Hi Micheal/Tunderraider, your this thread and Wades offer of 20% helped me to decide to get a SOC bag strap from Wade, well I've recived, he does do nice work. Well going over this thread and you talked about further distressing.
I used olive oil, Pecard's, and sunlight. I 'rolled' the leather 'inside out' to increase the wrinkles and soften it up. I also used some leather dye and a paintbrush to darken the edges and striations, as if sweat had stained them.
Can you get into a little more detail as to how you applied the olive oil (was it extra virgin olive oil )(rachel Ray wouldn't have it any other way

I want to add just some more distressing to darken it up just a bit more.
So can you get more detailed for me, or if you wan t you can PM me the technique.
ps: I do love your gear, you've done an out standing job, and ya, you'll get used to taking pics of your self as Indy, I have a blast doing it.