Inexpensive jones could you maybe post the pictures of your stetson temple on how you got it to look like that again? I remember it vaguely and it being REALLy brilliant:D would love to see them again if possible.
Quick rundown on the Stetson:
It went through many phases as I tried to get what I wanted. First pic: right out of the box, 2nd, tried for a Raiders look, not so good, from then on went for the LC.

Misting it with water from a spray bottle worked the best for me. Tried using different things as blocks, but ended up making one according to directions on COW.
The cowboy hat is a Berman's 10X thoroughbred, and was given to me by a friend who bought it a thrift store for around a dollar. He tried shaping it with steam from a kettle and gave up. He said it wouldn't take a shape and since it was a little big for him anyway, gave it to me. When I got it home my wife immediately told me to "Get rid of it!" She's from Wyoming and left because she doesn't like cowboys. But I digress. This hat has the thickest darn felt I've ever seen. I took out the liner and ran hot water into it until it was soaked, (remember she told me to get rid of it) Then threw it on my block and let it dry. I did have to trim the brim which was 4" all around, so I used the AB as a template. I went to Walmart and got the grossgrain ribbon for 99¢. They only had black in the width I needed.
Unfortunately, in my haste, I never took before pics. Sorry, I regret it too.
The friend who gave the hat to me says it looks too tall, but he said the AB does too, and he said he couldn't reshape the hat to begin with, so what does he know about hats.