Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by crismans »

Raider S wrote:Why placate people at this point? I'm all for talking about the finer points of jackets but I don't believe the questions are honest anymore. If someone has questions about zipper color, how something is sewn, color, whatever, why not take the time to contact the vendor and ask them directly? The answers given here will never be satisfying enough and has been shown many times over.
You've got a point but if you take the high road then most people can see how stuff shakes out. There does seem to be some people who don't actually seem to want answers (or at least answers that go against their preconceived notions), but the majority just want facts.

I seem to remember that most jacket pocket flaps have two pieces of leather with a piece of cloth between them. The first G and B jackets had 3 pieces of leather which made them way too rigid and lifted the jacket up when you sat down. Can someone who is familiar with the first G and B confirm or deny this?
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by PLATON »

Again Platon, Have you had a nowak Raider in hand to see function this for yourself?

Read back, the flaps are copied exactly.
RC, No I don't have a TN.
But I owned 3 A-2 jackets which had the flaps like this. They were stiff.

Rask, you mean your Wested flap is like this ?

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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by RCSignals »

I do think this talk of flaps probably should go into another thread. But Platon, you've just illustrated that the flaps on the Nowak (and even some of the Westeds that are also made that way) are not as stiff as the A2 pocket flaps you've been talking about. That picture shows it well. It has more to do with the leather and whatever is used between it than just the way the flap is finished.
Still I don't know what your point in all this is.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by VP »

Don't toy with me, Dr. PLATON. What is the point of all this?
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Raskolnikov »

PLATON wrote: Rask, you mean your Wested flap is like this ?

Yes. That's exactly the way it is in my Wested. And the flaps are as floppy as the ones in the movie. That was, in fact, one of the first things that called my attention when I wore it: they tended to get tucked inside the pocket, specially when I placed my gloves inside.
So, once again my friend: it is the leather.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Mac »

This closeup hints at the thickness (or thinness) of the leather, though it's too poor an image to reveal the manner of construction:
From this photo:

I'm curious about the pleat measurement of Chris's new TN. Is the one-inch pleat, as on Yojimbo's, standard for the TN Raiders? Anyone?

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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Tibor »

1 inch on #12 and #13.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Mac »

When discussing the perceived thickness of Chris’s pocket flaps, we should consider the possibility of interference by our old friend Mr. Optical Illusion.

Does one of the two flaps below seem “thinner” than the other?


The contrasting stitches close to the edge tricks the mind into thinking the flap is thicker than it actually is. By digitally removing the obvious stitching, the flaps seem much thinner to me.

Tibor, thanks for the confirmation on the pleats.

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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Heyjude7 »

Awesome pics Mac! 8)
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Mac wrote:When discussing the perceived thickness of Chris’s pocket flaps, we should consider the possibility of interference by our old friend Mr. Optical Illusion.

Does one of the two flaps below seem “thinner” than the other?


The contrasting stitches close to the edge tricks the mind into thinking the flap is thicker than it actually is. By digitally removing the obvious stitching, the flaps seem much thinner to me.

Tibor, thanks for the confirmation on the pleats.

- Mac
Excellent point, Mac, illustrated well. Something was off on those pics compared to when I was posting last night - I was wearing my jacket at the time and they are HEAPS thinner than those shots.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by crismans »

I posted some comparison photos of the flaps of four different jackets in another thread.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by coronado3 »

Nice to see the ususal's gettin on so well... DId I miss something?
Apparently you haven't read any of the threads on the new wested hero jacket! :lol:
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Or maybe he did and he just knows better. ;)
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Hatch »

Naahh, Bink he's probably on the horn with Peter getting his 'Hero' order finalized..... :lol:
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I know you mean that in jest, Hatch, but tread lightly as similar comments in the thread to which you refer snowballed into a handful of vacations. Best to get the thread back on topic, folks.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by PLATON »

Just for reference, here's a good example of jacket in which the pockets 'blend in' rather than sticking out.


You almost cannot see them when looking from a distance.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

But the only reason they tend to blend in in the movie is the same as the reason why the jacket looks almost black most of the time - colour curves.

There's a steep drop off of film's ability to register the differences in tone when they are shades of darkness, particularly when you are shooting at closed-down f-stops as you do in bright desert scenes.

Thus beyond a certain point, the detail simply blends.
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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Dutch_jones wrote:
Yojimbo Jones wrote:
Kt Templar wrote: The flap is soft and is tucked into the pocket, with the thick stiffer pocket flap it less less likely to do that.
Mine could do that quite easily. Its thin / tough / pliable.
Lets see it, has to be just like the capture though
My pleasure, Dutch. Though I skipped the trip to Tunisia and just did it on my desk. These suckers are so bendy they may as well be plasticine.

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Re: Nowak Raiders jacket - Number 81 *UPDATED PICS*

Post by Yojimbo Jones »

Yeah, _, I know...
I was happy to do so with my Wested, but with this one...? Just...can'

It's too beautiful. Will let time do its thing.
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