From Left to Right:
9' Del Carpio; 10' Strain; 10' Paul Nolan

Some of you may remember me making a post about how I was going to get an AB from Paul Nolan through Marc. I did not wind up doing that.
First of all, I had paid Marc for an 8' AB whip. Then, quite coincidentally about 2 months later I met a woman with a 10' Paul Nolan "Indy" whip. She had received it brand new from Paul about 3 months before and said that it was too much whip for her. So, while I'm sure she paid $600 for it, she let me have it for only $400! (By the way, it seems to me that she must have ordered it in Saddle Tan and not Natural Tan, but its possible that it aged that quickly and darkened, but I doubt it! Either way I think it makes for a great ROTLA or TOD whip, depending on the scene, etc).
Now, at this point I had fully intended to still sit back and wait for my other Nolan arrive. I was actually quite excited by the prospect of being able to compare the standard Nolan to the AB, etc. (Here's my previous post where I compared Joe's whip to Bernardo's btw
But as some of you know, I just got engaged. So . . . Marc was kind enough to return my money (thank you again, Marc. And by the way, she said, "Yes!") I don't know what else to say except that I realized that while Paul's AB whip might well have been the ULTIMATE Raiders SA whip, I just had to look at what I had and say, "These whips are pretty stinkin' awesome. Really, the ONLY whip that could make me happier would be one handled on screen by Ford himself."
Not to mention, I think that the Nolan I have is pretty sweet. So, as far as I'm concerned, I've got what I wanted!
What do you guys think?

Yes, I know that I don't have a Morgan. But I do have a Jacka INDY IV, so I feel I've got at least one "Screen Used" (sorta, but not really, I mean Ford didn't use MINE obviously) whip. Otherwise, since I understand David doesn't really make the whips anymore, I'm again as happy as I could be with the whips I have from these three fine whipmakers. They are the best in the business as far as I'm concerned. Thank you all, gentlemen!

And here's a clip of me cracking my 9' Del Carpio explaining a move I learned from Anthony De Longis.
Hope you guys like it!