Moderator: BullWhipBorton
That I could buy, because INDY has an INCREDIBLE amount of luckMcFly wrote:On my last trip to Fort Mac, Justin771 came with us and while we were messing around (he was in a CS style military uniform with "Adams" on his shirt) he came at me with a small plank which I wrapped and pulled away. The plank ~~flew!~~ out of his hands and hit me right in the upper chest! Needless to say I tried my best to duck, but was already laughing and took a good hit. It was pretty amazing.![]()
I think it's possible, but may be reeeeally difficult to actually aim. Maybe it was just luck that Mac caught it?
Gorak wrote: I have always wondered what crack was used in the beggining of Raiders to disarm Barranca. Even slow motion DVD is difficult to judge.
isnt it just a cattleman's crack? and if i understood you right... that is what u said xD please enlighten me if im wrongMarhala wrote:Gorak wrote: I have always wondered what crack was used in the beggining of Raiders to disarm Barranca. Even slow motion DVD is difficult to judge.
I have always interpreted it as a "reversed overarm flick".You lay the whip uncoiled in front of you, drag it by leveraging with your elbow fixed, let the loop form, and the whip will unroll to your back, perpendicular to your shoulder and crack. Right, and after or nearly after the whip cracks you're already aligning by rotating your body 180°. Me thinks...
And yes, Gorak, I concur with you, the surprise factor would play a big role in helping Indy disarm a guy.
All the best,
Well... yes and no. In a way, it is like starting the moves for a flick, but by turning the body, you actually "cut" the thong in the air, and it becomes a cattleman's (swing and cut). Now that you say so... I've never tried it. Perhaps I should go to the park to see if it's possible. Hope I won't whip the back of my head!
isnt it just a cattleman's crack? and if i understood you right... that is what u said xD please enlighten me if im wrong