From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Was watching Pawn Stars last night, and a man walked in with a bullwhip claiming it to be an authentic Indiana Jones bullwhip. He said he purchased it from one of the stunt men (no name was given) and that it was used during filming. He believed it was used by Harrison Ford and thought he could get alot for it. They had Mark Allen come by to authenticate before they consider purchasing, but even though it was a nice looking whip, it wasn't actually used during filming. To me it looked to be too new of a whip and the turks head was too big, didn't look anything like a David Morgan. They estimated if it was a whip used by Harrison it would be worth upwards of $40,000. As it was it was just another whip.