MY TURN! My Magnoli HJ Arrives! (Outdoor Photos Added)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Mitch LaRue
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MY TURN! My Magnoli HJ Arrives! (Outdoor Photos Added)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:) :) :)
This is going to be a quick post despite the fact that there's a LOT I'd like to say in the way of praise for Steve's great work and thanks to both Steve and Magnoli for the hat that now sits on my head... but I want to pop in these photos and POST 'em!
I've had a VERY LUCKY last couple of weeks...
First my AMAZING Penman Raiders Grey Clipper arrives and NOW, at long last... a hat I've wanted for almost as long as I can remember... a nice, soft and floppy Raiders fedora complete with a bit of "dust & dirt" even when it's fresh outta the box!

this hat.

Don't want to take it off for some time... even NOW I'm trying to figure out how to go to bed with it on.
Anyway, you guys probably don't care all that much about me singing the praises of a Magnoli HJ... You already know it's a pretty great lid and I know a lot of you have heard it all before, so let's get to the photos.

First of all, I was getting so impatient with waiting for my wife to come and take some snapshots that I finally gave in to the time-honored tradition here at C.O.W. of taking the "Bathroom Mirror Shot" (simply because I couldn't wait to see if this handsome lid looked any good on me.)
And yes, apologies that the shots taken in the kitchen are a little darker than we thought they were when we were taking them... NEXT time outdoors!
I gotta say though, as much as my wife likes me in a fedora ("You just look 'right' in one" she says)... the BEST compliment came from my 9 year old son (he'll be a great Gearhead one day)... he took one look at me with the hat and said "Wow dad, you look exactly like Indy! Now I know what it must be like to be his son... except you should probably change your shirt from that grey one to a light tan one and put on your satchel... with the strap UNDER the jacket!"
Anyway, hope you folks like the shots... I'm definitely feeling the "spirit" of Indy when it's on... DANG fine hat!
All the Best,
Mitch ... 85-1-1.jpg ... 0109-1.jpg ... 0110-1.jpg ... 0111-1.jpg ... 0112-1.jpg
Last edited by Mitch LaRue on Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Librarian »

That is one great hat. Very Indy. Seems like a real floppy brim on it. Must look real dramatic in a windy day.
Now get some better pics! :P

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Post by BendingOak »

Look at what a Great job Steve does with that hat.

Mitch, if it was me I would bring the front pinch down just a little bit. Other than that perfect.
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Post by twilekjedi »

Yeah, I definitely want to see more photos!

And, yes, your son sounds like a Gearhead already. :)
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Post by WhipDude »

Nice hat. I like it. But other then the it me..or do you look like Christian Bale in some photos?
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Post by jasonalun »

Now that you mention it, I agree about the Christian Bale look. Maybe instead of a Fedora, Mitch needs a black cowl... :lol:
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Post by crismans »

It's a really great looking hat, Mitch. And I have to agree with your wife that a fedora really suits you.

I really like the look of these hats and the (more) floppy felt sounds really nice. I wonder if any longer term owners could chime in on how these hats have held up to shrinkage/tapering issues.
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Post by Holt »


that is one nice hat!!
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Post by Weston »

That's a fine hat Mitch! Suits you very well.

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Post by Indiana G »

i never get tired of seeing what an hj is SUPPOSED to look like :lol:.

congrats mitch....your hat collection is getting better and better. i agree with oak, bring that pinch down just a little ;-)


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Post by Tremolo »

Great hat Mitch! And it looks really great on you!
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Post by Jakob Emiliussen »

Nice hat - gratz!
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Post by DR Ulloa »

Thats one of the nicest Mag/AB HJs I've seen...which is to say that is one of the nicest fedoras I've ever seen. It does look really floppy; gotta love that softness. I do agree with Oak and G, though. It looks like the bash popped out some while in transit. Bring the pinch down a pinch ;-) ...I'll go ahead and give myself one of these :roll: ...and it will look even better. Congrats Mitch and Steve, as always, beautiful work.

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Post by Tyderium »

Beautiful hat with a ton of character right out of the box and you wear it well.
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Post by mark seven »

Sweet! :tup:
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks folks, I'm loving the kind words and great tips!
I posted those photos not long before I hit the sack last night and got up this morning hoping there might be two or three replies... WOW! I really appreciate the feedback!

To Oak & Indy G: I agree as well, now that I look at those photos I can see that the pinch isn't nearly as far down as I'd like... I'll work on it and hopefully post a few extra (and OUTDOOR) photos this weekend.

And to WhipDude & jasonalun: Please feel free to "hear" me saying the above words with a deep, growling, raspy "I'm gonna clean the filth from this city's streets" type of vigilante-voice... (It's only fair, it IS the one I use for the first hour after I get up until I've had that first cup of java...)

All the Best folks,
(And keep those comments coming!)
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Post by FordPerfect »

That looks fantastic - Everything I'm hoping mine will be!
Do you mind if I ask when you ordered? My three months is up and I was wondering what kind of turnover these were getting.
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Post by gwyddion »

Great lid Mitch! I guess that when I'll get to ordering mine I will be going for that good old "drinking with a monkey" bash you appear to love so much ;-)

Regards, Geert
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

FordPerfect: This is probably NOT the answer you wanted to hear... but I ordered mine on July 2nd.
(But if it helps to know, it all feels like a blur now... well worth the wait!)

gwyddion: Just remember to follow MY policy... It's all well and good to go drinkin' WITH the monkey as long as the monkey doesn't do any ACTUAL drinking himself!
(Besides, if he does... THEN who's gonna drive me home?)
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Post by jasonalun »

I hear ya about the "morning voice," Mitch - that's about how I sound for the first 30 minutes of each day, too. :(

BTW, I should have added I love the hat, too! Looks great on you. I tell you, I have to get off this board!! Every time someone posts more pictures of an Magnoli HJ or AB I start plotting ways to get one, and I just can't afford it now! :cry: It kills me! ](*,)
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Post by indyrocks »

Beautiful hat Mitch! So glad to see you've finally got it after the long wait. Enjoy it!!

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks 'rocks!
It was a GREAT feeling to finally open that box, reach in, pick it up, flop it onto my head, pull it down snug and then give the brim a gentle pull to the right and watch the pinch "center-up" and the brim warp into that beautiful, all-too-familiar swoop!
:notworthy: (To 3thoubucks)
My wife and son smiled like I'd just done a magic trick! (Or maybe my big, goofy, kid-on-Christmas-morning-smile was contagious...)
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Post by indy89 »

:clap: Awesome lid, Mitch!
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Post by crismans »

Please tell me, long term owners, how these things hold up. :) They look fantastic and I know that Steve helps the felt as much as he can, but I've heard such horror stories about current HJ felt when it comes to tapering and shrinkage.
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Post by Indy Magnoli »

I posted a recent picture of my personal HJ in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=35698

I've been wearing it almost daily for about 21 months so far. It's been caught in several light rains (I try to avoid wearing it in heavy downpours to put off the necessity of a reblock). So far... so good.

Kind regards,
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Post by suburbancomics »

That is a beautiful hat, congrats. I also ordered my HJ/Mags/AB in early July so I hope this is an indication that mine will be arriving soon as well.
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Post by crismans »

Indy Magnoli wrote:I posted a recent picture of my personal HJ in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=35698

I've been wearing it almost daily for about 21 months so far. It's been caught in several light rains (I try to avoid wearing it in heavy downpours to put off the necessity of a reblock). So far... so good.

Kind regards,
Thanks very much for the reply! I saw that thread and that was part of the reason for my wanting one of these. Almost two years and going strong... :-k
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Re: MY TURN! My Magnoli HJ Arrives!

Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

Mitch LaRue wrote:
and NOW, at long last... a hat I've wanted for almost as long as I can remember...

this hat.

That looks like an awesome hat!

It's quite a feeling isn't it? To finally acquire something you've seemingly waited your whole life to find. There's a thing or two that I now own and treasure and probably would never have gotten if it were not for this amazing community, Club Obi Wan.

You know, looking at those pics you would swear that the smile is never going to leave your face!
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Post by agent5 »

Do you think the one side is just a bit too straight? The right side of the top pic looks perfect but the left seems to straight to go along with the right. The crown looks amazing as does the ribbon and ribbon placement. I know some people like the overly dramatic swoop (Pagey is one of them) but is that what you were going for?
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Re: MY TURN! My Magnoli HJ Arrives!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:There's a thing or two that I now own and treasure and probably would never have gotten if it were not for this amazing community, Club Obi Wan.
I couldn't agree more, DCMJ! Club Obi Wan is on my "Tip of My Hat For LIFE" List!
I'd have been lost without all the great help, advice, instruction and (even) conjecture provided by the generous & wiley bunch who inhabit the Ranks of C.O.W.
Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:You know, looking at those pics you would swear that the smile is never going to leave your face!
You're right again "Junior"... I now reserve ALL my frowning and contemplative looks for when the hat is OFF (which AIN'T often)... because I grin' like a big goof every time I've been wear it... at least, so far...
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

agent5 wrote:Do you think the one side is just a bit too straight? The right side of the top pic looks perfect but the left seems to straight to go along with the right. The crown looks amazing as does the ribbon and ribbon placement. I know some people like the overly dramatic swoop (Pagey is one of them) but is that what you were going for?
I agree, 5... or at least, I agree that it DOES look pretty straight on the one side in THOSE photos - which WERE the first photos (and WERE taken all of 20 minutes after it was out of the box)... but in the last couple of days it's has some time to "relax" a bit and settle in, if you will...
Just like other owners have said, the more you wear it and the more "daylight" it sees (read: gets out of the box / off the hat stand) the BETTER it keeps getting...
Heck, I can already see THAT happening after only TWO days!
As for liking the "swoop" though...
I plead 100% guilty - and smilin' - when it comes to THAT!
All the Best,
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Post by Indiana G »

agent5 wrote:Do you think the one side is just a bit too straight? The right side of the top pic looks perfect but the left seems to straight to go along with the right. The crown looks amazing as does the ribbon and ribbon placement. I know some people like the overly dramatic swoop (Pagey is one of them) but is that what you were going for?
a little trick in getting the straightness out of the non-bow side.....take your hat off and hold it at your chest with the liner facing out....kinda like how you take your hat off for a lady (...but liner facing out). with your fingers, push the front brim down while squishing the sides of the brim inward (looks like you're trying to crush the hat). the straight part should kink up a little.

you can also do this after you hit the entire front half of the brim with steam (stay away from the crown as much as you can). i know the felt is extremely floppy on IMHJ so perhaps use distilled water instead of steam at first. steam and water is for immediate results. if you do it dry, it will get that straightness out over time. :)....which i recommend for others. as for me, i am a victim of my own impatience :lol:
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Post by bigrex »

Here's one of the photos lightened up, looking good.

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Post by knibs7 »

that is a rockin' 'stache you got goin there!! The hat looks great!

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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks for the assist there, bigrex... that made for a much better look at the hat!
And now that we've finally had a day of sunshine (after about a WEEK of rain followed by light snow overnight) it ALSO motivated me to finally get the new camera and my wife back outdoors for a few "natural light" shots.
I also slapped the Wested onto my back a posted a few shots with it and the Mag HJ over in the Jackets Forum, if anyon'es interested in how well they match-up in exterior light... or just for the sake of seeing a few extra shots.
Hope you like 'em folks... more comments (criticisms, etc...) are welcome.
All the Best,






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Post by BendingOak »

Great shot mitch and hats like you a great deal. One thing, if you dont mind me saying. the crease on the non bow side is a tad to far back. Other than that perfect.
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

First of all, Oak, I DON'T mind you saying so... In fact, the minute I read that, I took off the hat and gently "pushed back" the crease on the non bow side a bit.
As pretty much ANYONE here who knows you might expect... your advice was right on the mark, and as a result, this fedora just got a bit better.
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Post by Indiana G »

mitch, i think you could wear a tapered DP and still make it look good. you've got one of those head shapes and attributes that just compliment any hat.

your IMHJ seems to be growing with you and getting more character everyday. congrats and wear in good health.
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks man, I'm gonna do exactly THAT.
But make no mistake, even WITH this beauty, I STILL alternate with the Penman Grey... I'm doing my best to keep any fedora I own in healthy rotation...
Who knows, G... maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to include one of your fine creations into that All-Star Roster.
Cheers pal.
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