I visited a hat shop in Hamburg this week. I had an appointment with the manager who runs the shop and showed him the AB Henry, one that I had just grapped out of its box before leaving, so it was still open crown.
He examined it VERY closely, grapped one of their high dollar hats, compared, examined The Henry again and again and then he asked me, if that's a pure beaver?! I told him that no, this is a 20% beaver. He than went into the back of the shop to fetch the hat maker - an old timer who's been working in the trade for over 50 years by now. The Henry was then handed to the hatter, who lit up like a christmas tree: "you made this?" "that's a factory hat???" "NEW?!" "They don't make 'em like that any more, it's just like back then - when everything used to be better" LOL.
The manager then gave him the 589 Euro hat (that is round about 800 bucks Gentlemen) and the hatter said that he'd pick the Henry over the other any time! "Back in the 50's and 60's... that's when they made felt like that yet... we wouldn't have sold any of these (pointing at the 589 Euro hat) back then. People knew what they were buying. But this ones is nice! Can I have one in grey?"
We (the hatter and I) chit chatted for almost an hour. About Locke, HJ, Borsalino and all the big European names of yesteryear. He congratiolated me on having re-created what they used to make - 30-50 years ago - and I left the shop with a proudly swolen chest
