No E-bay links Allen, but since you already edited your post to remove it, No harm, no foul.
Whipdude, While I appreciate your blunt reminder of the rules, next time try being a bit more civil in your additional comments, I somehow doubt those where really needed to drive home your point.
Anyway Allen, Since you’ve never seen one of these before and you seem interested, this whip was a 10ft variation on David’s Classic Bullwhips which he stopped offering a few years ago. They where 16-plait with an 8 way seam coming off the handle and then transitioning into the standard 4 way seams. These had 3 plaited underbellies as apposed to the 2 in the regular 450 series which often gave them a more robust look in comparison and where finished with a 8plait point rather then the 6 plait point in the 450 series whips.
As it stated in the catalog, These where made to meet the needs of those requiring a high quality whip for precision work in target cutting or multiple cracking. The whip has the same balance and shape as the 450s but rather then being designed towards resisting damage from impact and abrasion in stunt use, it was designed towards resisting the high stress of constant practice and towards attaining the smoothest action possible and the most stability of shape retention over long use.
Here are a couple more (and nicer looking ones if you ask me) examples of these 16 plait classic David Morgan bullwhips

Photos originally posted by its owner and member, Genexs
And the first one David Made, photographed by Bernardo Del Carpio