I hope I don't go over my picture limit here! Here are four screen caps from Raiders, no adjustments, just as they came from the DVD. All four show the shirt out of direct sunlight.

The next one, please note the contrast between the white of Marion's shirt, the white of the paper HF is holding, and the tan of the man to his left.

The next one, please compare Indy's colors with Sallah's. I take it that Sallah's shirt is white and his suit is cream color.

And lastly, compare the whites in the photo with the shirt. White pillows, white bowls, a white towel, and Marion's white dress.

Now here is a comparison photo taken under controlled conditions of three shirts with the same jacket and WWII Officer's pinks. The camera is a Nikon D50, white balanced, and only adjusted for exposure and saturation (the D50 is a little oversaturated). What do you think?