cept for our own wade eagen!!!!

wade was great to work with and will customize his products to your needs. excellent customer service.....after all, he's a gearhead like us ;-)
here's some pics with a magnoli strap/AB buckle and a black CS strap (home made with a KT Templar buckle):

a close up with the mag/AB combo:

i know what you're thinking......SA nazi got his SA wide strap but the buckle is not bang on. wade is still sourcing his SA buckle manufacturer (a cost efficient one) and this was the best that his current vendor can do. i think the buckle pale's in comparison to the quality of the strap. i asked wade to match the waterfall picture and good god did he ever nail it....looks like it has a distressed look as well

as far as the buckle goes.....where am i going to find an SA buckle for a strap this large????
....K on the run (AB) has me covered for that (coming soon!) ;-)
(ps - both my WG mk vii bags do not have an eyelet on the inside pocket.....someone was asking about that.........)