Too me it's comparable to buying pre-distressed clothes. I've paid more for jeans in the past due to the intentional rips, patches and stitches added during production to give them character, and that lived in look. Also similar in fashion, are our Tony Nowak jackets which came pre-distressed with adventure scars... this detailing - makes the jacket - in my opinion.
What I wanted to know more specifically is,
has anyone had Steve dress their hat before shipping? I figured it would give him another opportunity to add some more of his creative touches and magic to the hat. These hats are a work of art, and I have a feeling that my inner-child will glow even brighter if I open that box to a hat that looks like THE hat...
Mr. Delk e-mailed me back today claiming my hat will be finished this month... So maybe not by my birthday on the 11th as I had hoped - but at least by New Years! He also mentioned in his e-mail that he would "FE" the hat for me prior to shipping... I can't believe nobody else has had him do this! I don't mean cover the hat in cob webs, or drag it under a truck... All I'm saying is - Won't having the craftsman himself finish off the hat with a bit of 'movie magic,' make it that much more special?
So excited for this hat... I feel so lame - and my girlfriend is gonna kill me if I bring it up once more.