For reference more than likely, but thought I would share....
Moderator: BullWhipBorton
jaq78 wrote:I haven't really tried cracking it yet..don't want to the neighbors calling the cops...hehe.
It was a cheap alternative to the unaffordable David Morgan Whip
What would all of you suggest I could upgrade to that would be the best economical SA whip?
You know, I grew up playing with cheap rope-core leather whips (from Mexico I believe). Sure they only lasted three years or so (and this is with a 12 year old me wrapping pine branches and swinging with it), but I had a lot of fun with them and did all sorts of cracks.
Well Jim, the first whip shown isn't mine, it belongs to Jaq78. This one does crack with some effort, plus my lack of experience factors in as well.racerx wrote:Hey Dan,
your first whip looks a lot better than mine did and I still used to crack the heck out of it, just a 12 foot swivel handle type, 4 strander, the inside was n't rope either, it was straw, no belly,so have fun, plus with all the awesome videos around now a days along with the youtube ones from Adam Winrich you can't go wrong, so enjoy and yes you'll probley blow through plenty of poppers, but easily replaced.
Jim J.
I did check the Indy site out last night, If true why on ebay I have 99.9% positive for over 11 yrs now, would be 100% on bullwhip except for sending the wrong color whip to someone in Japan. I have sold bullwhip that were used by stuntmen in Movies at least thats what I was told by them, I received video from buyers. I had a 78 yr old come here and tried out several whips starting with a 10 ft worked his was up to 16 ft. I agree there are many better bullwhips on the market but not for the low price I sell. I tried selling better quality / kangaroo hide for more $ on ebay could not. Oh: On the Indy site someone said I used there Video not true, never had any ones video on my auctions. One thing I notice all comment referred to someone else who make whip think his name was Guy who they should buy from, I wondered why only him, could it be he is a friend. Anyway I am always looking to improve the whip as long as I can keep the cost the same / down. For instance the first several snake whips I sold 2 buyer said the like the whip buy it could uses some more weight so I added more weight. A mechanical engineer who purchased a whip only to brake the fall came up with a way to make it easy to replace and still work the same, sent me a drawling and I tried it out and for the cost of a few penny's was able to add the quick change fall to all my whip but the economy 4. plait We try to do our best I have people working for me who's income depends on that. We also sell large lots wholesale, one wholesalers in Austria who buys 300-400 Whips every year for about the past 6 years. His buyer come into his store and see first hand before buying.
Enough comment on the site about hanging from one of my whips, In some of my auctions there is a picture of me doing that from a off the shelve 16 foot 4 plait. There is no problem doing that (if using the thong only) but it will harm the leather if that is all the whip is used for. I have even made a special whip for someone just for that with a steel cable in it. Well it's 5 am I got to get to work printing labels. Jrzjoe / Joe
Hah! That's great.Indiana County Jr. wrote: Oddly enough the "release" wrist flick you see in the movies never seemed to work for me...always ended up having a long ladder near by.
I think Terry Jacka sometimes uses longer poppers with multiple knots in them, and his reason for doing this is so that as the popper gets frayed beyond use, you can simply snip a section off and start fresh.DanielJones wrote:Now, I've seen poppers that have multiple knots in them and are much longer. Is there an advantage to this method, what is the purpose?