Just wanted to write a little note about my first Indy hat.
I've always been into movie props and not so much into the costuming side of the hobby but one of the items I've always wanted was Indiana Jones' hat. A while ago I saw a listing in the Bazaar here for a "free hat". Overjoyed I sent the lister (kwh) a PM and he confirmed that it was indeed still available. I gave him my address and asked him for a postage quote only to be told that he'd send it to me for free!
When it arrived it came with this note:
"Here's your hat. I hope it wears you well. If you find it doesn't fit you please send it to someone else that might need it. That's how I got it. Take Care, Keith"
I am very touched. I don't know much about fedoras but I love this hat and it fits me perfectly (it's one of the licensed ones).
I just wanted to post this to publicly say THANK YOU for this very kind gift and rest assured that should the time come that I no longer need the hat you'll find it for free in the Bazaar.

Oh, Keith had one more request... Here it is, me in the hat: