Fed III's still available

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hi folks: I know this will sound a bit Old School but I recently
emailed Ron and Jenny at Hatsdirect and was very happy to
hear that there are still some Fed III's available.

For as much as I try, I'm still a sucker for the pre-CS looking
Fed. The slightly wider dimensional brim just looks so good.
I'm looking to pick up a black dress lid and they even have
my diminutive 56 cm.

So..just for those who might just be a bit behind the times, :anxious:
there's a few of those bullet proof beauty's still available.

Without sounding Old and nostalgic, weren't Fed III's great!
Warm Regards
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I always liked them. Maybe I'll have to see if they got any left in my size. :-k
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by hulkamad »

Ooh, intriguing! What are the specific differences between the fed4 and 3? How much wider is the brim of the fed3? Using the search feature leads me to threads that suggest different block shapes, the fed4 being more a "classic" shape block. (I assume it means more vintage-looking) I don't quite know what that means specifically though. Am I correct in saying the fed3 has a lower crown that a fed4? I've got a fed4 moonstone that I love. The possibility of owning a fed3 in tantalizing.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, the block shape was different. I don't know about "more traditional" as the 4's block was an old one they found in storage. Anyhow, the block on the 4 was chosen because it was closer to the Indy 4 hat block. The crowns and brims vary by size, but the Fed 3 tended to have a taller crown and wider brim by about 1/4 inch all around. To be honest, I miss the old block shape.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

You said it Chewy: :) there seemed to be a bit more
brim and crown to play with.

It could be made to look like most pre-CS Indy's
with just a little work but it was also one heck
of a nice "40's" dress fedora. Elegant but
"no nonsense" at the same time.

Honestly, my Fed III tawny fawn is the perfect office hat
and regularly gets positive responses from people.
It's funny that a lot of women in my neck of the woods love the
look of the 40's lid. When I'm out and about with my staff, they
can't get over how many women react positively.

I think it's great and miss the Old Fed III.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by riothamus »

hulkamad wrote:Ooh, intriguing! What are the specific differences between the fed4 and 3? How much wider is the brim of the fed3? Using the search feature leads me to threads that suggest different block shapes, the fed4 being more a "classic" shape block. (I assume it means more vintage-looking) I don't quite know what that means specifically though. Am I correct in saying the fed3 has a lower crown that a fed4? I've got a fed4 moonstone that I love. The possibility of owning a fed3 in tantalizing.
I've hat one of each and always preferred the Fed3. By the way, love the screen name and avatar. Hulk is my favorite Marvel character!

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Gater »

Kilgour! Nice to see that you dusted off the ol' lid to come and play! Been a while!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

You to Gater :D
Good to see some of the Old Dogs
are still here having fun too! \:D/

I'm with you Rio..Ah well, we'll have to waite
till Steve does another reblock on Indy 5 to
maybe bring the Old Fed 3 back eh.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

This is very interesting news!
The crowns and brims vary by size, but the Fed 3 tended to have a taller crown and wider brim by about 1/4 inch all around.
Because of this! I know I've said this ad nauseum, but my main (really only) knock against the Fed IV is that I can't get a deep enough center bash. If I had a little larger crown to work with, that would be great!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by riothamus »

crismans wrote:This is very interesting news!
The crowns and brims vary by size, but the Fed 3 tended to have a taller crown and wider brim by about 1/4 inch all around.
Because of this! I know I've said this ad nauseum, but my main (really only) knock against the Fed IV is that I can't get a deep enough center bash. If I had a little larger crown to work with, that would be great!
That is my experience exactly! I just can't get it deep enough without it sitting too high on my head. Even the Fed3 is a little bad in that department. I had this concern when ordering my AB's from Steve. He (rightly) insisted that I would be fine with his hats. And I am! Still, the Fed3 is a nice budget lid that I don't mind putting through the ringer.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by hulkamad »

riothamus wrote:
hulkamad wrote:Ooh, intriguing! What are the specific differences between the fed4 and 3? How much wider is the brim of the fed3? Using the search feature leads me to threads that suggest different block shapes, the fed4 being more a "classic" shape block. (I assume it means more vintage-looking) I don't quite know what that means specifically though. Am I correct in saying the fed3 has a lower crown that a fed4? I've got a fed4 moonstone that I love. The possibility of owning a fed3 in tantalizing.
I've hat one of each and always preferred the Fed3. By the way, love the screen name and avatar. Hulk is my favorite Marvel character!

lol! Thanks. When I was a kid I had a Hulk action figure that talked when you pressed a button. He would say three lines, "Hulk get mad! Hulk get strong! RWOAR!" Only the electronics were so bad, the "hulk get mad!" sounded like "Hulkamad." That's where I got the name. The Hulk picture in my avatar is from his "Mr. Fix-it" persona phase. That and I find the idea of the Incredible Hulk wearing a suit and fedora to be hilarious. At least it's passingly hat related! :lol:
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Zach R. »

I love my Fed three, it is just "unindy" enough (if you get my meaning) to combine the best aspects of the regular stock of akubras (wide brims) and an indy fedora (stylishness).
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by interbak »

I can't really comment about brim dimensions, since my came "reverse dimensional cut" (2 3/4 on the sides and 2 1/2 front to back), so I trimmed it to 2 1/2 all the way around. what I do really like about the Fed III over the later hats, and I do have several including a Fed IV, is the felt, it's much softer and nicer to work with. In time the IV may soften and mold better, but it will take some wearing in, and by then my AB will be here and it might not ever happen.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

Quick question for the hat experts. I've emailed Hats Direct as I was really wanting a grey Fed III for my CS "train traveller" hat. Unfortunately, the only greys they have left are 62s. I'm right at 23 5/8 so they said (great service as always from them, by the way) that, even with sizing tape, the hat might be too big. They said that there is a way to shrink the sweat band if I wanted to try it.

I'm afraid that I might be pulling another trick of convincing myself that I can make something work because I want it to work. I've been told that Fed IIIs run true to size, so can I shrink the sweat to have a 62 work with my head in both fit and just plain not looking silly? I ask because I had a 62 Fed IV and, even though the sizing tape helped, I never felt it fit right on the sides and made me feel like I looked Amish. :lol:

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by jnicktem »

What's the going rate for a Fed III? I happen to be a 62...
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by DR Ulloa »

Crismas, you are just going to end up selling it because it will not feel right on your head. You'll look like a little kid in his father's hat.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

That' really what I was thinking, Dave. I knew I was hoping against hope. They have a few Fed IIIs available: different sizes, different colors for $70 aus. The IIIs are not returnable. Really good deal if you want one of these.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by jnicktem »

Do you know if that includes shipping?

I'm really thinking about getting one of these for my father...
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

I'm ordering a Black 56 cm this weekend.
I just can't decide between the Imperial or the Deluxe felts.
I've had the Deluxe Loaden and really liked it but
I've also got a Campdraft and Tawny Fawn in the Imperial
and it's great too.

Any thoughts on the felts types would be appreciated
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Texan Scott »

With the Deluxe, you not only get a better quality felt, but sweatband as well.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by hulkamad »

I'm waiting to hear back from hatsdirect. I think I'd like to get a fed3 in black if one is available. If you wear one size in a fed4, is it the same for a fed3? I seem to remember that their sizing chart changed somewhere down the road and wasn't sure if it was inbetween the 3 and 4... :-k Is this true?
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hmmm...interesting :-k
I've always just given them my
cm size and let them figure the best
fit. I always ask for a slightly larger 56
as they can vary a little. Otherwise, just a while on
the stretcher tends to give me the size I need.

I'm also waiting to chat with Jenny but as soon
as I finally settle the felt issue, I'm grabbing a black one
as well.

They should be getting out of bed in Australia
in the next few minutes eh :)

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

hulkamad wrote:I'm waiting to hear back from hatsdirect. I think I'd like to get a fed3 in black if one is available. If you wear one size in a fed4, is it the same for a fed3? I seem to remember that their sizing chart changed somewhere down the road and wasn't sure if it was inbetween the 3 and 4... :-k Is this true?
I asked them this very thing. Here was their response:
your 61 Fed IV bought from us would have measured 60.5 as all the Fed IVs are 0.5 cm smaller than marked.
Fed IIIs run true to size marked.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Well..I did it! Ordered up my black Fed lll Delux and boy I am amazed
at what I learned. When I dropped Jenny a line to discuss things
I couldn't believe it when she told me that Ron dropped the price of a Fed lll Deluxe
to only $100 AU, which works out to only about $90 Canuckistan Rubels!!!! \:D/
Wow, Wow, Wow and Wow!!!!

Ron and Jenny are so great to deal with. They are truly "The Best". :notworthy: :clap:

Guys and Gals, with prices like this, I would suggest anyone who wants a pre-CS Indy
and is on a budget...."Buy Now" cuz it ain't gonna get much better.

I'll try and post a pic when the black beauty arrives.

P.s. I kinda mentioned to Jenny that we'd been chatting on the forum, to which she just emailed....

Hi Rob,
So it's all your fault:)!!!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

I know I've pestered the heck out of her (trying my best not to) in my quest to see if I could get in a Fed III size 62. So the Deluxes are $100 and the regulars are $70 Australian. Some really good deals there!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

That's right, 100 AU and 70 AU, which is phenomenal!

Has she been able to find one for you? Nothing like giving her a challenge eh :lol:
Jenny's up for it though.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Texan Scott »

black and tawny fawn still available in the imperial felt at last count.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Kilgour! Where the heck have you been hiding?!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Down at the bottom of this pile of posts :shock: :lol: .

I know I've been remiss in not attending my duties
as the strange old dust collector in the back room but
It's been dark for over 6 months up here in the
Great White North.

Now that the spring is here, An Old Man's fancy
turn's to Fedora's again eh! =P~ :D
It's great to be back.
Let's talk soon
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by binkmeisterRick »

You know how to reach me, old friend! :TOH:
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Michaelson »

...a loaded ballbat comes to mind.... :-k :CR:

Howdy Kilgour!!!

Regard! Michaelson
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well played, Michaelson! :rolling:
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Michaelson »

After that 'Eisenhower' shot, you were due. :twisted: :lol: ;)

HIGH regards ! Michaelson
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I figured as much. :lol:
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Great to see both of you wonderful guys! :TOH:
It always feels like coming home.. Umm..to the disfunctional :anxious: obsessive :shock:
slightly frightening 8-[] family I know and Love! \:D/ :mrgreen:

You guys really are the best :H:
Let's get in touch soon.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

Just placed my order for a grey Fed III after bugging Jenny to death about the details. I had decided not to buy it as I agree with Dave that, at size 62, it would be too big even for my impressive cranial housing. However, I've got something special in mind for it.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by jnicktem »

Hey Crismans- if you don't mind sharing- what was the total cost including shipping is US Dollars?
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I just grabbed a Tawny Fawn. Last one in my size!!!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hey Chewie: You'll love the Tawny Fawn :tup:
It's become one of my very best dress hats as
it goes with all the lighter earth tones and it
nicely contrasts some other colours.

It holds it's shape and gets lot's of complements.
You chose wisely my friend :D

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by mcmanm »

To Fed owners,

Any you guys have pics of the Fed III? I've never seen one. Maybe a few in different colors? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by crismans »

jnicktem wrote:Hey Crismans- if you don't mind sharing- what was the total cost including shipping is US Dollars?
Since it's a special order I didn't get the total last night. As soon as I know I'll post it here.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Dalexs »

Ok, $5000 worth of Lasek later, maybe I'm blind, but I'm not seeing the Fed III on the website. Do you have to call for these?
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Michaelson »

I believe you have to ask, Steve. The Fed III is technically a discontinued line, and therefore WOULDN'T show up on their website.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hey Dalex: Michealson is right. I emailed Jenny to enquire and
she told me she still had a number of them on the shelf.
I think with the move to the Fed lV they ended up just sitting.

What is terrific is that there still seemed to be a variety
of sizes and grades still left when I contacted her.
What made it special is that Ron dropped the prices.
The Fed D's are only 100 AU dollars and the Reg Fed III's
are only 70 AU Dollars. So quite a saving.

Drop her a line and see if there are any left.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

mcmanm wrote:To Fed owners,

Any you guys have pics of the Fed III? I've never seen one. Maybe a few in different colors? Thanks in advance.

My first, and my first, very timid, bash job. Mid-Brown.

Carbon Gray

And something radically different, also in Mid-Brown

Dalexs - email them with what you're looking for. They will get back to you rather quickly.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by jkdbuck76 »

crismans wrote:This is very interesting news!

Because of this! I know I've said this ad nauseum, but my main (really only) knock against the Fed IV is that I can't get a deep enough center bash. If I had a little larger crown to work with, that would be great!
Ditto. I like the Fed 4 color. I must say that the brim is a little shorter.

Also, one thing I didn't like about the shape was that on the Fed 4, when I put my dents in long and deep (like a Crystal Skull bash), it muffin-tops. I hate that! So I have to adapt and overcome and settle for shorter and less-deep side dents.

I said to myself "I wish I had something with the shape of the Fed3, but had a better color", then I bought a Henry.

They are all good hats. Don't get me wrong. But the center dent thingy on the Fed4 is the only drawback I have. Other than that, it is a pretty good hat.

I probably need to have it reblocked.
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hey Chewie: Do you remember Dalex had a tutorial on changing
the ribbon on a Fed lll? Isn't it on the Hatsdirect site?

I think it was he that promoted changing of the ribbon
to something a little darker.
What I remember is that when I ordered my original Fed lll
and I asked about it and Jenny (the wonderful woman that she is)
sent me a length of darker contrasting ribbon.

I did switch it over and it really made it stand out.
It was really quite fun to replace the ribbon with Dalex's tutorial.

As I'm getting a good old TOHT black, I won't need to do this
but anyone interested should look and see the tutorial.

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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Kilgour Trout wrote:Hey Chewie: Do you remember Dalex had a tutorial on changing
the ribbon on a Fed lll? Isn't it on the Hatsdirect site?


Jenny sent me a link with the order confirmation!
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Dalexs »

WOW! I forgot they did that... I should ask them for a free hat! :rolling:

(And check out the kid in the photo!)
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Re: Fed III's still available

Post by Michaelson »

Yeah! Who IS that guy, I wonder? :-k


Regards !Michaelson
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