Ok, so for the last few weeks (/months?) a few "top men"

There is quite a bit to this, so I'm going to lay it out in chunks. Showing the precise differences between the main jackets will happen in a few weeks - because I'm working on the assumption most regulars know about them. Ditto the obvious scenes where they appear. But the first thing I want to do is present a few connections and revelations that haven't been covered before that I've seen. So first an overview:
Here are the ONLY jackets evidenced in the movie, and a few quick markers:
1. "Hero" jacket - Droopy collar, striated chest panel, high yoke.
2. "Hawaii" jacket - Flat collar. Basically identical to "Hero" apart from texture variations and the way the collar lays.
3. "Bantu Wind" jacket - Flared open lapel, lower yoke, concaved collar.
THESE ARE THE ONLY 3 LEATHER JACKETS THAT APPEAR. There is NO "Wilson". If there is a Wilson, it is what I am calling the "Bantu Wind". But that jacket has pleats. Anyway, I digress. The point is - if there were more jackets made, they never made it to screen.
What happened to the jackets in this movie is very simple:
- The Bantu Wind scene was shot in France using the "Bantu Wind" jacket.
- Production moves to the UK. Imam's House scene is shot with Ford wearing the "Hawaii" jacket.
- For some reason when the next scene is shot, Ford switches to another practically identical jacket which becomes the main "Hero". He continues to wear this through the Elstree shoot, with Martin Grace using either the "Bantu Wind" or the "Hawaii". (see photo jumping over scary pit). Could be either, but I'm kind of leaning towards the "Bantu Wind".
- They hit Tunisia, and use the "Hero" for the Flying Wing scene.
- The truck chase - here's where it gets interesting. Terry Leonard exclusively wears the "Bantu Wind" jacket on horseback, and going under the truck. This jacket HAS PLEATS. The only shot where no pleats appear is the one hanging onto the front. This is an illusion. As you can see by the photos below, there are pleats. If you watch the Making of DVD, and the Stunts of, he's clearly wearing this jacket when sussing out the going-under-the-truck stunt, etc.
- Ford wears ALL THREE jackets in the course of the truck sequence. And some very freaky things happen. The Ford scenes & pickup shots were shot over a couple of days. They were the last scenes where he wore a jacket in Tunisia.
- He was wearing the main "Hero" jacket being dragged on the road behind the truck.

- There where TWO jackets with a bullet wound. The other one was the "Hawaii" - almost all the shots you see of Indy with the arm injury in the truck was this one. They just nicked the jacket with a little crooked slit. Completely different entry "wound". Flat collar very obvious.
- Just before the blond German dude jumps in the driver's side window, there is a shot of Indy. He's wearing the "Bantu Wind" jacket. Its collar presents completely differently to the other two.
- Jump to Hawaii. They can't use the main "Hero" because they drug it behind a car and then blew it up. The "Bantu Wind" is torn up pretty good too from Leonard's little escapade. So they switch to the least damaged - the "Hawaii". They patch the slit from the inside and shoot the remaining scenes. It then makes its way back to the ranch after filming. This is the jacket that Tony Nowak was given to duplicate.
That's it for now. Evidence below. Textures, zipper variations etc. have all been compared to the nth degree. There are more markeks / explanations but I really should start work for the day.

Thanks again for your help guys nameable and unnamed - you know who you are!
Mods, the bigness and volume of these images has already been cleared via Bink who checked with someone else. I've tried to condense them as much as possible while keeping clarity.
cheers, Yojimbo.