after I had managed to finish what was planned for the week yesterday and Stefan not being here until tomorrow, I figured "heck, I might work a little on the dark grey Henry prototype - just for the fun of it". What was meant to be a little fun project, turned out to **** up round about 10 hours!!!
First of all I took the hat completely apart. Being a size 58 and me at 57.5cm I placeted to re-size it and while I was at it, I could as well take one of the brown sweatbands that we use on the brown Henrys. Just to add a little contrast. So, I cut the sweatband to 57.5cm, put it together, creased the hat, put in the sweatband and then the pain started with that bow. I knew I placeted something different, I just didn't know what exactly. So, I pulled out my ribbons incl. a few vintage ribbons that Steve gave to me and chose a vintage 1 1/2" ribbon, that I thought would look cool on the hat. Fast forward SEVERAL hours and four bows later, I finally had something that suits the hat.
I really like how this Henry turned out at the end and even though it cost me an entire day, I'm sure this hat will see a lot of wear.
Here's two quick pictures for you to see:

The second one is completely "over flashed" but at least you can see the bow that caused me so much pain LOL.
