Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs
DR Ulloa wrote:This is why Steve Delk is where he is in the hatting world. I ran into the same problem. The brim on my AB was too narrow for my face. I liked how it looked but Steve insisted in making another which was bang on in the end. The only other person I have ever dealt with that has Steve's customer service is John Penman. Daren, I'm so happy Steve fixed you up. And I do like the way this one looks on you, but if Steve says so, he says so. He told me to use my first one for yardwork and I have. That thing has been put to use.
DR Ulloa wrote:This is why Steve Delk is where he is in the hatting world. I ran into the same problem. The brim on my AB was too narrow for my face. I liked how it looked but Steve insisted in making another which was bang on in the end. The only other person I have ever dealt with that has Steve's customer service is John Penman. Daren, I'm so happy Steve fixed you up. And I do like the way this one looks on you, but if Steve says so, he says so. He told me to use my first one for yardwork and I have. That thing has been put to use.
Fedora wrote:Thanks for the very kind words. I may be slow and backlogged, but that hasn't changed me in how I feel about treating folks. I really don't know how to do it any other way. And I don't recognize it until someone says something. I may goof up, but then it's my responsibility to make it right. That's how all busniness's used to operate. And many still do.
Honestly on Darren's hat, I did mess it up. Sure the smaller brim looks ok, but NOT for a Raiders fedora, IMO. If his face was thin, it would have been fine. See, you cannot always go by hat size, when cutting brims. The more you make hats, the more you learn.
The other screw up on his hat was the crown block. Once I saw it on his head, I knew I had messed up. I inadvertedly used an Indy 4 block on his Raiders fedora. Easy to do when you have both the CS block and the Raiders block covered up with felt. Or in this case, 2 CS hats and a Raiders. I grabbed the Indy 4 blocked hat to make his Raiders! And never caught it until I saw the hat on his head. The telltale is the upper radius. Way too sharp, to be a Raiders fedora. So, he gets a new hat on the house. Fedora
Like this...?Bullitt wrote:Maybe it's because he looks exactly like Ron Livingston from Band of Brothers. I'm sorry, Kyle, but it's scary.Indiana Texas-girl wrote:knibs7, you look very familiar. Do you go to the sci fi shows up in the Plano/Richardson area? Nice AB by the way--the gear looks awesome!
Ah! Yeah. It’s just we’re putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports before they go out now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that’d be great. All right!Zach R. wrote:"Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore."
Fedora wrote:I just finished up Darren's Raiders fedora, and fixed the brim size as well as I used the correct block this time!!! As I said earlier, when I saw it on his head, I saw it was not the Raiders block! Yeah, I make mistakes from time to time, which is easy when you are working on 5 or 6 hats at the same time.![]()
This one here has the right radius on the very top of the sides. The right curve, wheras the CS block does not. And this hat isn't top heavy which the real Raiders fedora wasn't either.(but the CS is) And one of the first mistakes new hatters make when making the Raiders block, IMO. They make it too full on the top, the block that is. Again, IMO. Now many love that particular caricature, but as I get older, I want to take out these caricatures, which may be my own demise!Just trying to remain true to the original hat is all I am doing, for personal reasons. PLus, since my focus is now on the CS fedora, which is my own creation, I can make my Raider fedoras the way I THINK they were.
I don't need this particular hat anymore to sell hats, so if you don't like my vision, gosh there are so many out there today to choose from.
So this is my perception of the Raiders fedora here...but notice I have yet to flange the brim. That is the last step before I box it up. Now if those boxes would just get here.....generally takes 3 to 4 days and it has been 7 days since I ordered. The shop is filled with hats in plastic bags, completed, and waiting on the box to ship them in.
And the first time I ever ran out of boxes. Gonna have to order the next time when I get down to 20 boxes instead of the 15 I generally use as the time to order. Murphy's Law.
I'm with you Dave! That is the first thing that jumped out at me. I really want one. Steve, is this beaver or rabbit (I'm sure somebody has said, but I've missed it).DR Ulloa wrote:
p.s. Look at that bow! I can't even see the whole thing and I have already fallen in love with it!
Oh no. I'm not taking the blame for this! Yes, this is curiosly done in classic Dave fashion. Yes, Dave said he was thinking about changing his order. But its not MY fault these guys here are like lemmings and are following me off the deep endBendingOak wrote:see David what you started.
Actually, this has been rolling around in my head in some form or another ever since I first heard about Steve's Rabbit being available...BendingOak wrote:see David what you started.
No, . . .Ian wrote:Is that a pop at my Avatar?
jnicktem wrote:The Big Lebowski
I wouldn't wish that noggin on myself or my arch nemesis, Nick. I pit your mother.jnicktem wrote:Dave, if only your head was an inch bigger!
DarenHenryW wrote:jnicktem wrote:The Big Lebowski