Lets use this list as an example. These are the costs incurred by a guy I know

Fed IV Fedora (Used) - $70
Noel Howard Belt and Whip Holder - $100
Webley Green Holster - $85
Magnoli Officer's Tie - $30
Purewhips Indy Whip - $186.50
Todd's Adjustable Whip Holder - $20
Todd's Bag and strap - $39
Todd's Distressed Gloves - $30
Wested Indy Shirt - $80
Wested Indy Trousers - $126
Wested Authentic Lamb - $230
Pecard - $23.75
Web Belt - $5
Alden 405s - $340
Total - $1365.25
In addition, there are several items bought which have been upgraded and are no longer considered part of the costume.
Todd's Weapons Belt - $30 (Excellent belt, but NH belt preferred)
JRZJoe Bullwhip - $162.50 (Don't make this mistake)
WWII Officer Pinks - $85 (Pockets and pleats missing)
Dorfman Pacific "Official" Wool-Felt Fedora - $48 (DEFINITELY don't make this mistake!)
Total - $325.50
That makes the total spent for the costume $1690.75.
In addition, this guy has a small collection of Indy props:
Webley Resin Replica - $145
Voodoo Pin - $135
Headpiece Chain - $44
Staff Headpiece - $115
Lao Che's Eye of Peacock Diamond - $50
Lao Che Coin Purse - $20
Sanskrit Cloth - $38.50
Raiders Sandbag - $67
Crystal Skull Replica Gold coins - $24
Grail Tablet - $227
Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword Pin - $20
Various Mutt Williams jacket lapel pins - $37
Holy Grail (clay) - $160
Blank Diary - $60
Nurhachi Urn - $88
Antidote Vial - $45
Total - $1275.50
For a grand total of:
If this guy's wife saw this post, and knew that it was about him, she'd probably have an absolute fit, so please, kids....ask your parents permission before dialing. Buyer beware! In other words, get out now while you still can!!!!
These costs are modest. It can quite easily get out of hand. There is another user on here who has over 12 INDY JACKETS ALONE!!!!! Run away!!!! If you have money to burn, feed the homeless, donate to the Boy Scouts, or put your child through college.
If you haven't yet been disuaded by this post....there is no hope for you. Welcome to the Land of the Lost (Lost money that is!). We look forward to discussing all things Indy with you

Come for the gear, Stay for the people.