Did you purchase these through a store, or what?
Definitely take the receipt and shoes back to the store you got them. Aldens last a LOT longer than 2 1/2 months, I assure you!

From all appearances of the top of the boot, it doesn't look like you've been mistreating them, but that's based on this one shot.
Keep in mind, for you guys who decide to 'distress' these, no shoe seller or Aldens will touch them in a return situation when you try to do the old 'black magic' you do.
This looks like a seam blow out to me, though.
I had a pair do this once, but they were OLD, and had been resoled and heeled 3 times, so they had all they could stand before letting go. This, on the other hand, makes no sense.
Regards! Michaelson