Post your Adventurebilts here!

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Fedora: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Steve, are you serious? :o :o :o

I'm speechless . . .

I will respond more to this when I'm able to compose my thoughts better but I will start with a deeply felt thank you. This is amazing. :oops:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

This is why Steve Delk is where he is in the hatting world. I ran into the same problem. The brim on my AB was too narrow for my face. I liked how it looked but Steve insisted in making another which was bang on in the end. The only other person I have ever dealt with that has Steve's customer service is John Penman. Daren, I'm so happy Steve fixed you up. And I do like the way this one looks on you, but if Steve says so, he says so. He told me to use my first one for yardwork and I have. That thing has been put to use.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

DR Ulloa wrote:This is why Steve Delk is where he is in the hatting world. I ran into the same problem. The brim on my AB was too narrow for my face. I liked how it looked but Steve insisted in making another which was bang on in the end. The only other person I have ever dealt with that has Steve's customer service is John Penman. Daren, I'm so happy Steve fixed you up. And I do like the way this one looks on you, but if Steve says so, he says so. He told me to use my first one for yardwork and I have. That thing has been put to use.


I'm still stunned . . . :o :o :o

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Digger4Glory »

This is another fine example of Steve's generosity, professionalism and dedication as an artist in the hatmaking world.
A mans actions define hiim
and that's Steve! :TOH:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by BendingOak »

DR Ulloa wrote:This is why Steve Delk is where he is in the hatting world. I ran into the same problem. The brim on my AB was too narrow for my face. I liked how it looked but Steve insisted in making another which was bang on in the end. The only other person I have ever dealt with that has Steve's customer service is John Penman. Daren, I'm so happy Steve fixed you up. And I do like the way this one looks on you, but if Steve says so, he says so. He told me to use my first one for yardwork and I have. That thing has been put to use.


and the true master of the Raiders hat.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Strider »

Steve understands customer service. Shoot, he's even re-blocked a hat for me for free when it came back too short crowned and wide brimmed. He's the man!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

Thanks for the very kind words. I may be slow and backlogged, but that hasn't changed me in how I feel about treating folks. I really don't know how to do it any other way. And I don't recognize it until someone says something. I may goof up, but then it's my responsibility to make it right. That's how all busniness's used to operate. And many still do.

Honestly on Darren's hat, I did mess it up. Sure the smaller brim looks ok, but NOT for a Raiders fedora, IMO. If his face was thin, it would have been fine. See, you cannot always go by hat size, when cutting brims. The more you make hats, the more you learn.

The other screw up on his hat was the crown block. Once I saw it on his head, I knew I had messed up. I inadvertedly used an Indy 4 block on his Raiders fedora. Easy to do when you have both the CS block and the Raiders block covered up with felt. Or in this case, 2 CS hats and a Raiders. I grabbed the Indy 4 blocked hat to make his Raiders! And never caught it until I saw the hat on his head. The telltale is the upper radius. Way too sharp, to be a Raiders fedora. So, he gets a new hat on the house. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »


I've had my AB CS for a couple of months now, thought I'd post some pics. Since I don't seem to be able to post pics, here are the links :D ... 9102354678 ... 9102354678 ... 000655.jpg

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indy35 »

=P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~

Looks sweet! Wear it with pride.

I can't wait for mine.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

How long you got left and what you having?

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Fedora wrote:Thanks for the very kind words. I may be slow and backlogged, but that hasn't changed me in how I feel about treating folks. I really don't know how to do it any other way. And I don't recognize it until someone says something. I may goof up, but then it's my responsibility to make it right. That's how all busniness's used to operate. And many still do.

Honestly on Darren's hat, I did mess it up. Sure the smaller brim looks ok, but NOT for a Raiders fedora, IMO. If his face was thin, it would have been fine. See, you cannot always go by hat size, when cutting brims. The more you make hats, the more you learn.

The other screw up on his hat was the crown block. Once I saw it on his head, I knew I had messed up. I inadvertedly used an Indy 4 block on his Raiders fedora. Easy to do when you have both the CS block and the Raiders block covered up with felt. Or in this case, 2 CS hats and a Raiders. I grabbed the Indy 4 blocked hat to make his Raiders! And never caught it until I saw the hat on his head. The telltale is the upper radius. Way too sharp, to be a Raiders fedora. So, he gets a new hat on the house. Fedora

Now that I've had a few days to digest this experience, I'm ready to respond.

First of all, I'm still in shock. I'm utterly and truly amazed that Steve, as busy as he is, is not only willing to re-do my hat (which is understandable-he wants to make his customers happy) but that he is working on it with urgency and that he is allowing me to keep the hat he already made for me. Few artisans of any type display this brand of honor.

On top of this, Steve has shown an incredible amount of humility and openness that is rare amongst the general population. But I'm glad to say that its not terribly rare of COW members.

Now, its not lost on me that I'm getting what can only be considered tantamount to a free hat out of this. I offered to send it back to Steve and he kindly reminded me that he doesn't have a use for it (I have a fairly small head!) and that I should just keep it. I feel at once flattered, amazed, guilt-ridden, and honored, but most of all extremely lucky! Lucky to be a member of an amazing group of gear enthusiasts, hat-lovers, Indy-philes, friends, colleagues, and generous human beings. If it weren't for COW, I probably wouldn't be getting another hat because I wouldn't have had a place to post my pics and received honest and productive feedback. Now, I definetely wasn't sharing pics on here to complain--I hope everyone understands that I was doing what we all do: looking for opinions and kudos. I did express to Steve privately that I thought the brim a little small, but I never told him that I wanted to send the hat back. I meant what I said that I felt (and do feel) that while this hat is not a perfect Raiders fedora on me, its a great looking hat for my face. Its a hat I can wear with confidence outside of my Indy costume (heck! with confidence WITH my costume too, of course!) But the fact that Steve doesn't like it, and not just that I may or may not like it, is what impresses me so much. Most salesman, let's be honest, would say, "it looks great on you!" and send you on your way, having just made a sale and looking forward to taking their lunch break. Not Steve. Sure, It's no secret that Steve wants to make his customers happy, but he clearly wants to make himself happy. This is a true artisan.

So, am I lucky guy? Yes, I consider myself very lucky to be a member of wonderful community and a customer of Steve Delk.

Daren Henry Wilkerson
Castro Vally, Ca

PS Yes, new pics will be posted when I get my new hat! :P

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Like I said before, this is exactly what happened to me and why I owne two ABs right now. And I have to tell you, it means a lot. And if ever I get into a pickle where I need cash I might be able to sell the hat I bought from Steve but never the one he gave me as a gift.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by knibs7 »

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by knibs7 »

Bullitt wrote:
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:knibs7, you look very familiar. Do you go to the sci fi shows up in the Plano/Richardson area? Nice AB by the way--the gear looks awesome!
Maybe it's because he looks exactly like Ron Livingston from Band of Brothers. I'm sorry, Kyle, but it's scary.
Like this...?



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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Zach R. »

"Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore."

Sorry :lol:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by knibs7 »

Zach R. wrote:"Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore."

Sorry :lol:
Ah! Yeah. It’s just we’re putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports before they go out now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that’d be great. All right!


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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

I just finished up Darren's Raiders fedora, and fixed the brim size as well as I used the correct block this time!!! As I said earlier, when I saw it on his head, I saw it was not the Raiders block! Yeah, I make mistakes from time to time, which is easy when you are working on 5 or 6 hats at the same time. :lol:

This one here has the right radius on the very top of the sides. The right curve, wheras the CS block does not. And this hat isn't top heavy which the real Raiders fedora wasn't either.(but the CS is) And one of the first mistakes new hatters make when making the Raiders block, IMO. They make it too full on the top, the block that is. Again, IMO. Now many love that particular caricature, but as I get older, I want to take out these caricatures, which may be my own demise! :lol: Just trying to remain true to the original hat is all I am doing, for personal reasons. PLus, since my focus is now on the CS fedora, which is my own creation, I can make my Raider fedoras the way I THINK they were. :lol: I don't need this particular hat anymore to sell hats, so if you don't like my vision, gosh there are so many out there today to choose from. :lol: So this is my perception of the Raiders fedora here...but notice I have yet to flange the brim. That is the last step before I box it up. Now if those boxes would just get here.....generally takes 3 to 4 days and it has been 7 days since I ordered. The shop is filled with hats in plastic bags, completed, and waiting on the box to ship them in. :shock: And the first time I ever ran out of boxes. Gonna have to order the next time when I get down to 20 boxes instead of the 15 I generally use as the time to order. Murphy's Law.


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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Digger4Glory »

Thats a great looking hat Steve!! Can't wait to see that one on Daren's head! Well done indeed!! :H:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

That's gorgeous, Steve!
:D :tup:

I think I'm safe in predicting that Daren is gonna love that thing... (but I'm also preeetty sure he'll speak up shortly here in this Thread, too)
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

at work . . . can't access photo . . . can't . . . finish . . . (out of breath) . . . sentence . . .

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by BendingOak »

Fedora wrote:I just finished up Darren's Raiders fedora, and fixed the brim size as well as I used the correct block this time!!! As I said earlier, when I saw it on his head, I saw it was not the Raiders block! Yeah, I make mistakes from time to time, which is easy when you are working on 5 or 6 hats at the same time. :lol:

This one here has the right radius on the very top of the sides. The right curve, wheras the CS block does not. And this hat isn't top heavy which the real Raiders fedora wasn't either.(but the CS is) And one of the first mistakes new hatters make when making the Raiders block, IMO. They make it too full on the top, the block that is. Again, IMO. Now many love that particular caricature, but as I get older, I want to take out these caricatures, which may be my own demise! :lol: Just trying to remain true to the original hat is all I am doing, for personal reasons. PLus, since my focus is now on the CS fedora, which is my own creation, I can make my Raider fedoras the way I THINK they were. :lol: I don't need this particular hat anymore to sell hats, so if you don't like my vision, gosh there are so many out there today to choose from. :lol: So this is my perception of the Raiders fedora here...but notice I have yet to flange the brim. That is the last step before I box it up. Now if those boxes would just get here.....generally takes 3 to 4 days and it has been 7 days since I ordered. The shop is filled with hats in plastic bags, completed, and waiting on the box to ship them in. :shock: And the first time I ever ran out of boxes. Gonna have to order the next time when I get down to 20 boxes instead of the 15 I generally use as the time to order. Murphy's Law.




You are the one and only true Master of the Raiders hat. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Steve, I've got an order in with you for a Beaver AB Raiders
(It's only been a little over a year since I ordered it, so I know it's still gonna be a while)...
But it occurs to me that when I placed my order, I wrote
"I'd like to order a Brown Raiders "Idol Grab" Bash WITH The Turn.
I'm a big fan of a lot of "boxy" reverse-taper"


Well, if it helps... I'd be happy to change those specs to simply read:
"Make hat like unto the DarenHenryW Hat!"

Seriously, though...
In another few months I'm planning on ordering a Rabbit AB from you.
I'm seriously thinking I'll simply write "JUST like DHW's Hat"

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »


This may be the most perfect looking Raiders hat I have ever seen. Steve, this is it. This is your Sistine Chapel, your 9th Symphony, your Citizen Kane, your Ulysses! This is your masterpiece. I want one! I want one, and I want it now (in my best Veruca Salt voice)!


p.s. Look at that bow! I can't even see the whole thing and I have already fallen in love with it!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Daren- you are one lucky guy!!! That Raiders hat looks GORGEOUS! I only hope that my AB reblock looks as good as that!
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Well, what can I say but wow! I'm so pleased at how its looking from this pic, and I'm super pleased at how impressed everyone is with it! It looks absolutely beautiful, but I just can't wait to get it on my head!

WHEN did you say those new boxes are coming in? Argghh! :P :P :P

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »


:o :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Steve - After this, I wonder if you get a surge of orders for rabbit raiders hats? :P

Darren - Need photos for the sanity of this forum!!! :D
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Hollowpond »

DR Ulloa wrote:Image

p.s. Look at that bow! I can't even see the whole thing and I have already fallen in love with it!
I'm with you Dave! That is the first thing that jumped out at me. I really want one. Steve, is this beaver or rabbit (I'm sure somebody has said, but I've missed it).

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Indiana Bugs »

That may well be the most beautiful hat I have ever seen.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

I have fallen in love with this hat! I am looking around my collection of @#$% trying to find something to sell so I can get one of these beauties. I am even thinking of calling Steve and telling him to turn my beaver sahara order into this same exact hat. Steve, you are the one TRUE master of the Raiders fedora!

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I've been thinking about this a LOT since yesterday...

Steve, I hope you don't mind... but there's a question I'd like to ask you and since you occasionally read/contribute to this Thread I thought I'd try asking you HERE
(PLUS it IS actually regarding the business of Ordering an Adventurebilt Hat):

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I placed an order with you for a Beaver AB Raiders last year (specifically, March 15th)... I have no doubt that I'm still a good distance away from making it to the block.

What I'd like to do is ask you disregard my request for an AB Raiders in BEAVER and instead put me on the waiting list for one of these beautiful "DarenHenryW-style" Adventurebilt Raiders in RABBIT.

But is that sort of switch possible?

How would this work?

Obviously, there's a difference in the asking price of each that needs to be taken into account (and I mentioned the date I ordered - above - because I think the price of the Beaver may have gone up since that date)...
but could you simply Refund me a portion of the Fee I paid to my Paypal Account and move me from the "Beaver List" to the "Rabbit List"

Is it that simple?

It would be great if you could please let us know when you have a moment... I suspect I might not be the only one who's wondering about such things.

All the Best,
Fox Lidstone ("Mitch LaRue")
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

That's what I was getting at, Fox. I mean, that Sahara beaver I have on order would be great but this is just...WOW!

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

We can work something out Mitch when the time comes. I will email you prior to making the hat. And who knows, you may change your mind between now and then. Plus the beaver would make a hat identical in looks to this one. And would last a whole lot longer too.

Thanks for the kind words gents. I don't think it looks any better than other hats sold here though. I think I have the upper radius in the ballpark . That was the hardest thing to get right. That dadgummed radius. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Sincere Thanks Steve for answering (especially so quickly)... but I think I failed to make another aspect of my interest in doing this clear:
The wait timeline.

You said "We can work something out Mitch when the time comes. I will email you prior to making the hat" ... but I was curious whether changing my order to a Rabbit AB wouldn't also have the additional result of a sooner turnaround time for me?
You said "when the time comes" but wouldn't the time that we're talking about still be a good year away?

Now, please don't get me wrong:
I've always been a Fan/Advocate of your work (so, I do realize that what you've done with DHW's hat was no big "leap forward" for you... you're simply making these hats THIS beautiful on a regular basis...) I'm not asking about changing my order either because I just want a hat from you sooner OR simply because I think this hat is a better hat than what you normally produce...
I'd just really, REALLY like to own a Rabbit Raiders made by Steve Delk and since laying eyes on that Hat of DHW's, I've just really been "feeling it".

I am, however, aware that this might also not be the forum for our back & forth conversation... if you'd prefer, I can definitely send you a PM.
I'm really settled on this and I just really wanted to get some instruction from you as to how you'd like me to proceed.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by BendingOak »

see David what you started. :rolling:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

BendingOak wrote:see David what you started. :rolling:
Oh no. I'm not taking the blame for this! Yes, this is curiosly done in classic Dave fashion. Yes, Dave said he was thinking about changing his order. But its not MY fault these guys here are like lemmings and are following me off the deep end :lol: ;) .

I don't think I will be changing that sahara order but I do think I'm going to thin the hat herd to get one of these rabbit Raiders ABs though. Here is the crazy thing, though, I want it in pecan! Is that so crazy? The hat looks pecan in a lot of scenes, namely the SoC and Idol Grab scenes. Does this give even more credence to te receipt of four "fawn" hats from HJ? Who cares, this isn't the forum for that, but I see pecan sometimes and so that's what I'll do for my rabbit AB.

Steve, would you be ok with me selling the first CS AB you made me to get one of these? I don't want you to be offended because of the one you sent me after (which I will never sell). I feel I need your permission to do that for some reason.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

BendingOak wrote:see David what you started. :rolling:
Actually, this has been rolling around in my head in some form or another ever since I first heard about Steve's Rabbit being available...
Admittedly, it got a BIG boost as soon as Steve posted that picture of Daren's new hat yesterday

...But let me make this clear:
I am more than happy to let Dave take the bullet for this and simply play the part of a "lemming"...

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by BendingOak »

Just messing with David thats all Mitch.
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Fedora »

:lol: Dave, good gosh my friend. You sure don't need my permisision to sell that hat. I was just trying to correct a hat that you bought. It's your hat man. I don't expect folks to keep my goof ups. :lol: Do with it as you want. I have no vested interest in that hat at all. I did not like the way that hat looked on you, and have done this many times in the past. I mean, I want my hats to look good on folks. If not, it makes me look bad!!!! :lol: And it makes me feel bad too.

Same with Darren. I did not like his hat because I saw I had goofed and used the wrong block for his Raiders fedora. Now, he liked the crown, but it was inaccurate. I wouldn't want him to tell someone he was wearing a Raiders fedora when in fact, it had the CS crown! Might make someone think, "Steve doesn't know a Raiders crown from a CS!" :lol: But I did not like the brim with on his hat either, although he felt it suited his face. I did not agree. Fedora
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Thanks Steve. Truth be told, I rarely wear that hat anymore. Its gotten light use but I did sit on it and scrunch it up. Its been treated like an AB should. Whenever I go for an AB I end up wearing the one with the bigger dimensions cause it looks so good on me! If I can sell this AB, I'm gettin me a rabbit Raiders in pecan.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

I'm guessing you'll have no problem selling that.

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

All the Dude ever wanted was his rug back . . .

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

Is that a pop at my Avatar? :lol:
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

She's up for sale at the Bazaar. Who wants a 23 1/4 sized CS AB?

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

Dave, if only your head was an inch bigger! :(
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

Ian wrote:Is that a pop at my Avatar? :lol:
No, . . .

Anyone care to connect my reference?

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by jnicktem »

The Big Lebowski
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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DarenHenryW »

jnicktem wrote:The Big Lebowski

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by DR Ulloa »

jnicktem wrote:Dave, if only your head was an inch bigger! :(
I wouldn't wish that noggin on myself or my arch nemesis, Nick. I pit your mother. ;) :lol:

I also noticed I put the wrong price on the listing. I'm selling it for $400, not $500. Snag it up guys. You want a beaver AB and I want a rabbit one. Help a brother out. :lol:

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Re: Post your Adventurebilts here!

Post by Ian »

DarenHenryW wrote:
jnicktem wrote:The Big Lebowski

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Sorry. I thought you were saying that my avatar looks like Sam Elliot, the narrator from that film. :)
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