By steven36

By steven36
Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Mike, Indydawg
lol truePiers wrote:anyone requesting opinions on jacket length really REALLY need to tuck in their shirts
Well let me see? I went off their sizing chart, sent them an email and then double checked to make sure, I was getting the right size. So doing my home work still got me a jacket that was too big. Besides Last time I checked answering questions from customers was their job they do sell jackets after all.bigrex wrote:Just another reason to have measurements posted on a vendor's site, sigh. I guess we need to corner them on the phone and have them drop everything, pull out their tape measure and do measurements over the phone, double sigh.![]()
Wherere DID I put those happy pills?!...fidgit.
The front of a Crystal Skull jacket is about the same length as the front of a Raider jacket. (going by the TN Crystal Skull jacket and the original Raider jacket TN had to copy) The rear of a Crystal Skull jacket is longer than a Raider jacket but about the same as a ToD or LC jacket back length.Chewbacca Jones wrote:It's all about what you want, really. In terms of strict screen accuracy, a US Wings length will only be right as a Crystal Skull jacket. And even then, as an off-the-rack item, it does not account for the fact that not everyone's waist is in the same place, even if they wear the same size.
SA Indy jackets tend to be short. Too short, in my opinion. Only a very small portion of people look right in a jacket that short, and the bigger you are built, the worse it gets. I love the fit of a US Wings, and I even have a custom Magnoli that asked to be made longer than normal.
So, my final verdict summation; The jacket looks like it fits you correctly, but is not SA to the first 3 films.
RCSignals wrote: The front of a Crystal Skull jacket is about the same length as the front of a Raider jacket. (going by the TN Crystal Skull jacket and the original Raider jacket TN had to copy) The rear of a Crystal Skull jacket is longer than a Raider jacket but about the same as a ToD or LC jacket back length.
Every movie has a different jacket really, and each of those has it's own 'fit' characteristics. The sizes of the jackets though for Ford are not so different, even though much time has passed and Ford is obviously older.Chewbacca Jones wrote:RCSignals wrote: The front of a Crystal Skull jacket is about the same length as the front of a Raider jacket. (going by the TN Crystal Skull jacket and the original Raider jacket TN had to copy) The rear of a Crystal Skull jacket is longer than a Raider jacket but about the same as a ToD or LC jacket back length.
Maybe that's what the measurement bear out, but one look at HF in each film tells a different story to my eyes. And let's face it, he does not have the same body he had in Raiders. So, if what you say is true, it just proves the concept that it's as much about the body wearing the clothes as the clothes themselves!
I feel the exact same way about my jackets length, that why I always choose the custom route.crismans wrote:As has been said, it all comes down to personal preferences. If you are after uber-SA then the jacket is a little too long in relation to the first 3 films.
[...] But I like my jackets a little longer than the good Professor Jones did so I'll go a little longer in the torso because the jacket is more comfortable to me that way.
If you like the jacket and the fit feels good to you, I wouldn't worry if it was an inch or so too long. Just my opinion.
27" does seem long. I wonder if they measured from the top of the collar stand?Indiana Holt wrote:from a source who worked inn the industry who measured one of the a LC jacket said that the back length of the LC jacket was 27''
This is the sort of information I'm after. I tried on some OTR Raiders and they felt short for me, but only as I'm used to wearing longer coats / jackets. The problem I've found in searching this issue is that people tend to wear the jackets over very casual wear for the pictures posted. T shirt over jeans or jogging bottoms mainly, either way you can't tell where someons waist is!Indiana G wrote:
if you want SA, and you already have an SA bag, the jacket should almost cover the snaps....if you are wearing an SA gun rig, the holster should easily be accessible through the side vent. if that still doesn't apply, use a cell phone/blackberry clipped to your belt. if you can clear the holster easily, it's about the right length.....at least that's what my TN gives me.
22.5 inches would be the front measurement not including the collar stand. The back was 23", but because of the way the Raiders jacket tends to fall back off the shoulders it's OK. The Raiders jacket does not fit at the shoulders like other jackets. The back length of the CS is 26" and it stays in the proper place on the shoulders.Raider Of The Lost Ark wrote:......... I understand Fords was 22.5inches, and he's taller than me!! If I had a jacket that short it would be half way up my back. I'm 5ft 10 and went for a 25inch length, but I'm just not sure......
Michaelson wrote:
Just a thought to mull over while you're chewing around the edge of this 'problem'.![]()
Regards! Michaelson
Hey, you stick to your diet, and I'll stick with mine!Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:Michaelson wrote:
Just a thought to mull over while you're chewing around the edge of this 'problem'.![]()
Regards! MichaelsonWell if your chewing on the edges of course they're gonna get short!
My jackets are usually 23-24". Ford must have a seriously high waist!RCSignals wrote:22.5 inches would be the front measurement not including the collar stand. The back was 23", but because of the way the Raiders jacket tends to fall back off the shoulders it's OK. The Raiders jacket does not fit at the shoulders like other jackets. The back length of the CS is 26" and it stays in the proper place on the shoulders.Raider Of The Lost Ark wrote:......... I understand Fords was 22.5inches, and he's taller than me!! If I had a jacket that short it would be half way up my back. I'm 5ft 10 and went for a 25inch length, but I'm just not sure......
It's the construction and the way it hangs off the shoulders.Kt Templar wrote:My jackets are usually 23-24". Ford must have a seriously high waist!RCSignals wrote:22.5 inches would be the front measurement not including the collar stand. The back was 23", but because of the way the Raiders jacket tends to fall back off the shoulders it's OK. The Raiders jacket does not fit at the shoulders like other jackets. The back length of the CS is 26" and it stays in the proper place on the shoulders.Raider Of The Lost Ark wrote:......... I understand Fords was 22.5inches, and he's taller than me!! If I had a jacket that short it would be half way up my back. I'm 5ft 10 and went for a 25inch length, but I'm just not sure......
no I'd just put all your requested sizes in the special request section. Don't use the drop downs unless they are exactly what you want.indyfan1234 wrote:ok wested has only 26 or 27 should i put 27 and then on the special requests area ask if they can put 26.5??
sorry for all these questions ive never ordered a custom and i dont want to ship it all the way back to england