This is going to be a quick post despite the fact that there's a LOT I'd like to say in the way of praise for Steve's great work and thanks to both Steve and Magnoli for the hat that now sits on my head... but I want to pop in these photos and POST 'em!
I've had a VERY LUCKY last couple of weeks...
First my AMAZING Penman Raiders Grey Clipper arrives and NOW, at long last... a hat I've wanted for almost as long as I can remember... a nice, soft and floppy Raiders fedora complete with a bit of "dust & dirt" even when it's fresh outta the box!
this hat.
Don't want to take it off for some time... even NOW I'm trying to figure out how to go to bed with it on.
Anyway, you guys probably don't care all that much about me singing the praises of a Magnoli HJ... You already know it's a pretty great lid and I know a lot of you have heard it all before, so let's get to the photos.
First of all, I was getting so impatient with waiting for my wife to come and take some snapshots that I finally gave in to the time-honored tradition here at C.O.W. of taking the "Bathroom Mirror Shot" (simply because I couldn't wait to see if this handsome lid looked any good on me.)
And yes, apologies that the shots taken in the kitchen are a little darker than we thought they were when we were taking them... NEXT time outdoors!
I gotta say though, as much as my wife likes me in a fedora ("You just look 'right' in one" she says)... the BEST compliment came from my 9 year old son (he'll be a great Gearhead one day)... he took one look at me with the hat and said "Wow dad, you look exactly like Indy! Now I know what it must be like to be his son... except you should probably change your shirt from that grey one to a light tan one and put on your satchel... with the strap UNDER the jacket!"

Anyway, hope you folks like the shots... I'm definitely feeling the "spirit" of Indy when it's on... DANG fine hat!
All the Best,
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 85-1-1.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 0109-1.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 0110-1.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 0111-1.jpg
http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e38/M ... 0112-1.jpg