I just received a new holster from Todd's and was wondering if anyone had recommendations for how to distress it a bit. I know that distressing is a controversial issue but I just can't see showing up at this costume event in gear that looks like it just came out of the box.
The biggest question I've got is how to get the holster to look as though it's actually had a gun in it. I'm assuming this is done by putting a gun "mold" into the holster and then distressing it from there. But, I've no idea where to acquire a gun mold or what should be done in terms of color.
For my Todd's holster I distressed it using fine grit sand paper, steel wool, and dark brown shoe polish. I also distressed it with a cap gun in it to try to make some ares lighter than others. Basically I put the cap gun in the holster and sanded areas that I thought would get the most wear. I did this several times, until I got the look I wanted (which I still need to work on some more) then I rubbed the shoe polish on it to darken it up in some areas and give it a dirtier appearance. Also I took the strap that holds the flap down, and the flap as well, and rolled/curled them up multiple times to make them creased and wrinkled, then put shoe polish on them, which got in the wrinkles nicely. Mine at least turned out not looking clean and new, but I need to do some more sanding on it, to get a better outline of the gun. Hope this helped and enjoy your holster.
Put 'distressing' in the search function and look in either this section or the Guns and Holsters section. You'll get a ton of hits to read through and find different techniques.