Hi All,
I am OK, working hard to get your orders done. Dan explained my situation pretty well. Basically things got a bit crazy for me with all the orders, and my recent trip to the States and back to Peru.
As many of you know, I stayed for quite a while in the States (5 months), and just recently got back to Peru. I had to rent a new apartment, set up my shop, etc. Both leaving the States and settling back here in Peru has taken a lot of time, and I already was behind schedule due to an injury to my left wrist back in June.
Good news is, I am back to work, everything set up now, my hands had time to fully recover, and getting up to speed to deliver those orders. To all my dear customers, please bear with me, I am doing my best to finish and ship your whips as soon as possible.
While my trip back and forth to the States made my life a bit more complicated, I surely had a great time, met some great people in the whip world, and I also had the chance of visiting again my hero David Morgan, and meet Joe "The machine" Strain! As soon as I find the time, I will write about my experience with them, with plenty of pics.
Now I have to get back to work on your whips