I think that when alphared6 was new on the boards, he 'busted out' by disclosing that Ford told him that the jacket he went into the river with, was chased by the Hovitos was a cotton type jacket, because it held fullers earth better than a leather jacket. To me, it made sense because he was also about to go into the river.
Yeah, I remember that, too. I posted this because it looked like Holt had some concern about the relevance of e_w's post in the Scrapbook section.
This ( the picture at the top ) is the best picture of the jacket from that sequence that I've yet seen posted. It seemed like it deserved a thread of it's own, especially considering the claim of a cloth material jacket is not exactly common knowledge to all. Also, I don't recall there being anything about it on the main page. I know there was some speculation as to it possibly being the "mock-up", but then, as you can see, no pleat, and that apparently odd cuff. Plus, there's been little else beyond Ford's recollection ( from what I remember reading ). If people want to take that as gospel, that's fine. I'm inclined to believe it, as well. BUT... there are a lot of others who insist on corroberation, and rightfully so. The memories of the costume designer, the jacket maker, etc...have all been called into question in the past, but it seems that in the matter of the cloth jacket, a lot of folks tend to take it at face value.
All said, I'm just kinda trying to make a start at "the definative cloth jacket from the 'Running-From-the-Hovitos-Then-Jumping-in-the-Water Sequence' thread".