That's a lot of comments in a short time...

Wow - thanks for that. Truly.
But to the details. As I wrote in the description - it's exactly in the middle between the usual budget whips and the great 12 plaiters.
A budget whip is ie. 160.00 USD. A roohide 12 plaiter is 500.00 USD. So this whip will be in the range of 260.00 USD. In the middle.
As I said. And as all the other prices I mentioned... always plus shipping. The actual price will be
exactly 200.00 Euros. What's that
in US Dollars depends on the daily course. The onlineshop will open within the next four weeks. But... If somebody's interested to
place an order
before the shop opens, please send me PM. Or better email me:
And for Ryan. To answer your question. It always depends on the quality of the plaiting. You can have a 12 or 16 plait and the whip
behaves like a wet noodle. You can have a 8 plait and the sun is shining down on you.
Ie: In the whip basics shop we have that traditional made wooden handled bullwhip from Victor SanSoucie (
It's 8 plait and a great and accurate whip. You can use it for multiple cracking and for target work, too. It's a kind of allrounder.
So that 8 plait Indy whip we have in the WBSR is braided tight and it rolls out very straight. It cracks where you want it to crack.
I think that's what you expect from a whip, right?
To be honest - I think that it comes in the end to a question of philosophy. I like 8 plaited whips, 12 and 16 plaited. Someone who
wants it straight SA will accept nothing then a 12 plait. But that has it's price. If you say, I'd like roohide, but I don't want (
or can't)
spend 500.00 Dollars, that WBSR Indy whip could be exactly your thing. At the end - and that's my personal opinion - I ask myself
how many whips that whipmaker has braided. How much experience is in all that. And I'm also interested in the variety of whips a maker
has in his/her programm. Karol - if you check his website - is in the business for a few years now. But he has that variety. Not only Indy,
but also stock- and snakewhips. That means experience in the field.
I have his whip here - of course I have... - and I know how it behaves; how it cracks. Well, I have all the whips here, that will be offered
in the WB shop. And trust me... Every whipmaker; every whip has to pass me before it comes into the shop. And when it comes to the
Whip Basics stuff, I'm a real nitpicker. I hope that answers some of your questions. And - again - you can write me pm or email.
Whatever you like.
Thanks and take care,