was reading the boards here to see where Steve was in his Labor of Love.
I can't believe it is time to turn over the calendar to September and all
of a sudden start the beginning of the Ber months.
I understand about the huge backlog of orders caused by the movie which
practically buried Steve alive. Thank goodness he survived.

Mr. Delk's super human efforts have not gone unnoticed, as he has sacrificed
a normal life and has given up so much in order to dig his way out, working like
a bulldog to get caught up.

Given all the circumstances, I was just wondering if any folks have received their
hats ordered late in 2007. And if anyone has heard if Steve said when he plans
to start the 2008 orders ?

I realize that it would take at least two years to see orders placed in May 2008
(that's me), but I was just curious for any feedback.

If anyone can add their 2 cents worth I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank You Very Much!