Well... After over 6 months of being in the works, we finally have a new version of
http://www.MidWestWhips.com up and running! It is new... and improved. ;-) There are new products, the site is much easier to navigate, and is much more organized so it is easier to find things, and there is room to add new products we are working on for this year. There is also a new ORGANIZED photo gallery,
http://www.MidWestWhips.com/whip%20gallery, with over 1,200 photos of standard and custom whips, as well as photos from previous conventions and events. There will be a lot more photos to come on the next update. I went through over 5,000 photos to pick out these 1,278, and I probably have another 10,000-25,000 that I wasn't able to go through yet.
I made the last website, so Lauren figured it was her turn this time. She really put her heart and soul into this project, and I think that it blatantly shows. She spent an amazing amount of time being stressed putting this site together, and you can tell there was a lot of forethought in the design. I am constantly surprised by her talents and her abilities, first I was astounded by how fast she progressed with whipmaking, and now her skills at graphic design...!!!

I think I made a wise investment ;-).
I hope you all enjoy the new site, and let us know what you think. I know Lauren would really appreciate any compliments, comments, and/or critiques.
I am incredibly ecstatic about the new site,

for Lauren!
Paul Nolan