My Jersey Joe 12-Plait 10 foot Ebay Bull Whip

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My Jersey Joe 12-Plait 10 foot Ebay Bull Whip

Post by jaq78 »

My Jersey Joe 12-Plait 10 foot Ebay Bull Whip


For reference more than likely, but thought I would share....
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Post by Magno »

It looks good to tell you the truth. Have you tried cracking it yet though? It's the interior construction that seems to be the bad point on these whips. Sort of a snap-bam-oops-two-whips-now sort of thing...
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Post by Shagbd »

they couldnt even do a checkerboard for the grip?
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Post by Magno »

Shagbd wrote:they couldnt even do a checkerboard for the grip?
Depends if they were trying to do an Indy whip or not.
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Post by jaq78 »

I haven't really tried cracking it yet..don't want to the neighbors calling the cops...hehe.

It was a cheap alternative to the unaffordable David Morgan Whip

What would all of you suggest I could upgrade to that would be the best economical SA whip?


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Post by rjallen70 »

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Post by louiefoxx »

I think the reason that the whip doesn't have the checkerboard on the handle is that it's easier to crank them out if you don't change the plaiting pattern.

Also the checker board is a bit more time consuming to do than the over 4 under 4


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Post by Kiscien »


I'm making 8 ft whips with 'roo hide for 270 usd(right now, it all depends from USD). Whips are made with core, two plaited bellys and two bolsters. Price is so low, because here in Poland it's a lot of money ;). And changing PLN to USD gives us such little price.

If you want soem details or something, write me PM.

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Post by maboot38 »

I would second rjallen's suggestion of purewhips for your whip. I have one of Gus's whips, an 8ft 12 plait, and I love it! Great whip for a great price, and won't cost you anywhere near the Morgan prices.
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Post by Indiana Green »

Jaq, I asked this in another thread but this is actually more relevant here: how much did your whip cost? I really like the way it looks and I noticed it has alot of features that aren't typical of jrzjoe's whips like the fall, the turk's head knot, and the smoother looking plaits.

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Post by jaq78 »

I believe it was between $140-$180. I purchased it last March/April....
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Post by DanielJones »

jaq78 wrote:I haven't really tried cracking it yet..don't want to the neighbors calling the cops...hehe.

It was a cheap alternative to the unaffordable David Morgan Whip

What would all of you suggest I could upgrade to that would be the best economical SA whip?



So Josh, since October, have you had a chance to crack this one? Does it at least do a cattleman crack or flick, an underhand or side crack? Also, could you please post a few more photos?
Just curious as to what "you" think of it. Is it a steaming pile of agony, or is it something workable for the time being until you get enough scratch together to upgrade to the next level?
After all, we have to start somewhere, either at the bottom of the heap or in the middle depending on our actual skills & money situations. Very few of us are able to start on top, & I'm sure the pros out there started with something low end in their early learning process and decided that they could do better over time, even making their own to do a better job of it. That way we have a much better understanding of the true mechanics of the whip. We get to see first hand what a junker will do in our mitts and when we graduate to the next level we can feel the difference for ourselves and our bodies & mind will learn the skills better with the understanding of the tools in hand.
I'm sure a lot of our whip masters out there can share stories a plenty of their first whip that they could ever afford, and not all of them are of a top notch cracker either. Then, as they learned more and received more experience, they ascended to each successive level until they reached the pinnacle that they are at now. I would bet that they probably still have some of their very first whips in their collections for nostalgic reasons, to remember their humble beginnings.
Well Josh, enough of my senseless ramblings. Please let us know what you think of this humble beginning. Will the experience with this particular whip keep you going on the path of continued learning with this tool, or is it something that is discouraging?


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Post by DanielJones »

Well folks, don't beat me up too badly. I went and won one of these 10' 12 plait whips from this cat. For $64 I couldn't go wrong. I figure I have to start somewhere and with a super limited budget this was my best bet. This will be my benchmark so to say. From here I can go up to one of Gus' or Adam's budget whips once I get my tax return and continue the progressive learning.

I will be sure to post pics & a fairly comprehensive review as best as I can over time. I figure if I can get one of his 4 plait whips to crack consistently without muscling it, maybe I can get this to work as well. Never hurts to try, and one never knows until one tries. Besides it'll make the real deals out there seem super easy once I get proficient. Which reminds me, I need to get Robby's videos to learn from now. It just keeps on snowballing doesn't it? :[

Anyway, I will try to get more detailed photos once I receive this whip & post them for your input. then you can rake me over the coals for beginners foolishness. :whip:


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Post by DR Ulloa »

I had a JrzJoe before I got my Caicedo and, to be honest, I had to re-learn how to crack a whip because I was so used to using the whip the only way it would work...wrong. To his credit, though, this whip looks a lot better than the one I bought almost a year ago.

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Post by myrddin »

You know, I grew up playing with cheap rope-core leather whips (from Mexico I believe). Sure they only lasted three years or so (and this is with a 12 year old me wrapping pine branches and swinging with it), but I had a lot of fun with them and did all sorts of cracks.

I got a Strain last summer (20 some odd years later) and of course I love how differently it moves and cracks. Sinuous. I can do tons more with it. Now I have a 10 foot nylon on order from Ron, so I'll soon be able to test out that material out as well. I'm looking forward to having an all-weather whip and a ten-footer again.

Personally, I'm not going to knock you for buying a Jersey Joe whip, even though that name brings to mind a character from that movie "While You Were Sleeping." :) Most people can't start driving an BMW roadster when they get their license. Most of us start out with something else that we can still have fun with.

As long as you know what you're buying (and what you're not).
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Post by jedidentist »

It's certainly a much better buy than those Noble Collection ones.
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Post by DanielJones »

Well, like I said before I had bought one of his back in October for Halloween in a hurry for $24, it's a 8' 4plait & I can at least get three different cracks out of it. So, maybe this one will suit me better for the time being.
Yes, at $64 it is a sight better than the Noble Collection offering. It looks like Josh may have paid quite a bit mor for his if it is the same whip. Interesting. :-k


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Post by Indiana County Jr. »

You know, I grew up playing with cheap rope-core leather whips (from Mexico I believe). Sure they only lasted three years or so (and this is with a 12 year old me wrapping pine branches and swinging with it), but I had a lot of fun with them and did all sorts of cracks.

That is fantastic, brings back the old days :) when you never thought swinging on them could hurt a whip at all. I wore out my 8ft Mexican by swinging on cedar and oak trees! Oddly enough the "release" wrist flick you see in the movies never seemed to work for me... :lol: always ended up having a long ladder near by.

Crack On! :whip:
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Post by DanielJones »

Well, it showed up yesterday. One thing for sure, super speedy delivery. Shipped on Wednesday got it Friday.
Now, my initial impression out of the box it that it is ok. Nothing spectacular & that is exactly what I had expected. The handle is steel and has some considerable heft, to it may balance well, even if it is on the longish side. The palm knot isn't like the above shown image that Jaq received nor is the wrist loop. That explains the price difference. the rest of it though does look the same.
I haven't had a chance to crack it since the weather is a bit soggy as of late. I will try some this weekend over at my sisters house since they have much more room in their back yard than I. I will also try and get some pictures as well.
The first thin I noticed is the heft of the fall attachment & the shortness of the cracker. These I may have to replace right away. We shall see.
Anyway, it's just an el cheapo, and that is no less that what I expected, but I'm sure I should be able to crack this sucker, one way or another. ;-)

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Post by racerx »

Hey Dan,
your first whip looks a lot better than mine did and I still used to crack the heck out of it, just a 12 foot swivel handle type, 4 strander, the inside was n't rope either, it was straw, no belly, :lol: so have fun, plus with all the awesome videos around now a days along with the youtube ones from Adam Winrich you can't go wrong, so enjoy and yes you'll probley blow through plenty of poppers, but easily replaced.


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Post by Cracker »

Hi Dan,

When you said "fall attachment" I wasn't sure if you meant the fall hitch or just the fall. If just the fall, yes, replace it with a decent fall and it will improve your cracking considerably. Also, like you said, put a decent popper on it, that will also make a difference for the better. But if you were talking about the fall knot, don't mess with it. It has a metal weight in it to compensate for the lack of weight in the thong. (Think fishing lure on the end of the line). That is what is going to make your whip form a loop for the crack.

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Post by Solent MKIII »

I would have killed to have a whip like this back in the day. My first whip was one of those famous el-cheapo, rope core, Mexican whips with the paper-thin strands. I misplaced that whip years ago and haven't found it since ( I suspect I misplaced it in the trash can, though :lol: ) Image
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Post by DanielJones »

racerx wrote:Hey Dan,
your first whip looks a lot better than mine did and I still used to crack the heck out of it, just a 12 foot swivel handle type, 4 strander, the inside was n't rope either, it was straw, no belly, :lol: so have fun, plus with all the awesome videos around now a days along with the youtube ones from Adam Winrich you can't go wrong, so enjoy and yes you'll probley blow through plenty of poppers, but easily replaced.


Jim J.
Well Jim, the first whip shown isn't mine, it belongs to Jaq78. This one does crack with some effort, plus my lack of experience factors in as well.

Thus far what I have done is trimmed down the fall & applied a liberal amount of Pecards, that should help some. Cracker, at the end of the thong you are right there is a considerable knot with a bit of beaver tail shaped leather that the fall attaches to. This is his replaceable fall gig. but I see what you mean about the weight carrying the thong in the coil.
I will give it more of a workout tomorrow after the Pecards soaks in.


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Post by gsolideogloria »

unfortunatley i ordered a jrzjoe before i found this sight. i hate it. i wanted a whip for play not for looks. i can get it to crack if i put all i have into it and even then only an overhand crack. i recently got a budget caicedo whip and it cracks like a dream. i dialogued back and forth with jrzjoe and challenged him to check out this sight and what everyone had to say. i thought you might want to check out what he had to say:

I did check the Indy site out last night, If true why on ebay I have 99.9% positive for over 11 yrs now, would be 100% on bullwhip except for sending the wrong color whip to someone in Japan. I have sold bullwhip that were used by stuntmen in Movies at least thats what I was told by them, I received video from buyers. I had a 78 yr old come here and tried out several whips starting with a 10 ft worked his was up to 16 ft. I agree there are many better bullwhips on the market but not for the low price I sell. I tried selling better quality / kangaroo hide for more $ on ebay could not. Oh: On the Indy site someone said I used there Video not true, never had any ones video on my auctions. One thing I notice all comment referred to someone else who make whip think his name was Guy who they should buy from, I wondered why only him, could it be he is a friend. Anyway I am always looking to improve the whip as long as I can keep the cost the same / down. For instance the first several snake whips I sold 2 buyer said the like the whip buy it could uses some more weight so I added more weight. A mechanical engineer who purchased a whip only to brake the fall came up with a way to make it easy to replace and still work the same, sent me a drawling and I tried it out and for the cost of a few penny's was able to add the quick change fall to all my whip but the economy 4. plait We try to do our best I have people working for me who's income depends on that. We also sell large lots wholesale, one wholesalers in Austria who buys 300-400 Whips every year for about the past 6 years. His buyer come into his store and see first hand before buying.
Enough comment on the site about hanging from one of my whips, In some of my auctions there is a picture of me doing that from a off the shelve 16 foot 4 plait. There is no problem doing that (if using the thong only) but it will harm the leather if that is all the whip is used for. I have even made a special whip for someone just for that with a steel cable in it. Well it's 5 am I got to get to work printing labels. Jrzjoe / Joe

well there it is. thanks everyone for all of your write-ups. i am constantly gaining in my whip knowledge but have a long way to go. i'm currently saving up for a quality whip ($450 or so). still need to figure out which one to get. not an easy decision.

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Post by DanielJones »

Well, like a friend of mine from Texas always said in times like this, "There you go." I think it sums it up.

Like I said, once I get some dry weather & the Pecards soaks in really well I'll give it a good go & see what I can accomplish with it. I'll never let it get the best of me & I'll eventually master this one while I wait on a better one. I may need to replace the fall & popper to get some good work out of it.
sometime down the road I may want to disassemble this one to see what makes it tick and fond out if I might be able to make it better as a learning process.

Can anyone here recommend good replacement parts. Is a white hide fall better than a red hide? How about a popper? I have a good supply of artificial sinew, will this make a good popper?

Any help & input is greatly appreciated. Thanks Gang!! :)

Cheers! :whip:

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Post by myrddin »

Indiana County Jr. wrote: Oddly enough the "release" wrist flick you see in the movies never seemed to work for me... :lol: always ended up having a long ladder near by.
Hah! That's great. :lol: Yeah. Good times.

I did finally get the release flick down. I'd wrap the branch, then flick it so the top strand overlapped the wrap. That way the whole wrap didn't tighten so much on my swing. Then I'd flick it so it wasn't overlapped and the another flick to release the wrap.

Man. Much easier to do than describe. :) :whip:
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Post by gsolideogloria »


there is a good tutorial on Brian Nemeth's page about replacing the cracker/popper - ... ement.html

I've never tried artificial sinew, it would probably work well. I mainly make mine out of nylon string using the instructions above as a basis. Also Bernie at em-brand whips has a youtube video of cracker-making at ... annel_page

Let me know how the sinew works if you try it. Happy cracking,

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Post by DanielJones »

Thanks Ryan, that should be most helpful. Now, I've seen poppers that have multiple knots in them and are much longer. Is there an advantage to this method, what is the purpose?

Thanks for the input! :)

Cheers! :whip:

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Post by gsolideogloria »

Sorry Dan, I don't have any idea why poppers would have multiple knots. :-k Haven't come across any info on that yet. Happy cracking,

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Post by ksteryous »

DanielJones wrote:Now, I've seen poppers that have multiple knots in them and are much longer. Is there an advantage to this method, what is the purpose?

I think Terry Jacka sometimes uses longer poppers with multiple knots in them, and his reason for doing this is so that as the popper gets frayed beyond use, you can simply snip a section off and start fresh.

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Post by DanielJones »

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks! :)


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Post by gsolideogloria »

I wondered if that might be why. I usually tie a knot in my poppers once they get too short to use and then cut it above the bottom knot, so that would make sense.
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Post by Indy1024 »

whats with this guys typing?
the quote, i mean! (jrzjoe)
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Post by thefish »

Sorry to say it, but I remember the auction that he claims didn't use video of someone here.

It was plainly on there. Shane, (McFly) cracking in a video that he'd posted on YouTube. And Shane wasn't even using a JRZJOE whip, (I believe it was his Stenhouse.)

And that's not the end of it. I've seen pictures of OTHER WHIPMAKER'S work in his auctions as well. Literally, pictures that he had lifted from sites I was VERY familiar with...watermark and all.

In fact, I was on the 'Bay today, and saw that a picture that he used was the cover of Peter Jack's whip cracking video. If you look close, you can even see Peter's name on picture. I TRULY doubt that a seasoned whip maker like Peter would allow some guy to use his pictures on an auction that wasn't for one of his whips.

Now, I'm not putting that down as INTENTIONALLY misleading, or even being malicious about it. I just don't think he knows any better.

And I chalk that last line up to being the same reason that he has 95% positive feedback on the Bay as well.

Still, hard to beat for the price, but you get what you pay for.

All the best, and happy cracking, (because regardless of what you're swinging around at Mach 1, that's really the whole point isn't it? So, enjoy it, I say!)

-Dan, (hmmm...Me, Borton, and now Jones...We're taking OVER! MWAH HA HA!)
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Post by DanielJones »

Ok, so here are some shots of my jrzjoe whips.

The first one is the one I needed in a hurry for Halloween. It was $24. it is 8' 4 plait. It actually cracks loud enough to make my ears ring.

This second one is my most recent acquisition. It was $64, 10' 12 plait & has a steel handle. It cracks ok, but I attribute most of that to my inexperience. With more practice I think I can get the feel of it.


I fully understand that nothing will beat a properly made whip but this is what I could afford for the time being. They are benchmarks that I can upgrade from.

Cheers! :whip:

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Post by louiefoxx »

Having had soo many lessons/lectures from David Morgan about about why the making a smooth transition from the thong to the fall is important to how a whip functions...seeing the picture of that whip makes me want to cry...sniff, sniff...


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Post by knibs7 »

I think it looks good for your "starter" whip. Have fun with it

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Post by bobm2004 »

Ah, okay, I have never made a whip. I have only been cracking for 8 months now. I have taken the hobby/art of whip cracking seriously and am pleased with my collection of 8 whips, ranging in length, platt and price. That said I cannot actually believe the size of that transition from the thong to the fall! If the photo portrays it accurately, the darn thing is darn near as big as the handle, in diameter! That has to have a tremendous impact on the functional cracking capability of the whips as it would through the balance completely off. I would have to try it, but I can not imagine it being an easy whip to crack.
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Post by DanielJones »

It is accurate and it is a bit hard to crack. I have to be concentrating on what I am doing to get it to pop before it all hits the ground. Oh well, live & learn. If I never made any mistakes I would never know how good successes feel. Plus, the mor I have been reading here the better idea I have for what I really need to be able to properly learn.

I have to say though, my dark brown, 4 plait whip is far easier to crack & I may have my neighbors worried when I practice in my back yard. :lol: That thing was $24 & it preforms better. Go figure. :-k


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