How many's "too many"...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs

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Post by rover smith »

Fine here too, lots and lots of hats. Nice collection.
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Post by Michaelson »

Indiana Johnson wrote:
If you're ever worried you might be getting too many hats (or leather jackets for that matter), step on over the Many here are members there, and you will meet several people with more hats than they could possibly wear in months. We're talking several people with 20-30 dress hats, and some with many more.
Yeah. We know all about that forum. MK started it from here, when he was an administrator/webmaster of this site. You'll find that most, if not all, the charter members were COW members. I was the original moderator of the Golden Era when it opened. ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I blame the Lounge for all my financial problems. At least when I'm posting on COW!!! :lol:
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Post by theinterchange »

I have 2 Kepplers [well, one's on order but I count it anyway] and am thinking of getting a Federation Deluxe to give a more non Indy bash just for something different.

Then there's always the Penman rabbit coming... and I'd really love to order an AB. Plus, I'm wanting to get some more non Indy hats just to mix it up.

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Post by DR Ulloa »

Randy, I'd get at least one AB before Steve closes his doors. You will be kicking youself later if you don't.

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Post by theinterchange »

My thoughts exactly. It's just ponying up $400 beforehand that stops me. But I'm saving my change.. I'm saving my change. And swiping it from family haha
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Post by Restless Dreamer »

I own a DP fur felt, a Crambes cotton safari (officially licensed Indiana Jones hat, worse than the DP), and a Henry.

These are my Indy hats, then I have a brown wool felt hat from Union Brand and a black wool felt. Dunno if I can call them fedoras :-k they do not have a grosgrain ribbon: they have instead a leather strap, and the black one has a very very short brim
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Mitch LaRue
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Michaelson wrote:I'll have to say, though, I have 3 main rotation hats, and ONE that I almost ALWAYS reach for when I'm walking out the door at any given I do have my favorites of the herd....and no, I'll not say what they are, as I don't want to present favoritism to any particular brand hat.
I'm well aware of why you don't want to silently "endorse" any one particular brand of fedora... as the Knower of Things, folks like myself would put a lot of confidence in such a recommendation and there'd suddenly be a rush to order a... whatever hat you "keep reaching for".
Can you at least tell us if it's the hat you're wearing in your avatar?
(Mitch squints at his monitor, peers over his bi-focals and squints some more...)
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Post by Michaelson »

Mitch LaRue wrote:Can you at least tell us if it's the hat you're wearing in your avatar?
(Mitch squints at his monitor, peers over his bi-focals and squints some more...)
Nope, it isn't. That was a Keppler that no longer exists in my VERY nice hat it was, if I may say.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Erri »

lazarus_arkane wrote:hello all, new guy here.

here's what i've got.

-vintage royal stetson unpounced furfelt. unsure of if its beaver, rabbit, or a blend. doesn't specify on the hatband.

- christys of london adventurer
-fed 4 standard
-and am currently waiting on a penman
Nice bash on your fed there ;-)
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Post by lazarus_arkane »

i've been waiting for my fed to soften up a bit more before doing more to it, but with all the comments i've gotten on my bash, i'm starting to think i should just leave it as it is. :)
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Post by Erri »

Well just from what I can see... remember that once it soften it will be harder to bash so if you want to change something you better do it now that is still a bit stiff ;-)
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Post by lazarus_arkane »

i wasn't aware of that, thanks for the heads up. so far i'm thinking i may just leave it as is.
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