterior motive for posting this: pushing this thread of DHW's into a second page with the next post)
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Re: John Penman Delivers Another Treasure: My Raiders Hero Hat!

Post by crismans »

I keep coming back to look at this excellent hat as well. It's a beautiful piece of work. Just outstanding.
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