Post your Adventurebilts here!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

I would like to see a straight on shot, to see what the crown looks like on ya. Taken from a distance is always the best way to show hats. Takes out some of the distortion.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

From what I can see I think that AB suits you! I think it looks really good on you! Remember, if you are not used to wearing a fedora, or any large brimmed hat for that matter... it takes a while to get used to. At first you might think it looks HUGE. But give it time... and once you get used to it you will really start liking how it looks on you!

And like others have said, how about a more straight on shot? Maybe try setting the camera on a timer or have someone else take a picture or two.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

I will try and post some straight shots tomorrow.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy35 »

jnicktem wrote:From what I can see I think that AB suits you! I think it looks really good on you! Remember, if you are not used to wearing a fedora, or any large brimmed hat for that matter... it takes a while to get used to. At first you might think it looks HUGE. But give it time... and once you get used to it you will really start liking how it looks on you!

And like others have said, how about a more straight on shot? Maybe try setting the camera on a timer or have someone else take a picture or two.
This is very very true, its something you have to get used to. There is an old pic of Howard Hughs wearing his light tan fedora, with a tight pinch in front, look at that gorgeous thing, but its big compared to the little, very tapered things most people have become accustomed to today. See this hat here: ... HRHHat.jpg

That said, enjoy the new lid, it looks great. And once we see some outside shots of it on your noggin; the more those of us still waiting can be jelaous. :D
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

Well it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I thought I'd post a few taken straight on that my wife took.
I don't think I'm pulling it off? Something doesn't seem right or maybe it's just me.
Confusion. Steve can you help. Is something wrong?

Is the brim to wide???
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Strider »

Perhaps, though it definitely has that Raiders look!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

Indy_1971 wrote:Well it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I thought I'd post a few taken straight on that my wife took.
I don't think I'm pulling it off? Something doesn't seem right or maybe it's just me.
Confusion. Steve can you help. Is something wrong?

Is the brim to wide???
I reckon that hat is too big for you. It looks like you've actually got your ears tucked into the hat. If this is the case, I reckon it's too big (by quite a bit). I can also see quite the gap at the sides. Does it drop right down to your ears when you put it on? Maybe because of this the brim proportions are a too big because it's supposed to fit a bigger head. What size is it? How did you measure your head when you submitted the sizes?

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

No, it doesn't drop right down. I have a big head and the hat actually feels quite snug, no matter where I place it higher or lower. I know the crown is suppossed to be quite high but if I wear the hat higher then it just seems gigantic.
I have a big, long, shaved head with I suppose long ears as well. If I wear the hat any higher above my ears it feels as though it's hardly covering any of my head. The lack of hair could contribute to the gap in the sides. How snug should it be? I'll try and post some pictures wearing the hat higher, this afternoon.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

Looks good to me. The brim screams Indy, and reminds me a bit of the SOC brim. Add some brim droop, and the brim would look shorter. I think this is one of my fav hats I have seen on customers. I would have to check to see what I cut the brim, but probably 2 7/8 by 2 5/8, nothing larger than that. Seriously, the hat looks good on you, and I am a self critiquing guy. I think it will grow on ya, as for some Indy hats, take some getting used to. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

I just took some pics outside and I think the natural light and Steve's suggestion (adding some brim droop) made a world of difference. Here's the pics.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Yeah, thats a great looking hat there. It looks great on you. The brim is just perfect for a Raiders hat. It may take some getting used to, but it does look great. Wear it in good health.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy35 »

I have to agree here, the outside pics make the hat look much better, and the crown and brim fit perfectly with your face, and the brim is warped perfectly, and is definetly ROTLA. :D
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

I'm obviously in the minority here, but I still think that the brim is too wide. I'm a newbie though, so what would I know? :-k

Still, what do you think? That's what matters.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by whipitgood »

Ian wrote:
Indy_1971 wrote:Well it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I thought I'd post a few taken straight on that my wife took.
I don't think I'm pulling it off? Something doesn't seem right or maybe it's just me.
Confusion. Steve can you help. Is something wrong?

Is the brim to wide???
It looks like you've actually got your ears tucked into the hat.

I think that's why the brim looks big. If you untuck your ears it should balance things out.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

Okay here's the thing. My ears are above my eyebrows. I have the same problem with any hat I wear. Baseball hats etc. This is why the hat sits wear it does. I have one of two options. A: My ears get pinched a little or B: My ears get folded. I have no other choice. If your ears are below your eyebrows, you don't have this problem. Am I alone or does anyone else have this problem? I really don't know how else to get around it. I actually just took some pictures with my hat resting above my ears and they look practically the same. Not really worth posting as there is little difference.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

Steve, would it be possible to take a little off the brim or would this ruin the fedora?
I think my favourite fedora of yours is the one that your wearing in the photo with some of your equipment.
Are your brim dimensions far off from mine? The brim doesn't seem to be as wide?
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

Steve, would it be possible to take a little off the brim or would this ruin the fedora?
I think my favourite fedora of yours is the one that your wearing in the photo with some of your equipment.
Are your brim dimensions far off from mine? The brim doesn't seem to be as wide?

Oh no problem in trimming some off the brim. Send it back, and it would take me bout 30 seconds to trim it down.

That fedora in the pic you posted of me, is an HJ, in which the brim shrunk up to 2 3/8ths on the sides. Used to be 2 5/8ths on the sides like yours. I no longer have this hat, btw. I like at least 2 1/2 on the sides, personal preference. And all of my hats today have 2 1/2 to 2 5/8ths on the sides. For variety.

Seriously, if you feel you have too much brim, I have a cutter that takes off 1/8th an inch all the way around the brim, and would be happy to do this for you. I want you to feel comfortable wearing the AB, so I am at your service. No charge as always for tweaking. Since it involved nothing more than a quick brim trim, I would ship out the following day, after I recieve it. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

So does anyone remember this hat?:


Well Steve reblocked it to a Raiders hat and said he sent it on Friday and should get to me by Monday. I am pretty excited to see it! By any chance would any of you like to see pictures of it when I get it?
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Uhh...heck yeah! The color of that hat is simply beautiful. I really want to see this hat all reblocked and redone.


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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by The Aviator »

jnicktem can't remember it :-k lol what brand is it? and yes the colour is awesome! would guess HJ by the colour of the felt...but only a guess :P

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

This baby is a 2006 made Adventurebilt.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by The Aviator »

Felt has faded beautifully over the years...Feels like im stating the obvious but Steve is the man when it comes to Indy lids :lol: He was spot on when he said the felt would get a spot on Raiders hue over time :D nice lid cant wait to see it re-blocked :TOH:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Yep, that's why I felt this hat really should be a Raiders hat! The colour is too perfect for it to not be a Raiders hat! I can't wait to get it and see it for myself!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by BendingOak »

The Avaitor wrote:Felt has faded beautifully over the years...Feels like im stating the obvious but Steve is the man when it comes to Indy lids :lol: He was spot on when he said the felt would get a spot on Raiders hue over time :D nice lid cant wait to see it re-blocked :TOH:


:clap: Yes, I agree totally. He is the Master of the Indy lids.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I finally get to play in the game!

In early April my bride and I took a trip to Jordan and Petra. This is just before we entered the Siq.


I got this AB third-hand via whiskeyman and Erri. It has the distinction of having been through both Steve's (orginally made) and Marc's (reblock) shops. So I have the best of both worlds!


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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Looks great! Also looks like you had a good a time. Petra is one of the places I'd love to see before I die. You wear it well, Jeff.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

Great hat, perfect location!! :clap:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Noah »

I agree great hat! You must have had a fun time :)
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by hulkamad »

jnicktem wrote:So does anyone remember this hat?:


Well Steve reblocked it to a Raiders hat and said he sent it on Friday and should get to me by Monday. I am pretty excited to see it! By any chance would any of you like to see pictures of it when I get it?
:tup: That hat looks good enought to eat! Seriously, that shade of brown looks like the color of delicious pancakes. Makes me want to pour syrup on it and take a bite! :shock: Something tells me the hat would rather be worn than eaten, though. That mellow color is marvelous. You have quite the prize! And yes, we definitely want to see pics of it when you get it back!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Well it didn't come today... dang postal service! Hopefully it will be here tomorrow then!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Thanks, Dave and Ian, it was a great trip. I have a thread over in the Scrapbook with more details.


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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

I'm there!! :)
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

Bad news on the reblock 06 hat. I had to mail out 4 hats on Friday, and walked off and left the reblock in the shop. But mailed it Monday, so will be there in 2 to 3 days. :oops: And not the first time I have left one boxed up hat when mailing several at the same time. But I am generally in a big hurry as I have to be at the post office 30 minutes before it closes, at their request. I reckon they don't want me holding up their quitting time! Sometimes in my last minute rush, if I have a hat sitting to the side, it gets left! As your reblock did. But enroute as I speak. Hope it suits.

A change of heart on the brim trim? Sometimes it takes awhile for things to grow on ya. But, the offer will stand for as long as you own the hat so.....and you can always take off brim, but very hard to add it back. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Well it's a good thing you told me Steve before I jumped on the poor mailman outside of my house right now! :lol:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

Yeah Steve, as I told you in my email I'm really diggin' the fedora just the way it is.
Took a couple more pics (pushed the hat up a little) and I think it's lookin' pretty good. Very SOC. Just what I asked for!
Thanks again!!!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Indy_1971 wrote:Yeah Steve, as I told you in my email I'm really diggin' the fedora just the way it is.
Took a couple more pics (pushed the hat up a little) and I think is lookin' pretty good. Very SOC. Just what I asked for!
Thanks again!!!


Much better!

Lookin' good, man!

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

Indy_1971 wrote:Yeah Steve, as I told you in my email I'm really diggin' the fedora just the way it is.
Took a couple more pics (pushed the hat up a little) and I think it's lookin' pretty good. Very SOC. Just what I asked for!
Thanks again!!!
I retract my statement about the brim being too big. I told you I was a newbie though. That looks awesome!! Weird how it can look so different in different photos. I'd swear that is the SoC hat in the second shot.

Awesome lid, you wear it well. :clap:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy_1971 »

Thanks guys!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Well guess what came in the mail today??? That's right! That ole 2006 AB!!! Let me say this... I made the right choice having this hat reblocked into a Raiders hat! The colour goes PERFECT with the style! To me it looks like it came straight off of Ford's head!!!

Everything about it is GREAT... except for one thing. It was creased off center! I am kind of shocked that Steve would do such a thing considering how many of these hats he has had to make by now! Oh well.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Baldwyn »

jnicktem wrote: Everything about it is GREAT... except for one thing. It was creased off center! I am kind of shocked that Steve would do such a thing considering how many of these hats he has had to make by now! Oh well.

Nicely done :) Looking forward to pics!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

jnicktem wrote:Everything about it is GREAT... except for one thing. It was creased off center! I am kind of shocked that Steve would do such a thing considering how many of these hats he has had to make by now! Oh well.:
Did you ask him to leave the hat unturned? If not, he added the Raiders turn to your hat, which is pretty standard if you want a Raiders hat from him. It's not an accidental crease, it was done on purpose. If you want an unturned/symmetrical hat from Steve in the Raiders style, you need to make that known, otherwise he'll crease it as a turned hat, since most people want the brim warp as seen in much of the film, which is a direct result of the crease you received. :TOH:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
jnicktem wrote:Everything about it is GREAT... except for one thing. It was creased off center! I am kind of shocked that Steve would do such a thing considering how many of these hats he has had to make by now! Oh well.:
Did you ask him to leave the hat unturned? If not, he added the Raiders turn to your hat, which is pretty standard if you want a Raiders hat from him. It's not an accidental crease, it was done on purpose. If you want an unturned/symmetrical hat from Steve in the Raiders style, you need to make that known, otherwise he'll crease it as a turned hat, since most people want the brim warp as seen in much of the film, which is a direct result of the crease you received. :TOH:
Haha Bink... I was just joshing... I'm playing off of that post Steve made about the guy who complained his hat was creased off center. :TOH:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Then I just cleared it up for those who weren't aware of that guy. (Whom you can't completely blame, since it's mostly us fanboys who tweak over such details.) But it's still a good point. I prefer all my hats symmetrical, so I make a point of stating that whenever I get an Indy hat or have one reblocked. All the character from my hats come from good ol' binkmeister stock. ;)
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

I know what you mean Bink... this is my first "turned" hat. I forgot about it when I opened the package and started looking at it. I thought to myself... "Wait, something looks off." Then I remembered the Turn. It caught me off guard there for a second!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Here are some quick pics of that AB... the sun is going down so there is not as much light as I would like.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Noah »

Congrats jnicktem that hat looks really good! Nice reblock. Great job Steve! :clap:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

That color is a dead ringer for Raiders. Steve nailed it when he said they would fade into the right color. I can't wait for my ABs to fade into this shade of brown.

Congrats, Nick. She's a beauty! And Steve, as always, great work. I really love this Raiders block you are using now. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but I want my sahara AB to come off this block, unless you have something else in mind that you think may work better. It's in your oh so capable hands, my friend.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

but I want my sahara AB to come off this block, unless you have something else in mind that you think may work better. It's in your oh so capable hands, my friend.
I like the newest block the best myself, and a hat made using that block is always better looking than an older hat that was made on an earlier block or the CS block,and then reblocked using the newest Raiders block. The felt never quite forgets the original blockshape, and tends to revert just a little back to it within a short time, like a couple of days. Not all the way back, but I can tell a difference in a hat originally made on the newest block and one that was reblocked on it. So, there is a little movement involved. An annoying characteristic of pure beaver felt, as rabbit does not seem to be as bad on this one aspect. I have an older AB, and I reblocked it on my newest block, to discover a few days later, it looked like it was a blockshape between my first Raiders block and my last. Weird. And I don't like the way it looks now. When I get time, I am gonna reblock it again, and this time leave it on the block for a week, on my own personal block. When I set the original shape into this hat, it took it so well, it does not want to forget what it started out as. But, gotta be some way to make it change its mind! Just got to discover how. This seems to happen only after Marc and I started using that old technique he found out about from that old hatter. The aging process not only helps to delay taper, but it makes the felt remember the original blockshape really well, which is a good thing, until you go and try to reblock it into something else. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy35 »

I finally get to post here as an official AB owner :D It arrived today (How Sunday you ask? Well lets just say i'm special :lol: )

I took some very quick pics inside and outside, the weather around here in DC land is going south (those bad storms that hit the south are starting to hit us), and for a few moments the sun peaked out, so i jumped, ran and dashed for a camera to take some pics. I don't have a whip to wrangle it up :whip: :lol:

The hat is a CS with a 5 1/4 tall crown. Steve said the shorter crown would look better, and he was right. Also the brim looks bigger than it really is, i have very dark hair, so it always makes the brim look huge.

Compared to the Henry, the felt feels remarkably similar, its smooth and silky, but its much stiffer and not as fuzzy as the Henry, which i prefer. The fuzzy issue is my biggest gripe with my Akubras, and my guess is it has a great deal to do with it being rabbit vs. beaver. The sweat is also very different, I'm guessing that this sweat will loosen up with time, but that sweat on the Henry is insanely comfy, not saying this one isn't. The color on the AB is much better, the differences are subtle from the Henry, and hard for a non-gearhead to see the difference, but its definetly there. The color compared to my others is so different its not even worth comparing. The blockshape is like night and day in every respect. The AB's block shape is far superior and well, its far superior, there is absolutely no comparison to the other hats i have, including the Henry. The ribbon, the trademark of the AB hat, is perfect, and it's mentioned here so much, i can't add to its greatness.

Oh and the stitching everywhere on the just unreal. I haven't seen stitching like that on clothing i think ever. Only my $2000k hockey goalie pads are comparable, and those are done with a super high tech machine.

And I look forward to the master's comments. Thanks Steve for the frickin insanely awesome lid!! :clap: :clap: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

And for those of you in condolences :twisted: ... ics001.jpg ... ics003.jpg ... ics006.jpg ... ics005.jpg ... ics007.jpg
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

Brings a tear to my eye. Great looking AB there as always. Looks great on you. Strangely, it seems to go with the hockey top. :clap:

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