When do you think my Fed IV might get here?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Cammer »

Your hat has apparently decided that it doesn't need a person to have some adventures! Too bad for you that your hat has a mind of it's own. It might have developed sentience.

Check inside the band for an inscription when you finally recieve it. Something like "One hat to rule them all, one hat to find them, etc..." If you find yourself unable to stop wearing your hat or referring to it as "My preshusss..." Or if you suddenly start thinking that a vacation to the summit of a nearby volcano sounds like a good time, I would be concerned.

Hmmm.... The Hobbit was published in 1937, ROTLA was set in 1936. Your hat was ordered on the 21st, The Hobbit was published on the 21st. Four books - four movies... coincidence? :-k
Last edited by Cammer on Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Interesting conspiracy theory, Cammer... :-k

Mind you, I've already been to that volcano, but without the hat though...

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Post by Cammer »

I'm just looking forward to seeing a posting where your avatar isn't showing that straw hat anymore! :lol:

BTW - Mt.Doom looks beautiful this time of year.
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

What's wrong with my straw hat? :shock:

I might be a big Indiana Jones fan, but I still knew better than to wear a fedora and a leather jacket in Egypt in august...

Yikes, blasphemy... :twisted:
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Post by Michaelson »

Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Director of the Giza Pyramids Excavation wears a wool felt fedora on his digs. :[ ;-)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Cammer wrote:BTW - Mt.Doom looks beautiful this time of year.
Yeah, it's pretty cool that in the lower right hand corner of the photo you can see the eagle's wing, too.

In all seriousness though, Joosse...as someone who's been watching from the sidelines while your story has unfolded, I'm gonna breathe a real sigh of relief once you actually GET your hat...
AND (like Cammer said - and beat me to the line) I can't wait to see a new avatar without the straw hat in it!
Hopefully this little saga is entering the home-stretch.
All the Best,
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Post by Cammer »

Indiana Joosse wrote:What's wrong with my straw hat? :shock:

I might be a big Indiana Jones fan, but I still knew better than to wear a fedora and a leather jacket in Egypt in august...

Yikes, blasphemy... :twisted:
Easy there, nothing is wrong with the straw hat. It's just that once we can see you with a nice brown felt hat on we will know to a high degree of confidence that your quest is over. It will be a good thing!

But if you think it's blasphemy to wear a felt fedora in Egypt in August then you and Indy need to have a chat! He might feel differently about that. :mrgreen:
Mitch LaRue wrote:Yeah, it's pretty cool that in the lower right hand corner of the photo you can see the eagle's wing, too.
Good catch there Mitch! :tup:
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Thanks for the support guys... :)

And Cammer, I was saying that me posting on Club Obi Wan that it is not a good idea to wear a fedora and a leather jacket was blasphemy... :[
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Post by gwyddion »

Cammer wrote:
Indiana Joosse wrote:What's wrong with my straw hat? :shock:

I might be a big Indiana Jones fan, but I still knew better than to wear a fedora and a leather jacket in Egypt in august...

Yikes, blasphemy... :twisted:
Easy there, nothing is wrong with the straw hat. It's just that once we can see you with a nice brown felt hat on we will know to a high degree of confidence that your quest is over. It will be a good thing!

But if you think it's blasphemy to wear a felt fedora in Egypt in August then you and Indy need to have a chat! He might feel differently about that. :mrgreen:

:lol: I think he meant it was basphemy to say that he knew better than to wear a felt fedora and a leather jacket when he was there, not that it would be blasphemy to wear them ;-)

EDIT: gee, I must realy learn to type faster: this is the 4th time this week :o

Regards, Geert
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Post by Cammer »

Indiana Joosse wrote:Thanks for the support guys... :)

And Cammer, I was saying that me posting on Club Obi Wan that it is not a good idea to wear a fedora and a leather jacket was blasphemy... :[
Ah okay. I misread it. I was getting worried about you for a minute. Everyone knows that wearing a fedora and a leather jacket is so COOL that you can wear them anywhere, from the desert to a hot steamy jungle.

I really need to figure out a way to talk my wife into thinking that a trip to Egypt would be a GREAT idea. I could get some great Cairo street scene pics. Of course it would look different now than it did back in 1981, not as many Nazis there nowadays... (vague dry humor warning!)
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Hey, no sweat...

Unlike what you would get from wearing the leather jacket there :-

I really recommend visiting Egypt. It is a beautifull place with lots of great wonders to visit.

But you are aware of the fact that Cairo looks nothing like what it looks like in Raiders, as that was shot in Tunesia :[

This is what Cairo looks like these days:


Then again, it's not that different.... :[
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Cairo is juuuussst starting to look like downtown L.A. in Blade Runner...

(Note to self: If I ever get there, maybe more sensible to bring my Deckard Trench Coat than my Wested Raiders...)
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Post by Kokopelli »

Cammer wrote:
My wife loves Wicked Weasel bikinis ...
I wanna see your vacation pics!

Oh, uh, Akubra!
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Well, no hat yet. :cry:

But I did get a message from Jenny at Hatsdirect. They will be sending me a replacement hat via EMS Courier on monday.

Even though I still don't have my hat yet, I have to say that the customer service at Hatsdirect is outstanding!

From monday it should take 3-4 days before it gets here.
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Post by twilekjedi »

That's cool about the replacement. Let's hope customs is easier on express delivery shipments than they are on the regular mail. I'll have to say, you have the patience of a saint, but your experience does show that HatsDirect's customer service is commendable.

You do know that your Akubra photos are going to be some of the most anticipated Akubra pics on this forum, though, right? ;-) No pressure! :lol:
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

twilekjedi wrote: You do know that your Akubra photos are going to be some of the most anticipated Akubra pics on this forum, though, right? ;-) No pressure! :lol:
Did I mention that I don't have a camera?

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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Same old story...

Well, almost anyway.

Acciording to the tracking, the hat arrived in the Netherlands at 11.00 yesterday. So I spent all day waiting in anticipation, holding my breath (wich I gave up after five minutes, because that wasn't working), dreaming of how great this hat would be...

But to no avail. :(

No hat here yet.....
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

And again...

Still no hat.... :cry:
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Post by twilekjedi »

Wow, the Netherlands must have some super-strict customs officers. Well, at least your country may be a lot safer than the U.S.! Having said that, I can't see how much of a threat to security a Fed IV would be.

So the saga continues.... :?
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Post by gwyddion »

Probably the non-arival of the hat today was just the same old "we, the Dutch postal workers, refuse to do serious deliverywork on mondays due to still having a hangover" ;-) I have ordered tons of stuff from abroad over the past 2 years an none of it arrived on monday.

I'm pretty sure you'll have it by 1PM. If not, probably somwhere this week (in case the customs people were at the same party as the postalworkers were ;-) )

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Joosse »


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

A package arrived today....


With "Merry Christmas from Australia" on it....


And it had the long expected hat in it!


Now if I can only get the bash right.... :-k
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Post by twilekjedi »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Thanks Twilekjedi. :)

Funny enough, the original hat came in today. As per request from hatsdirect I sent that one back to sender.

The difference is also that on the replacement (wich came here yesterday) I didn't have to pay any taxes, while on this one I would have had to pay 28 euro's. :roll:

So for anybody from Holland out there thinking of ordering a Fed 4, you might want to consider EMS shipping. It may actually save you money in the end... :-k
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Post by Wolfwood »

How is the bash coming along, Joosse?

I'm also hoping to get my Deluxe before Christmas. My order was confirmed on the 19th of November and was sent that same day, so it should, by all means, arrive here on time. But, given the delays some others are experiencing, and the Christmas season, I'm beginning to feel worried...
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Post by Mitch LaRue »

Can't wait to see that lid on your noggin'!
And don't feel as though it has to be just "perfect" (whatever THAT means) before you show it to us, Indiana Joosse...
Heck, do the best you can, pop it onto your head, get a few snapshots taken, post 'em here and then wait for feedback and instruction from the gallery!
CONGRATS, though!
Glad your waiting is over!
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Post by Wolfwood »

My wait ended up being pretty tolerable. Ordered on the 19th Nov and arrived today!

Came home for my lunch and saw a note from the Customs. Unsurprisingly, my lunch hour consequently stretched a bit, as I had to go and get the hat immediately.

Fitting with the season, the package came with a nice note, similar to what Joosse showed above:


And the hat itself was without a fault:


Now, I'm also onto learning about how to make a perfect bash... :-k
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Post by gwyddion »

Hey Joosse, congrats on finaly getting your Fed IV!

It seems that after playing with the first one for a few weeks customs got tired of them and sent them along, doesn't it? :lol:

Wear it in good health buddy!

Regards, Geert
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Post by gwyddion »

Wolfwood, bashing isn't that hard, so don't sweat. There's a great tutorial floating around (of wich I have a copy on my hard-drive) and people here are always ready to help you perfect it when nescesarry.

Regards, Geert
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

Just to let everybody know, I was hit by a tax bill for the Fed yesterday. That adds another 37 euro's to the price. :(

Still love the hat though...
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Post by Wolfwood »

The taxes only hit me for an extra 23.46€. I'm surprised that some things actually come cheaper in Finland... :shock:
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