But there was one thing about the Expedition I didn't like, and it was a detail that eventually drove me to sell the lamb G&B. I alluded to it in a recent post in a thread by someone considering buying an Expedition, and it's been on my mind enough that I thought I'd raise it here for a discussion if people are interested or have any opinions.
The issue I had with my Expeditions, and the one I see in almost every shot of one being worn, is the sleeves, particularly the upper arms. They just don't drape right. They fold and crease vertically in a weird way.
The only real way to describe it is to show it in pictures. This is me in my lamb Expedition (look at the sleeves from the elbow up):

This was after months of wear, and me scrunching up the sleeves to try to break them in to cure them of this habit. It didn't work. Other than the sleeve crease issue (and the sleeves being slightly too short), the Expedition fit me great and was true to size.
Here's one in goat with the same issue:

Now, to be clear, not every Expedition I've seen worn has this problem. And I have also seen similar issues from time to time in pictures of other makers' jackets. But it seems somewhat endemic in the Expedition and a rarity with other jackets.
Some additional photos I've collected showing further examples of the sleeve issue are below. They are all different jackets. (I've cropped out the wearer's faces where they were included in the original to protect the innocent.) As you can see, it occurs in both goat and lamb jackets, whether the jacket is zipped or not, and even in a non-Expedition jacket (a G&B M422).
Why does this happen with the G&B when otherwise it appears to be an extremely high-quality jacket? Anyone have any ideas? Or am I making a mountain out of a molehill?
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... /Expo1.jpg
Three quarters shot:
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... arters.jpg
Side shot:
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... poSide.jpg
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... s/M422.jpg
Zipped up:
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... Zipped.jpg
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... /Expo4.jpg
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k171/ ... /Expo3.jpg